Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Travellers Seeking Travellers (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/)
-   -   Female partner wanted for overlanding / travel / adventures / life? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/travellers-seeking-travellers/female-partner-wanted-overlanding-travel-89211)

LAZ 1 8 Oct 2016 21:14

Female partner wanted for overlanding / travel / adventures / life?
As a Retired Gentleman of Leisure and part time SNOBIRD, I am preparing to head South for the Winter again. I will be leaving Vancouver Island, Canada sometime in October. Planned destinations for this trip include the US West Coast, some Southern states, Mexico, and Belize. With a possible drive to investigate Costa Rica as a bonus? The itinerary is NOT set in stone … spontaneity and serendipity are the guiding navigational principles.

I am seeking a FEMALE PARTNER for travel, adventures, and possibly FOR LIFE! She will be adventurous, affectionate, attractive, self reliant, spontaneous, and sensual. She knows how to pack light, and she usually has a bag packed and ready to go … just sitting there waiting for an excuse. She must be ready to travel …. NOW!!! She will probably have owned a VW Westphalia at some time in her life … and remembers all the quirky things about it fondly. But mostly, she will be ready for a PARTNERSHIP, based on respect, great communication, HUMOUR, exploring, learning, sharing, and living in the moment. Military, medical, or police experience an asset, and previous experience at exploring remote locations by bike, backpack, motorcycle, and overlanding get bonus points.

A well seasoned real life human version of XENA the Warrior Princess would be perfect … but I already have a four legged furry version. So “MUST LOVE DOGS”, and the ability to be the “ALPHA BITCH” is highly desirable. (;-{)

XENA the Warrior Princess … 75 lbs of LOVE … and GERMAN ATTITUDE!

For the next few months I will mostly be living out of my AWD SAFARI Micro Motorhome. This GO-Almost-Anywhere unit will serve as “the Mothership” for transport to various exotic locations, where bicycle and backpack can take over for short term local explorations. While I have decades of experience at “Adventure Touring” with a backpack, bicycle or motorcycle, the SAFARI AWD Micro Motorhome provides much more COMFORT and SECURITY, and sleeping inside, warm and dry, on a 4” thick memory foam mattress, suits me better these days than “roughing it” in a tent .. in the rain … with jungle critters prowling around outside.


My hand built/custom/D.I.Y. AWD SAFARI Micro Motorhome / Class "C", has a full sized bed, lots of storage space, with propane stove, water system, and porta potti. This Micro M/H is bigger than most of the many other camperised vans that I have owned and travelled in for the last few decades. But it is still compact enough, and light enough, and it has AWD, so I can bounce down “the road less travelled” looking for remote and isolated camping spots. Enjoying the journey as much as any specific destinations.

If this crazy, rambling, Gypsy life style sounds appealing, both as a Winter / Snobird escape, and possibly for the long term, then respond.
I can send more info and pictures.
“Fortune favors the Brave”. (;-{)

Larry Z

Glennn1234 8 Oct 2016 22:10

Appropriate ?
Seems to me you should be posting on a "dateing" place ! NOT here as it just does not seem appropriate to me anyway !

Tony LEE 8 Oct 2016 22:52

Viva la difference and no harm done anyway as it is in the correct forum.

But we have seen the dog and the RV, but no photo of the principle attraction.

xfiltrate 9 Oct 2016 00:38

For LAZ 1 and others...
I am with Tony Lee regarding appropriateness of post. Not only that I have some hard won advice for all who are seeking "pardners"..... I live in the southwest part of each two years..., so the spelling is correct:

What to look for in a woman who travels
1. Communication: is her rhythm of communication similar to yours?
People process (inflow and out flow communication) at different speeds,
perhaps the greatest cause of frustration and "divorce" is when two people
in an intimate realtionship have very different rhythms of communication.
Those who inflow and outflow slowly are no less intelligent or able than those
who process quickly, but select a mate with a rhythm of communication similar to yours. Life and your realtionship will be much more fun.

2. Agreements: verify a potential mate can make and KEEP agreements. We are all, well, mostly all good people, so if we make an agreement with a lover/partner and then break that agreement, we justify this afront by discovering or inventing her/his mistakes or short commings. This only to jutify the breaking of an agreeent.

3.Experience: the old ledgend that "opposites attract" is incomplete. It should read, "opposites attract divorce." Make sure she has similar experience levels to yours. Steve 974 describes a woman who travels like him and he is a happy man. If you have battled your way through to post graduate degrees, hooking up with a high school drop out, with very notable exceptions - like true genius - probably won't work. Because you are reading here, you ride or will be riding motorcycles, so select a woman who rides or wants to learn to ride - pillion or pilot. Steve 974 in previous post really shines a positive light on levels of experience.

4. Emotions: wanted or not, we all exhibit emotions, this is part of being human, we share an emotional facade hopefully appropriate for each situation. Anger, when appropriate, fear, when appropriate etc etc... but each of us has an emotion that we hang out in more often than all the others. Let's say you are pretty much
bored all the time, then select a woman who is also pretty much bored all the time and you two will see the world through the curtain of boredom. Or, better select a woman who is interested in everything, - this is a better emotion than boredom and she will help you out of your boredom. What not to do is - if you are chronically interested in life is to hook up with a woman who is chronically in grief over some past pain, etc. ect. ect.

True example: years ago when I lived in Flagstaff, Arizona, I went into the Museum Club bar commonly called the "Zoo Club" - I was very attracted to a barmaid who worked behind the bar. I sat at the bar next to an older cowboy, complete with cowboy hat, boots, western shirt and I suspected he was carrying.
Not long after, I heard the cowboy speaking to the barmaid in very anger tones, explaining how "pissed off" he was with his wife and at his boss and that his kids were worthless, at that moment a middle aged woman burst through the door and clobbered him in the cowboy hat with her purse. She knocked him off his barstool and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and hauled him out the door.
I was shocked, but my favorite barmaid learned over the bar and said, "don't worry about it, that happens all the time - they have been married 25 years, have 4 kids and will never divorce - you see, they are both very angry people and they understand each other. It is the bad boys who marry the good girls that get divorced. And, the good boys who marry the bad girls get divorced. But I have never heard of a good boy who married a good girl or a bad boy who marries a bad girl getting divorced."
I was astounded by this simple wisdom shared at the "Zoo Club" bar in Flagstaff, Arizona.

5. Comparable magnitude: Each of us have a soul. We are endowed with a big soul or little soul the difference is simple. The big souls have the philosophy that they will survive and help other survive even if they have to drag them along the the way. The little souls see anyone else's survival as a threat to their survival and covertly or overtly try to destroy others, physically or psychologically.
The very obvious message here is if you have a big soul, don't travel with anyone who has a very little soul.

Oh, this is also, my, and others advice for woman selecting men to travel or hook up with on a more permanent basis.

Ride hard, ride free

rosa del desierto and I are once again at our ranch in Flagstaff, stop by.

LAZ 1 9 Oct 2016 03:39

Great advice from Mr X on picking a travel partner ...
I will, however respectfully disagree regarding the missing picture of myself aka "the main attraction".

For an intelligent, mature, well seasoned travellin gal, such as I am seeking, the main attractions ( and/or the deal breakers) might just be the wheels and the dog. My looks are "adequate", but my "inner beauty" is probably much more important and relevent.

I am reminded of one of the oldest jokes about internet dating.

WANTED: Female fishing partner.
Must be able to bait her own hook,
Clean her own fish,
And be a great cook.
Send picture of boat.

markharf 9 Oct 2016 03:56

Your original post includes a requirement that the woman in question be "attractive." Seems reasonable to expect that you'd willingly share regarding your own attributes in that arena. In fact, you might also want to provide assurance of your "affectionate...self reliant, spontaneous, and sensual" qualities as well.

LAZ 1 9 Oct 2016 07:49


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 548837)
Your original post includes a requirement that the woman in question be "attractive." Seems reasonable to expect that you'd willingly share regarding your own attributes in that arena. In fact, you might also want to provide assurance of your "affectionate...self reliant, spontaneous, and sensual" qualities as well.

No problems there ..
I qualify readily for all of the above ...
And I am modest too.

A picture of the package is not an indicator of the value within.
This we learn with age and experience.

baluchiman 10 Oct 2016 16:13

Crikey - this site has changed since I first started. This aint a bleedin dating site you know. What the hell is an 'ALPHA BITCH'?? and sensual, please.

LAZ 1 11 Oct 2016 04:38

Not looking for a "date" ...
looking for a travelling partner.
Specificaly for a Winter/Snobird trip to Mexico, Belize, and possibly Costa Rica.
This is after all the "Travellers Seeking Travellers" section.

And an "alpha bitch" is the lead female in a pack. Any one with experience with dogs or Wolves knows that this is the correct technical term.

Since I have a 75 lb female German Shepherd, who is a " mobile organic alarm system" and trained in protection, experience as a self confident leader of men AND dogs would be an asset in anyone who gets into my van, male or female.

Simple, Eh?

*Touring Ted* 11 Oct 2016 08:07

Sounds like you should be riding in Thailand....


Glennn1234 11 Oct 2016 15:04

U probably will B looking a LONG time !
Really Laz1 I hope you find your Female traveler.........

But........really you think a female is going to take off with a stranger, go to foreign lands totally relying on you for pretty much everything !
Traveling with people you know or close friends on a trip like that is taxing enough with someone you know and trust ! Spending 24/7 with someone is NOT easy as anyone who has done so would know.......however those of us who have done so here most likely have done this knowing they have there own motorcycle and can go there own way if they must !

I personally think you are wasting electronic cyberspace with your fantasy

backofbeyond 11 Oct 2016 15:44


Originally Posted by Glennn1234 (Post 548966)

I personally think you are wasting electronic cyberspace with your fantasy

Well it's not as if we're short of it :rofl:

Laz's post amused me anyway and got me reflecting on all the female travel partners I've been on trips with over the decades

These days I usually travel alone .... :rofl:

ChrisFS 11 Oct 2016 18:16


Originally Posted by backofbeyond (Post 548972)
Laz's post amused me
These days I usually travel alone .... :rofl:

Likewise backofbeyond bier

For goodness sake, leave LAZ alone. Some of you are great experts in what's right for him and everyone else. Focus on your own goals and ambitions and stop feckin interfering with the hopes and plans of others.

For the record.........GOOD ON YOU LAZ, I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for :D:D

TheWarden 11 Oct 2016 20:09

Well said as normal Chris

Glennn1234 12 Oct 2016 00:29

My advice is of the general nature .........

Which is mature sound advice.........

Not advisable to go galavanting around world being totally dependent upon a stranger !!

Not a good idea EVER !!

Has nothing really with Laz 1

I doubt many women would disagree!

Then again he may find his Attractive Female with this post..........stranger things have happened !

I would bet a dollar to a donut he gets zero responses, other than replys like all above.......

O.K. I am off my soapbox and there is no need to waist any more time on this

Good luck Laz1

Lonerider 12 Oct 2016 02:43


Originally Posted by ChrisFS (Post 548981)
Likewise backofbeyond bier

For goodness sake, leave LAZ alone. Some of you are great experts in what's right for him and everyone else. Focus on your own goals and ambitions and stop feckin interfering with the hopes and plans of others.

For the record.........GOOD ON YOU LAZ, I sincerely hope you find what you're looking for :D:D

Well said

xfiltrate 12 Oct 2016 03:14

I tend to agree with ChrisFS and Lonerider with he exception that I think LAZ 1 is reaching out and should be acknowledged, he has not over reached and seems to be laying back to see anyone wants to be his friend.

LAZ 1 - you are certainly welcome to visit rosa del desierto and I at our ranch in Arizona. In the past hundreds of returned Peace Corps volunteers have passed through my ranch. More than half were single women. Women who served 2 years working in a 3rd world country after surviving a difficult 3 month training/selection process. I got to know many returned PC volunteer women at my ranch and during my own Peace Corps service, and it is my opinion your offer would not offend or seem outlandish to most of them. Each could take care of herself and was very, very confident.

Seems to me a women with international experience who are confident might at least be willing to meet you, it is all relative to the experience a woman has had and how adventurous she is and what/who she is attracted to.

Then about 40 political asylum cases from the former Soviet Union passed through my ranch and many were women. One was a former Russian cosmonaut. Many still live near the ranch and I have noticed your forthright approach and honesty might be greatly appreciated by women from the former Soviet Union. I noticed that financially secure and stable men were more appealing to my foreign women guests - while most of the locals seemed to prefer a "bad boy." I don't know if it is the cowboy culture I am surrounded with or what, but you might want to Learn Spanish, Latvian, or Russian and post in those languages on an appropriate site.

So visit us - if we are on your route and I/we wish you the best. Perhaps some of the women of the Hubb might comment?


LAZ 1 12 Oct 2016 06:13

"Fortune favors the brave ."
Any Woman who seriously responds to my add will by definition be self confident, adventurous, brave, aka probably an"ALPHA FEMALE.

Which is why I am posting here on H/U, where women such as this are perhaps more common than the usual "dating"sites.

Such a woman might enjoy travelling around in a modern "Gypsy Caravan", with a ramblin' man...
For a Winter,
and maybe even for a lifetime.

And such a Woman would not be afraid or intimidated.

You guys who are criticising my choice in Woman and my choice to post here, which is after all titled "travellers seek travel partners", need to broaden your definition of PARTNERS.


uk_vette 12 Oct 2016 09:32


Originally Posted by Glennn1234 (Post 548966)
Really Laz1 I hope you find your Female traveler.........

But........really you think a female is going to take off with a stranger, go to foreign lands totally relying on you for pretty much everything !
Traveling with people you know or close friends on a trip like that is taxing enough with someone you know and trust ! Spending 24/7 with someone is NOT easy as anyone who has done so would know.......however those of us who have done so here most likely have done this knowing they have there own motorcycle and can go there own way if they must !

I personally think you are wasting electronic cyberspace with your fantasy

I with Glenn on this one, this just isn't a dating site this is really a site for overland people travelling .
I think you need to get onto a proper dating site pal .

Magnon 12 Oct 2016 10:49

I would think that mentioning motorbikes on a dating site would guarantee zero response.

This site at least has a 'Womens Topics' section which at least shows an acceptance of woman who may be adventurous.

Trying to arrange relationships via the internet is probably a lost cause anyway. Even if you had 50 responses to your 'ad', you'd still be struggling to find the one.

A true adventurer would be out there meeting the people you may want to form a relationship with.

Bones667 12 Oct 2016 12:34

Good on you LAZ, hope you find the partner you desire!

Personally I travel light ... the women in my head instead of in my bed :)

Mmmm .... I always did struggle getting things in the right order :D

ChrisFS 12 Oct 2016 12:59


Originally Posted by Bones667 (Post 549041)
Personally I travel light ... the women in my head instead of in my bed :)

Mmmm .... I always did struggle getting things in the right order :D

I think you've got the order spot on Bones! bierbier

chris 12 Oct 2016 15:23

Wishing the op all the best in his quest to find a travel partner. If he's also looking for a life partner then terms like alpha bitch might be best left out of future posts on other websites.

Speaking of other sites: there must be plenty of traveller/snowbird sites where you're likely to have a greater chance of success than here, a site populated predominantly by grumpy old men.

Dating sites are also likely to produce a much higher success rate for finding a life partner. That's what they're there for, aren't they?

Please also consider posting on German language travel sites like http://www.wuestenschiff.de Educated and discerning Europeans can understand English.

Good luck!

ChrisFS 12 Oct 2016 15:59

xfiltrate, you never cease to amaze (and amuse) me.

I can just imagine your games, I can imagine you being like Dustin Hoffman in Meet The Fockers! bier

LAZ 1 12 Oct 2016 17:29

Hornets nest?
I am fascinated by some of the replies here. It seems my quest for a female travel partner, of a specified type, has ruffled the feathers of some.

Perhaps some of these posters, ? the proverbial "grumpy old men" ? another rider mentioned, have outdated attitudes or lower expectations, or different cultural perceptions regarding women than I do? None of the modern, self confident, independent, adventurous Women I know would ever be "totally dependent" on any man at any time.

I have been rambling around looking for "adventure" for several decades now. Some times I have been lucky and priveleged with a female PARTNER in this quest for adrenaline and adventure. My ex-wife was even more "adventurous" than I am. She had her name in the mountaineering record books for being the first woman on a certain Himalayan climb, was a former Canadian Football League CHEERLEADER, who performed half time at a Grey Cup game, and an accomplished motorcycycle " adventure rider". She quit Sky Diving because it involved too much time sitting around, and not enough time actually chuting .

We attended several BMW motorcycle ralleys and a few of the NAKUSP H/U meetings together. And, while the first few such rides were with her as "power back warmer", she soon got her very own bike ( on her third one now) and depending on duration, scenery, or weather, she was happy to travel either way. Independent enough to ride on her own, yet comfortable being a passenger as well.

In my experience, these High Class, High Drive, "ALPHA" females do exist, but you have to ride hard and fast to keep up with them. In fact, I had to upgrade from a Weestrom 650 to a VEEStrom 1000 just to chase her on the black top.

Just because the "grumpy old men" can't keep up with a self confident "Alpha" female, it does not mean that us less grumpy ol' men should lower our hopes and dreams.

PS: after five decades of rambling, I decided to do my future overlanding on four wheels instead of two. After 64 motorcycles, including most recently, two BMW GS types, five KLRs, three DR650s, a 650 Dakar, a Weestrom, a Veestrom, and three FJR 1300 two wheelers, I feel entitled to choose the comfort and capacity of an AWD MOTORHOME over "roughing it" out of bike bags.

For those of you hardy souls still living out of bike bags, I applaud you. But these days, for me, a solid DRY roof, a down duvet over a 4" thick memory foam mattress, and COMFORT in cold wet conditions, are my present choices.
I earned them.

ChrisFS 12 Oct 2016 23:12

LAZ, what some people don't realise is that a lot (but not all) of the people who post looking for travel buddies are secretly hoping that a dynamic, intriguing, sexy, single member of the opposite sex will reply.
The difference between you and them is that you are upfront about it and that is an admirable quality. bier

*Touring Ted* 13 Oct 2016 00:05

I would have to agree that most posters here are indeed grumpy old men.. Even though I am not yet 40, I think my level of grumpiness is way beyond my years.

Good luck with your quest. I dont think you will find what youre looking for here though. Even the bike traveller meetings are complete 'Sausage fests'.

Glennn1234 13 Oct 2016 01:16

Dating site ?
As I mentioned before, I hope Laz 1 finds the "beautiful" woman he is seeking

And this has been mentioned a few times, this particular subject is travelers looking for travelers.....so technically meets that criteria. But and here is my reason for original post .........He is posting for ONE PERSON not a general shout out to fellow travelers ! And this ONE person he describes in detail the attributes he desires, one being "Attractive" (at least he did not specify big knockers.....)
I love this site because it is people reaching out to others whishing to share in the wonderful experiences of exploring different cultures and areas of the world.....
And that is the main focus and reason almost ALL the participants of this forem are here ! There are better ways to find an adventuresome "beautiful" mate.........
Now this is my opinion only of course (with a few others agreeing I might add) but if we had a plethora of adds like this is would be a wast of everybody's time and could end up like the disgusting "men seeking women" adds on Creiglist !
And I think almost everybody realizes no woman with half a brain is going to take off with a total stranger and go right away as he requested ! (Even though we all wish him well, myself included)

Magnon 13 Oct 2016 06:59

I also wish the OP well in his quest to find his ideal travel partner. I do, however, think he's wasting his time advertising on here and would be much better off getting out there and meeting real people.

Just the opinion of a qualified grumpy old man - ask my wife/ideal travel partner for the past 30 years.

markharf 13 Oct 2016 18:20

Sigh. I'm deleting some off-topic posts because there has in the past been a definite tendency for these to veer wildly out of control into name-calling, score-settling, and other stuff which doesn't really serve us well.

Let's note that this thread is located in "Travellers Seeking Travellers," complete with proper British spelling. This is not the HUBB Pub, or your back yard, or your favorite watering hole. Please try to stay focused on the subject at hand.

caminito 15 Oct 2016 18:23

Best OP in years!!!!
adds some spice to a forum that can get a bit repetitive..

xfiltrate 6 Nov 2016 22:14

Play it again Sam!
This is for LAZ 1



LAZ 1 and his mystery lady from the HUBB (Travelers Seeking Travelers) are safely ensconced in our ranch house (our Airbnb) - where they are getting to know each other.

She has two overland motorcycles
and a big red truck, he has many overland motorcycles and
a black and white live in rig...

And they are both beautiful people....

She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever met.... he is a Canadian army officer and world traveler.

"Man must have his mate that no one can deny"

Here's to you kid. Xfiltrate

The Yak 7 Nov 2016 14:21


Originally Posted by xfiltrate (Post 550649)
This is for LAZ 1



LAZ 1 and his mystery lady from the HUBB (Travelers Seeking Travelers) are safely ensconced in our ranch house (our Airbnb) - where they are getting to know each other.

She has two overland motorcycles
and a big red truck, he has many overland motorcycles and
a black and white live in rig...

And they are both beautiful people....

She has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever met.... he is a Canadian army officer and world traveler.

"Man must have his mate that no one can deny"

Here's to you kid. Xfiltrate

Who dares wins!

LAZ 1 8 Nov 2016 23:28

Update on the "Wayward Wander/ Black Tortoise/Surprise & SERENDIPITY" Mexico tour
Currently in Arizona, mostly in and around Tucson till after American Thanksgiving. Doing a bit of final prep work before crossing into Mexico ... installing new fuel pump, finishing interior and exterior trim, off loading/storing some of the "too many heavy" things I won't need.

My home built AWD CLASS C MICRO MOTORHOME SAFARI van weighs in at 6500 lbs fully loadef and us pushing a 7' high by 7' wide box through the air. Best mileage is 12.5 mpg, at about 55 mph. Not too bad for the "BLACK TORTOISE", which is carrying me and EVERYTHING I own inside the shell.

Picked up a motorcycle escort, Cynthia, riding her BMW GS650, who plans to accompany me through Mexico.

Life IS good,
And the WAYWARD WANDERER lifestyle is fantastic.
Serendipity surprises await just around the next corner
( like the five massive ELK I nearly became intimate with going over Wolf Creek Pass in Colorado ... about 8000 ' elevation, snowing, just before dusk).

I do NOT try feats like this on 2 wheels no more. My AWD motorhome, with an HD front bumper and brush bars, big fat gnarly Duratrac tires, ABS, with heater and stereo, is definitely a better choice for my current wanderings ...
But an ELECTRIC powered mountain bike might be a nice addution to the back bumper.Just for short trips and exploring when and where the "Tortoise" is not appropriate.

xfiltrate 9 Nov 2016 18:10

Tea for Two & Two for Tea
And just a note about LAZ 1 -

He is also a published author - having written a substantial book on lightweight back packing equipment - that you can purchase or make yourself.

And, the mystery lady, now identified by LAZ 1 last post, has her own business, and plenty of free time for travel on her GS650 BMW.

rosa del desierto and I wish them the very best during their adventures south of the border and beyond. I hope they continue to post on the HUBB with updates and know they will always be welcome at Rancho Los Rosales.

"may we no longer be strangers". xfiltrate

chris 9 Nov 2016 23:43


Originally Posted by xfiltrate (Post 550794)
He is also a published author - having written a substantial book on lightweight back packing equipment - that you can purchase or make yourself.

Mr Filtrate
I can purchase the book? Or the camping equipment, or both? Make the book?

Do you think there's a market for a lightweight book on substantial back packing equipment?


xfiltrate 10 Nov 2016 04:29



Urban Dictionary: Bazinga


xfiltrate 16 Nov 2016 20:26

Calling LAZ 1
LAZ 1 considering the Hubb and more specifically the results you had via the HUBB you might consider it appropriate to post an update. Those of us who have responded to your quest, may like to hear from you, or not.

On the other hand if this is your style, use them and lose them, then remain in hiding.


Bones667 17 Nov 2016 10:06

probably been run over by one 'alpha female' in her big red truck

xfiltrate 17 Nov 2016 16:11

Run down

Her big red truck was brand new and I doubt she would risk denting a fender. She was more of a hugger than a basher. and an intellectual that could put any man in his place - easily.

But, I like, very much your analysis.

I always thought those with big trucks and big wheels really wanted to run over someone. On second thought her truck was not that big - and it was brand new, and she really did not need a truck to run over him. Don't think she considered herself an "alpha female." She was kind of beyond labels - but I assure you she could take care of herself - she motored Africa.


LAZ 1 22 Nov 2016 18:40

This is why I treat PSYCHOLOGY as a "soft" discipline ...
Too many grand conclusions from inadequate data.
Closer to VOODOO than Science.

That red NISSAN was her room mate's truck ... Cynthia drives a Toyota. Her room mate took Cynthia's TOY truck to Indiana, to hold her mother's hand while she dies.

being who she is,
Put her personal trip plans on hold, and is flying out to Indiana tomorrow to be with them.

Deoending on how things work out, she may catch up with me in Mexico later ..
Or not.
She knows where I will be.

I am in Mexico with no internet abilities except WIFI at McDs.
I feel no need to post a running commentary on my trip on the HUBB. But I was goi g to PM you and Elisa an update.
From Navajoa Mexico,
a shirt stop on the Serendipity Surprise Winter Sunshine Tour

Donkey 25 Nov 2016 10:09


You think outside the box, and I applaud you for that.

People opposing to your request for attractive travel-company only show their own limitations!

All the best in your travels and life, if you ever happen to be in the Netherland, let me know! jeiger

Kayne 28 Nov 2016 09:10

Wow, I can't believe there's been so much criticism towards someone simply seeking a female companion. Good luck Laz 1, I hope you find what you're looking for. I can't believe some of you think a general dating site would be better than posting on a forum where you'll immediately share similar interests. Seems mad to me. I'd like to think this is a good place to meet fellow travelers, good friends and possibly more.

*Touring Ted* 28 Nov 2016 10:26

I don't think people are genuinely giving Laz1 a hard time. It's just something you don't see often here on the hubb. There are of course a few grumpy old men about who are jealous that he's doing what they wished they had the confidence to do so feel the need to knock him down. Others are just having a bit of fun with a well meant gag..

It would nice if a lot more guys and girls got together though the travel circle. Over the year's I've been lucky to meet a couple of lady travellers through the hubb. Although our paths went separate ways, we're still good friends.

Hell, I even met my Italian partner of two years on Plenty of fish :)

Maybe the hubb isnt the best place to go looking for companionship but if you're a certain type of travelling individual with specific requirements, then its probably not to far off the mark for some.

xfiltrate 28 Nov 2016 18:59

As usual, Touring Ted's post was well thought out and he even included his own experience as explanation. I agree with his last post. Last night came the first snow of the year here at the ranch in Flagstaff. This gave me visions of Dr.Zhivago - the little cottage scenes with the harsh Russian winter outside might parallel LAZ 1 and his new female friend.

He wrote, he came, and whatever. The HUBB is like Zhivago's cottage, safe and warm with overlanders like Touring Ted, who manages to see the cup half full, yet aware that it is also half empty.

As I sip my wine and eat my eggs this snowbound morning at Rancho Los Rosales I sort of miss LAZ 1 - his brazen approach to the HUBB and to life.

LAZ 1 was Zorro like, appearing and disappearing with equal aplomb. Once again I feel the need to share with those who have posted here a favorite quote by Kerouac:

“What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.”
― Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Maybe he and some of us have experienced that feeling.


LAZ 1 29 Nov 2016 20:57

Hangin' roun' ajijic, jalisco, mexico for a bit
Visiting with mt brother and his wife, and decompressing from the stress of too much sun, sand, and surf for several days at La Penita. Met some nice RV people there, and now am looking for a place in Ajijic to use as a base for further Mexican explorations.

I spent 16 weeks backpacking around the Yucatan and Belize, and want to see if I can have as much fun in my AWD motorhome.

To be continued ....

pheonix 16 Dec 2016 05:08

Good Luck Laz 1, with your travels and in your quest to find a female adventurer :)

I don't know why folk on here became so upset about your first post, after all, this is the "Travellers Seeking Travellers" thread.
Someone looking for a golfing partner would go to a Golf Club.
Someone looking for a dance partner would go to a Dance.
So what is a traveller meant to do? stand in a Travel Agency shop....? no, they come to one of the greatest travel forums created... The HUBB ;)

xfiltrate 16 Dec 2016 16:18


In the Caribbean there is a saying "May we no longer be strangers." Phoenix, not all comments regarding LAZ 1 first post were negative. I posted that he and his HUBB discovered travel mate were invited to spend a few days at our ranch house Airbnb for no charge:


LAZ 1 did find a beautiful young woman via the HUBB and took me up on my offer. After a few days they departed smiling and happy.

Sometimes it is better to note the good, the successful instead of referring to those who do not.


gatogato 17 Dec 2016 23:23


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 548958)
Sounds like you should be riding in Thailand....


I was thinking the same thing! lol

This thread made for a good laugh. :clap: Thank you

I think you need to look for the women in Central America. Sign up for some Spanish lessons in Guatemala and you will be set.

Age difference is not nearly as big of a deal to Latin women.

Another good strategy would be combing the beach bars on the way. Try Acapulco and Puerto Escondido.

LAZ 1 24 Dec 2016 14:12

The adventures continue ...
I originally planned to spend this Winter in the Baja, in my AWD MICRO MOTORHOME, that I built up specifically for the trip. After doing the BAJA on a KLR 650, AND half way back up again
( returning my buddy's BMW DAKAR after he broke his leg and flew back )
I kept saying to myself ...
"It would be great to return to the Baja in an off road capable camper and visit some of those remote and almost inaccessible beaches".

So the original plan was to drive from Vancouver Island in my custom built AWD 99 SAFARI Micro Motorhome, with an inflatable boat carried along, park at various beach access points, and explore the inside coast of the BAJA with a combination of AWD and boat.

Much as I have previously enjoyed adventure touring on various motorcycles, these LONG TERM plans are better met by an AWD MICRO MOTORHOME. I am carrying along my 75 lb German Shepherd, a THICK/COMFY foam mattress, food for a month or two, and most critical in the BAJA, SUFFICIENT WATER. All this enclosed in a sturdy, weatherproof, secure, go almost anywhere, hard shell.

But a PLAN is what you have BEFORE the rubber hits the road.
An ADVENTURE is what really happens along the way ...
and as we all know, adventures are full of unexpected surprises and sometimes even SERENDIPITY.

My brother and his wife have spent nearly a decade roaming around Mexico in their old, semi camperized Toyota Previa, looking for the perfect place to retire. Two years ago they decided that perfect place was AJIJIC, JALISCO, on the shore of Mexico's biggest lake, Chapala. And on a visit back to Canada a few months ago, they invited me to visit with them for Xmas.

This whole trip that started out as a SIMPLE Winter in the BAJA, has turned into a pin ball machine type of SERENDIPITOUS ADVENTURE, that defies all plannig. Instead of my usual simple path straight South along the West Coast, I ended up driving through seven different mid-West states getting here to Ajijic. With various stops and various ADVENTURES along the way. But now that I am here in AJIJIC, BAJA is on the back burner. I may ( or may not) ferry over to the Baja on my way back to Canada in the Spring ...
That is, IF I go back!

Most of my wandering has been looking for "adventures", and a new and ?better? place to enjoy life.

Well, I may just have found my final resting place. I have leased a beautuful Casita in Ajijic for minimum 3 months, with an option to extend for 6 months or ...?permanently? The new updated, revised, "plan" is to use Ajijic as the base for further explorations of both the East and West coasts of Mexico, with Belize and Costa Rica as options. I have ex-pat Canuck friends living in a few places on the West coast, so absolutely MUST spend some time visiting them. And I have fond memories of 16 weeks spent wandering around the Yucatan and Beluze with just a backpack, and a big wad of US $$$. I came back from that trip broke, but with the best sun tan and adventure stories ...
And I MUST see how much has changed, and if the Yucatan is still as MAGIC.

any H/U travellers passing through Ajijic, are cordially invited to contact me for a visit.
We can share tall tales about our journeys along the roads less travelled.

xfiltrate 25 Dec 2016 02:34

On the road again?
Laz 1,

Ride hard ride free! If we tire of the snow - 6 inches so far this afternoon/evening, we may take you up on your offer. Meanwhile, any Hubbers riding through Flagstaff, Arizona are welcome to overnight at our ranch.

It is interesting how a little hospitality elicits more hospitality. Que Suerte!


TillyM 26 Dec 2016 10:39

Good luck Laz1
Hi Laz,

I think this is brilliant. Best of luck with finding your travelling friend - I am huge believer in if you don't ask, then you won't receive!

To the nay-sayers, as a travelling woman this is definitely the sort of Ad I would respond to and yes I would just get up & go with a stranger (after an initial meeting and a chat over coffee re. expectations etc..). What it sounds like is Laz is looking for a woman who is wise enough & strong enough to stand her ground and take care of her own.

Laz, what an exciting adventure you have planned!!! If I wasn't already settled into my own wintery escapade I would have been keen to hear more.

All the best,


LAZ 1 26 Dec 2016 21:14

To the nay- sayers ...
For all those H/U posters who seem to be attempting to limit my relationship possibilities to fit into their own narrow personal limitations...

TO you I say ..
"Those who dare win!
"Fortune favors the brave".

There are indeed women out there who are independent, intelligent, adventurous, and even ... dare we say it ...

Bold enough to answer my add, here and on other sites.
Last count, more than 80 replied, and some of the ones I met were OUTSTANDING!!

As in;
- A certified Kayak guide who owns and operates a kayak touring company, taking groups out for several days at a time into remote wilderness areas.

- A bicycle tourist, who has done long term cross country trips, living for days at a time out of her panniers.

- An Adventuress who has overlanded Africa in a Land Rover, climbed Kilamanjaro, kayaked in the Nile, and toured Thailand. She is currently prepping to tour Mexico on her BMW GS650,
She will soon be stopping by Ajijic to share some of her travel time with me. This one has a Les Bauer custom .45 Govt model, and says she knows how to use it.

Is that " bold enough" ??

It is time for some of you old fashioned men ( perhaps raised in a different/ male dominated culture ... aka ? macho?), to realize that there are many modern REAL women, who are not afraid, insecure, submissive, or dependent.

REAL women have careers in law enforcement, fire control, as EMTs, in the military, and even as corporate CEO'S. These MODERN women do not let small minded male definitions of their roles, or outdated traditions,, define them.

The problem is not the RARITY of these type of women ...they ARE out there ... and some of these gems ARE looking for a worthy mate.

The problem for some men, is convincing such women that you CAN keep up with them.

ChrisFS 29 Dec 2016 18:13


Originally Posted by Glennn1234 (Post 549088)

this particular subject is travelers looking for travelers.....so technically meets that criteria.

......He is posting for ONE PERSON not a general shout out to fellow travelers ! And this ONE person he describes in detail the attributes he desires, one being "Attractive" (at least he did not specify big knockers.....)

When Laz1 says 'attractive' perhaps his understanding of the term is different to everyone elses. Does he really mean 'not a feckin walking beast of a woman'? bier

LAZ 1 9 Jan 2017 17:07

At 68 years of age, after two wives, several long term girl friends, and way too many one night stands, my definition of "ATTRACTIVE" has certainly evolved and matured from my earlier years.

These days I rate "attractive" on much more than merely physical.

Self Confidence?
Compatible life styles?
Delightfully Demented?

But of course,
the spark that ignites the flame is almost always PHYSICAL. That initial spark becomes less and less important as time goes by and the relationship matures. Those of us older folks who have had healthy long term loving relationships know this simple fact.

Something the youger crowd too often has to learn the hard way.


Tony LEE 10 Jan 2017 04:16


Meanwhile, any Hubbers riding through Flagstaff, Arizona are welcome to overnight at our ranch.
What about hubbers driving a big(gish) motorhome?

xfiltrate 10 Jan 2017 17:32

Mi casa es tu casa

Originally Posted by Tony LEE (Post 554640)
What about hubbers driving a big(gish) motorhome?

YOU BET, we are just now promoting the ranch to Hollywood, and as you will see from our ad in Creative Handbook we offer RV parking with electric, men and women's facilities. etc etc etc. RVs are welcome ANYTIME, did I say anytime - caution in the evenings and at night, it gets pretty wild, especially in and out of the outdoor hot tub. The in or the out depends on the weather.

Tony Lee -I can't wait to sit with you at the infamous Spy Bar in our Noble Barn and hear about your travels.

FYI ranch is actually in Arizona, but, I think because of too much sex before marriage and the use of illegal drugs, the creative Industry handbook folks think Arizona is a suburb of Los Angeles.

RANCHO LOS ROSALES, Ranches & Farms in California

We also offer the Ranch House as an Airbnb - free to Hubbers who give ample notice and on dates we are not booked.

Go here to check calendar for ranch house : https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/14429482


LAZ 1 13 Mar 2017 18:26

My Mexcan SNOWBIRD SERENDIPITY SURPRISE Winter in Mexico is almost over. Almost time to head back to Vancouver Iskand for the fantastic Summer weather there.
I will be heading North in May, still driving my 99 AWD SAFARI VAN MICRO MOTORHOME CONVERSION.

I am planning to attend the Overlanding Expo West event near Flagstaff, Az, May 12 - 14.
Should be a great place to check out other people's "OVERLAND" rigs, and pick up ideas for my next build.

Anyone else planning to attend?

rosa del desierto 13 Mar 2017 21:55

Overland Parking for Overland Expo

Originally Posted by LAZ 1 (Post 559441)
My Mexcan SNOWBIRD SERENDIPITY SURPRISE Winter in Mexico is almost over. Almost time to head back to Vancouver Iskand for the fantastic Summer weather there.
I will be heading North in May, still driving my 99 AWD SAFARI VAN MICRO MOTORHOME CONVERSION.

I am planning to attend the Overlanding Expo West event near Flagstaff, Az, May 12 - 14.
Should be a great place to check out other people's "OVERLAND" rigs, and pick up ideas for my next build.

Anyone else planning to attend?

LAZ 1, Pleased your stay in Mexico was good. We were at Kino Bay 5 months last year. Found the pace a little toooo slooooo.

Just talked it over with xfiltrate and you are always welcome to park your safari rig at Rancho Los Rosales. Might liven up your life. We enjoyed your company and the company of your woman friend last visit. This visit, there may, or may not be more overlanders at the ranch, I put out an invitation for women attending the Overland Expo here in Flagstaff, on Woman's Topics to stay at the ranch.

The Overland Expo is at Ft. Tuthill Park this year, about 12 miles from the ranch.
The Expo - https://www.overlandexpo.com/west/ is May 12-14, 2017.

It will be great to see you again. - Elisa
rosa del desierto

LAZ 1 15 Mar 2017 01:31

Another Adventure at Rancho los Rosales ...(;-{)
Thanks for your kind invitation.
I was planning to park on site while attending the Overland Expo, but of course will be glad to spend some time at your beautuful ranch, and catch up with you and Xfiltrate. Not sure exactly of the timing, but will definitely make some thing work.

Cynthia was delayed on the take off of her Southern Motorcycle ramble, but she tells me she will be leaving Tucson soon. Hopefully she will be visiting me in Ajijic before I leave at the end of April.

I was very grateful for my Snobird Winter of doing NOTHING!

I have a big construction job lined up back on Vancouver Island, so my upcoming Summer will be mostly about WORK. But hoping for another lazy Winter in Mexico.
My definition of the ideal life style ...
Make $$$ in Canada in the Summers, and spend it in Mexico in the Winters.

fastfreddy 21 Mar 2017 16:44

I'm living in Baja sur solo
I wanted to save this thread, I guess I'm rusty. There's definitely someone for everyone. The sparks there for adventure, can't live on this beach forever..its been 21 years of migration.So if anyones in the area of Todos Santos,BCS drop a line.:palm::Beach::Beach:

LAZ 1 25 Sep 2017 01:19

On the riad again ... rollin' and ROCKIN!!
The rain started early on Vancouver Island, so I bailed and am heading South for another Winter of fun in the sun. Arizona first, concentrating on Flagstaff and Tucson. I will be there tomorrow, Oct 24 - 26. Then, over the Mexican border at Nogales, and wander aimlessly till I want to stop for a while.

Not sure exactly where and when, but will probably end up at Lake Chapala again and spend at least a few months there.

PS: I have re-defined myself for this trip. As I near 70 yrs old, my definition of adventure has changed. No more crazy scary adrenaline junky stuff for me. These days I travel with my own folding rocking chair. Yep! I am now that old codger in the rocking chair, watching life go by off my front porch.
BUT ....
My front porch moves around a lot.

xfiltrate 25 Sep 2017 16:54

LAZ1 at Rancho Los Rosales
A big welcome to LAZ1 who, if he travels well - with his motorhome, will be at the ranch this day.

Now would be a great place for overlanders to relax at the ranch and meet LAZ1 - spend a clear cool night or two at 7000 ft in the mountains of northern Arizona.

https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/1442948...tes&s=8oHlIvvW For Free!

We are not booked for a couple nights and when we are not booked - HUBBERS stay for free. And there is always free camping and RV parking with electric hook ups.

Rosa del Desierto will also be at the ranch where drinks are always on the house at the world famous "Spy Bar" Melongas are held nightly.

Eat, Drink and Visit

xfiltrate 26 Sep 2017 22:01

Laz1 at Rancho Los Rosales

LAZ1 and Zena - his faithful companion, rolled in yesterday afternoon. - After parking his motorhome he promptly hit our hot tub - for hours. Then invited us to dinner at the Horseman's Lodge, where on the weekends, young cowgirls - on horseback guide you into a parking space. Once inside the Horseman's Lodge you can't help but notice the dead animals hanging on the walls. The steaks and salad bar are great and the manhattans not bad either.

Today, we walked out the back gate and into the national forest where we found a suitable spot an sighted in the new scope on one of my survival rifles. We also plunked away with the 4/10 and I drank heavily from my flask - LAZ1 doesn't drink alcohol.

Aside from having been a Canadian Army officer, LAZ1 is an expert gunsmith.

Right now, he is off to a downtown bicycle shop as he carries a mountain bike on the back of his rig and later he asked if he could take my KLR650 for a spin. Guess he will overnight at the ranch again tonight - so anyone wanting to meet LAZ1 should show up soon.

All is well here, weather absolutely beautiful - warm days with blue skies....clear cool nights with bright stars.

Over and Out from 7,000 ft in the mountains of northern Arizona


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