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Motorcycle_Capitalist 3 Jul 2018 18:58


Originally Posted by mollydog (Post 586377)
Wow, looks like you're getting your KLR into some nice nasty stuff! bier

Do be aware that August/September are "typically" the heaviest time for Rainy
Season in Southern Mexico and Cent. America. Of course, this can vary year to year...

(Guatemala: Land of Internal Spring)

Very good to know Mollydog! Though I don't expect to be arrive in Central America that quickly. While I'm departing Aug/Sep I expect I'll be meandering thru the States and plan to spend some time in Baja. Might not arrive in Belize/Guatamala until December/January maybe?

Fortunately I have a lot of flexibility, my only requirements are a) I have some form of internet connection most of the time and b) that I am not in Canada during the winter. So I'll need to burn off about 6 or 7 months minimum if I wanted to be back in the Spring. As long as I can connect to the internet along the way to keep business in order and running I ought to be good to indefinitely.

I returned from ~6 months in Colombia this March but I flew in and rented down there. This'll be my first proper overland trip :scooter:

mollydog 3 Jul 2018 19:04

Perfect! Man, I'm envious!
Baja gets HOT up until mid to late October, but very low to zero humidity ... so dry heat.

Once on Mainland Mexico, in sub tropical coastal lowlands, and into Cent. America, November can be very nice, in my experience.

The Caribe side (like Belize) get cooling breezes, NICE!

It is also hurricane season ... so keep an eye out.

Ride Safe, have fun, Rubber Side Down! :scooter:

Husqvarna 701 4 Jul 2018 11:46

Molly Dog nailed the Guatemalan climate.
If I push it, I can ride coast to coast in one day. Many North Americans live in Antigua or the many towns around Lake Atitlan for the "eternal spring".
I was quite cold and damp as I road in the clouds on one ride, only to be peeling off layers an hour later as I descended toward Monterrico. For such a small country, the rides are always interesting. One of the reasons I'm loving Guatemala so much.

Motorcycle_Capitalist, LongLong, hope we can do some miles together

Meandering Motorbiker 12 Jul 2018 21:33

Hello 701, I'm currently in Anchorage heading to Prudhoe then down to Argentina. I'm also looking at heading for Moab and Baja. No route decided on yet. I'd be happy to ride some of the route with you! I'm flexible on time but I may be a little in front of you. Happy trails!!

Husqvarna 701 13 Jul 2018 16:40

Hi Meandering Motorbiker
I will keep posting my whereabouts when I leave and perhaps we can do some miles together.
I am off in a couple of days to Timmons with a buddy. Apparently there is this "off the asphalt road he needs to explore.
A good shakedown now the the bike is all farkled and ready to go. 2000 km round trip.
Those interested in some 701 stats.
I bought the Rade Garage fairing and extra fuel tank then filled them both. Tanks I mean. Found out I have a range of 420 km/ 260 miles @ 53 miles per US gallon.

MM..... keep in touch and safe travels

Meandering Motorbiker 14 Jul 2018 22:42

Hello 701,

I'm heading up to Dead horse on Monday. I'll keep my eyes open and hopefully see you out there somewhere! With a range like yours now has you should have no trouble on the longer stretches of wilderness!

Happy trails!

Husqvarna 701 26 Jul 2018 13:13

So it turns out my buddy spent the first 15 years of his life growing up in a small but beautiful northern Ontario town. There was this gravel road heading out of town towards Timmons. As a kid he just always "wondered"? So after looking for his mother's head stone, chatting with some locals, grabbing a coffee we head off. It was now a gravel logging road in the middle of the Canadian wilderness. In the middle of the 180 kms the road was out. We were able to "go around " on the bikes but it explained why we saw no other vehicles. Then, coming at us in a pick-up was the natural resource/game warden waving his arms. He was pretty surprised to see us in the middle of nowhere but COMPLETELY understood when we told him we were on our way to Timmons to see Shania Twain!
He just wanted to be sure we were aware of the NO FIRE ban. There were fires burning in areas around us and he didn't want this area to be next.
I was a little disappointed in my Montana on this trip. The road we took ONLY appeared at one zoom setting and gave up on me a number of times. The screen would go blank and it would shut down. One time, as the road turned left, it showed me continuing straight to nowhere?
It works flawlessly on the slab but I was happy I had downloaded off line maps on my phone as well. I have since become aware that perhaps another card with "back roads" might be the answer. SLOWLY learning a few more features of the device.
Bike has been flawless so far. It's humbling to be riding such a capable machine knowing I am not the guy that can push it anywhere near the limit.
My time in Ontario visiting family and friends seems to be flying by. Sept. is just around the corner and it will be time to head south. Friends in Colorado are looking forward to our visit.

mollydog 26 Jul 2018 19:58

Thanks for posting this update. Very cool!

Good to hear the Husky is doing well. Hope the Montana learning curve improves.
I'd be sunk if this happened.

Riel 28 Jul 2018 19:23


Originally Posted by Husqvarna 701 (Post 586165)
Time is ticking........ leaving Toronto first week of Sept and heading to Colorado and then Utah........... still looking for a riding buddy. Who's interested?

Hi Rick,

Sent you a PM to potentially coordinate ride time South this Fall.




Husqvarna 701 7 Aug 2018 01:32

So what are you sleeping on?
I already had one of those self inflating mattresses that are about one inch think. You all know the type. They're better than nothing of course but the ground can still be felt. I wanted more comfort so after much YouTubing and reading reviews I made my decision. In April I ordered a Helinox Cot that was on back order and I waited. Figuring I would put the one inch self inflating on top for a plush sleep. Hey, I'm not back packing so figured why not. And I waited......... and waited.......... and waited! After a couple of calls and no cot in sight I gave up on the Helinox. Some more review reading and I thought perhaps the latest generation Therma Rest cot might fit the bill. Off to MEC I went. That's Canadian for REI. Anyway, was I ever disappointed! Testing in the store convinced me this approach was not the answer. A nice lady canoeist that watched me said she had returned hers. She also was less than impressed. So, after looking around at what else was available I spotted this FOUR INCH SELF INFLATING!! It's not just air but foam filled as well. Tossed it on the floor and gave it a whirl. Wow! It felt plush. No bottoming out of butt, hips or even elbows.
I thought it was a little pricey but couldn't get over the comfort! MEC has their own version but in the end I went with the Therma Rest MondoKing 3D large. Rolled up in its bag it is only a smidge larger than the one inch self inflater which is now staying at home. It's only a month now before I head out. Things are coming together. I think I'll be sleeping in comfort.

Husqvarna 701 19 Aug 2018 13:41

It's tongue in cheek ladies. I don't mean to offend anyone but when the beautiful 160 lb woman walks out of the dress store and tells us she just bought a lovely dress in a size 5 that looks great on her well............
We all know it's a marketing ploy to make her feel good about herself and you know what....... that's ok but seriously..........
Yesterday was a BIG day for me. If you ask my wife, a day long over due! You see, for the most part, men don't care if those underwear have elastics that are coming apart or a small hole in them here or.....THERE. I bought a half dozen of my favourite boxers years and years ago and they have served me well but.............. the time had come. My wife is a runner and she knows all about that moisture wicking stuff. For my ride back to Guatemala in some pretty hot conditions I too felt it was time.
So off to Mark's Work Warehouse we go. Unknown to me my wife had already been talking with the guy a few days before and knew JUST WHAT I NEEDED.
Micro fiber, moisture wicking anti-bacterial ........................BASE LAYER!!!!!
Really.......REALLY!!!!! Apparently UNDERWEAR are just SO YESTERDAY!
To demonstrate how long it's been since I've purchased new boxers at Walmart I ALMOST went into cardiac arrest when I saw the $25 price tag for one pair....... 1, just ONE!!!!!!
And now the marketing. I am a size 37 waist and have been for years. Depending on the brand of pants or shorts I buy either a 36 or 38.
But NOT UNDEARWEAR!!! A size large on the package says for waist size 38 -40. My wife bought me a nice pair a few months ago in a size large and they are just too tight.
The lady salesperson says her husband has noticed the same thing. She says to ignore what the package says and buy what you have discovered works for you.
Oh......... and by the way, it's NOT a coincidence I've used the word package all those times!!
Talk about right place right time. I bought three pair because they were on sale at half price!
I get home and I put on a pair of my new micro fiber, moister wicking, anti-bacterial EXTRA LARGE BASE LAYER boxers and my wife was smiling.
In fact, she winked AND whistled.
I'm hoping they will be comfy on my ride back BUT what's really important is that when I wear them I feel so..........so.........

Motorcycle_Capitalist 19 Aug 2018 14:20

Hahaha well I guess you're set! Now there's nothing holding you back!

Husqvarna 701 21 Aug 2018 23:46

I've been doing a lot of reminising lately. The fact that I'm 65. The fact that I have had a wonderful visit back to my home town and an incredible meeting with friends I haven't seen in many decades. OMG, one friend had a picture of our grade eight graduation!!! Hilarious. Sadly, in a class of 20, 4 are already gone.
We take so much for granted at times.
To bring this back to an HU posting.
People we miss or take for granted.
I think I'm seeing the end of an era. While growing up there was this shoe repair shop. For me personally it was where I took my baseball glove and hockey equipment to be mended. Big machines, big needles! He passed the business off to his son Mike. As I discovered just the other day, Mike is no spring chicken. There is also no one stepping up when he is gone.
I bought the Mosko R40 for my bike. I really do love how it "fits" the 701. The R80 has the hole in the back for the fuel fill, the R40 does not. Fueling is a bit of an ordeal. Not a deal breaker but it was getting a little old.
Then I remembered Mike. I took the luggage to the son of a shoe repair man who was now an accomplished tradesman. I can do that he says.
So today I picked up my custom modified Mosko R40. He did a GREAT job putting a hole in the fuel fill location. Looks like it came from the factory and still functions perfectly. Thanks Mike.
A person I take for granted that will be missed.

JoePalma 25 Aug 2018 14:30

Husqvarna 701, I’m looking at similar mods (fairing and aux tank) on my Enduro R. Sent you a PM regarding that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

manray 26 Aug 2018 01:04


Originally Posted by Husqvarna 701 (Post 586165)
Cars, airplanes, boats, bikes, tires!!! So many choices, so little time!! Riel mentioned earlier that he felt his 701 was about as close to the do it all bike as you can get. I'm feeling it! My new ( to me ) 701 just keeps me grinning. Before I made the call though Long Long I was thinking hard about dual sporting a 500. If I owned a 500, as you do................
Tires.......... My 701 came with tkc 80's. I was VERY pleasantly surprised! I asked at the dealership if the wheels were balanced and they said no. They also said to not waste my money and ride it first. In their dealership experience nobody has ever needed balancing. I was skeptical but off I went. 140 kph highway passing is rock solid, confidence inspiring in the twisted. The price seems reasonable comparatively speaking but as we all know there is no magic bullet in tires. These are a soft compound which keep me happy grip wise but its looking like a new back will be needed around 4500 km. Having been happy so far I am reluctant to go on a fishing trip in the new tire department. I have a new Conti rear coming in a couple of days that I will swap out before heading to Timmons with my buddy in a couple of weeks. For my trip south to the Baja I was figuring I would be putting on new rubber State side just before crossing ( as well as others in between I know ). My very limited experience of mainland Mexico tells me getting a new tire shouldn't be too difficult with a little planning. Finished mounting my new Montana. Received the North American city SD and installed that. Trial run looks good but as Long Long said I was also a little disappointed it doesn't have Bluetooth. Oh well, I plugged into the audio out with my ear buds and all is good. It's how I'm used to rolling anyway. In my research many people speak of open street map. Then someone mentioned MapsMe which I am accustomed to, stating that open street is what that app uses. To me, perfect. I will load MapsMe on my smart phone as my plan B backup.
Time is ticking........ leaving Toronto first week of Sept and heading to Colorado and then Utah........... still looking for a riding buddy. Who's interested?

I'm leaving Toronto after October 10. PM me if you can delay your departure. Safe travels.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 21:16.
