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agbucks 10 Apr 2017 14:46

The Balkans
We plan to travel through the Balkans heading north out of Greece in July.

We will be crossing Greece-Macedonia, Macedonia-Kosova, Kosova-Montenegro, Montenegro-Bosnia and Bosnia-Croatia.

Has anyone experienced any issues driving through each of these borders? Any issues or formalities to be aware of?

We will not be venturing into the north of Kosova and I am aware of problems travelling between Kosova and Serbia (which we not doing).

Any help or advice much appreciated.

chris gale 10 Apr 2017 15:24

Crossing into Montenegro they want v5 green card and passport . u can buy insurance at the border . prepare to queque for a bit . no issues at any other border other then passport nice bike safe riding bye :thumbup1:

xfiltrate 10 Apr 2017 17:07

Several years ago, beginning in Spain, en route through the Balkans and Greece to Turkey, rosa del desierto - a Spaniard - and me - USA, on two BMW G650-GS were stopped at the "border" of Italy and Slovenia. On the Italian side I noted a big van with a satellite dish protruding from its' roof. Thinking all border posts had vanished with the emergence of the EU, we were suspicious when we were stopped at the Slovenia border crossing by "foreigners" wearing crisp, pressed uniforms with all kinds of insignia and metals.

"Pass-sa-porté Please" was the command, in Italian, and when I responded "What" he said in very heavily Italian accented English "Pass-sa-porté" As I unzipped my jacket to retrieve my Pass-sa-Porte, the border guard tried to grab it. He latched onto it, but I did not let go. So there began a struggle - I looked over to rosa del desierto who was pointing at a big camera in the border station with film crew, so I went into ridiculous mode by twisting my hands - still clinging to the pass-sa-porté up and over - unbalancing the border guard who still had a hold on my pass-sa-porté and with a judo move eased him to the ground.

I quickly dismounted and helped him up with sincere "escuzi, escuzi" (excuse me) when he again went for my pass-sa-porté and as I raised it up above my head, he began jumping for it. I backed away, with the guard in chase, when another bigger "guard" came out from the border station crying "stop" "stop" just as I was about to take down the guard for a second time, he started laughing.

By this time rosa del desierto had dismounted and figured out what was going on. We were being filmed by and Italian film crew for an Italian version of "Candid Camera" and the big man was trying to get us on our way as a car with a family were lining up behind us. the "director" had made the decision to dismiss us, as to dangerous and to much work and to go for the family.

We pulled over just passed the border and were asked to sign release forms
for "Candide Camera" TV show. Of course we refused explaining rosa del desierto was a famous Spanish actress and she would have to consult with her

I had never seen a border guard - and I have crossed many borders - wearing cleanly pressed uniforms with indeterminate insignia and metals, so be careful
crossing from Italia to Slovenia - you might just be caught on "Candid Camera" Italian style. The film crew had taken over an old , now defunct, border station for the purpose of creating funny Candid Camera style vignettes in Italian for Italian TV.

Eat, Drink and Smile. xfiltrate

mark manley 10 Apr 2017 19:21

No problem with the route you are planning but once you have a Kosovan stamp in your passport you will not be able to enter Serbia with it, also note there is a small Serbian enclave between Kosovo and Montenegro totally detached from Serbia which you will need to avoid but if you do stumble upon it they will turn you back and a short detour will get you into Montenegro.

Mumbo68 10 Apr 2017 21:31


Originally Posted by mark manley (Post 561178)
No problem with the route you are planning but once you have a Kosovan stamp in your passport you will not be able to enter Serbia with it, also note there is a small Serbian enclave between Kosovo and Montenegro totally detached from Serbia which you will need to avoid but if you do stumble upon it they will turn you back and a short detour will get you into Montenegro.

I came the opposite way in 2010, from Serbia through Kosovo and into Albania. It was all really easy. In fact if I remember correctly the border guard going into Kosovo told me I needed to buy insurance but after I said I had a green card he studied the back of said green card and informed me because I had Serbia listed I didn't need to buy because they had an "agreement" as in Serbia covered Kosovo...?.....Is it different going the other way..??

ccaa 10 Apr 2017 21:34

For Macedonia, Kosova, Montenegro and Bosnia you will need insurance (green card). If your company is not covering you for these countries, it is possible to pay/buy on bigger border crossings. Price is from 10 - 50 euro (I am not sure, 90 euro in total cost). If you are lucky, they might not even ask for green card.

ccaa 10 Apr 2017 21:49


Originally Posted by Mumbo68 (Post 561180)
Is it different going the other way..??

Yes, it is different. They, (Serbia) will not let you in unless you have entered previously in Kosovo from Serbia.

Mumbo68 10 Apr 2017 22:04


Originally Posted by ccaa (Post 561185)
Yes, it is different. They, (Serbia) will not let you in unless you have entered previously in Kosovo from Serbia.

So you can go direct from Serbia into Kosovo but not from Kosovo into Serbia unless you previously got into Kosovo from Serbia ?

mark manley 10 Apr 2017 22:15


Originally Posted by Mumbo68 (Post 561187)
So you can go direct from Serbia into Kosovo but not from Kosovo into Serbia unless you previously got into Kosovo from Serbia ?

The problem was having a Kosovan stamp in our passports which invalidates it for entry to Serbia, we were told we could come in if we had other recognised ID without a stamp and I had a second passport but my travelling companion did not.

ccaa 10 Apr 2017 22:44


Originally Posted by Mumbo68 (Post 561187)
So you can go direct from Serbia into Kosovo but not from Kosovo into Serbia unless you previously got into Kosovo from Serbia ?

Sorry for my English. Yes.
Or for some countries... you can play with the rules and use your ID card to enter into Kosovo (if your country has that kind of agreement with Kosovo) and later, on Serbian side of border use your passport. Or vice versa. As M M already explained. :)

Mumbo68 11 Apr 2017 10:53


Originally Posted by ccaa (Post 561190)
Sorry for my English.

Hey it's way better than my Macedonian ! :thumbup1:
Good info though, from you and MM. Small details that cause big hassles so good to know. It's funny I rode that way without any real planning other than getting every place I could think of that my insurance agreed to listed on my green card, without knowing any of these border details and had no problems! Lucky I didn't go in the opposite direction eh!! :)

EMBEE 12 Apr 2017 09:15

If you find a UK insurer that issues a Green Card for the Balkan countries please post details; every one I have contacted will not offer such a document.

Mumbo68 12 Apr 2017 13:07


Originally Posted by EMBEE (Post 561258)
If you find a UK insurer that issues a Green Card for the Balkan countries please post details; every one I have contacted will not offer such a document.

I doubt (although some may know different) you will be able to just purchase a green card from an insurer that your not already with for your main policy. Your best chance is to get your current insurer to extend your cover. So if your already covered by a company that won't extend it for you it may mean changing your insurer. I always ask what countries any company will offer a green card for when getting quotes. They change where they will cover from time to time too, depending on current events. Your best bet is to speak to one of the big brokers and tell them you want a company who will extend cover for the Balkans, ask them for a list of countries they're prepared to offer a green card for. Groupama used to be quite good, they were taken over by Ageas and only work through brokers...They all have length of trip limits as well so that may or may not be a problem for you.

EMBEE 13 Apr 2017 07:49

Thanks Mumbo, I should have said that I was also in the process of renewing my policy and looking for an insurer that would then extend the cover via a Green Card. I found one broker who may be able to provide a Green Card, the downside was the policy was at least three times more expensive than others plus, I had to give specific dates when I would be in the non EU countries.

mark manley 13 Apr 2017 11:11

You could just go with what you have and get insurance at the border it doesn't take long. From what I can remember it varied from 15 to 50 Euros for a month but the higher price was for one country only, I cannot remember which one.

hammertime 13 Apr 2017 12:25


Originally Posted by mark manley (Post 561337)
You could just go with what you have and get insurance at the border it doesn't take long. From what I can remember it varied from 15 to 50 Euros for a month but the higher price was for one country only, I cannot remember which one.

Macedonia is 50 Euros. I found out last year. I only wanted to transit through in one day. I couldn't bring myself to pay that for one day, so I rerouted around. Bosnia let me through without any insurance. I think this was mainly because the border guard didn't speak English. He just looked pissed off and waved me through.

nickpl 23 May 2017 10:25


Originally Posted by agbucks (Post 561162)
We plan to travel through the Balkans heading north out of Greece in July.

We will be crossing Greece-Macedonia, Macedonia-Kosova, Kosova-Montenegro, Montenegro-Bosnia and Bosnia-Croatia.

Has anyone experienced any issues driving through each of these borders? Any issues or formalities to be aware of?

We will not be venturing into the north of Kosova and I am aware of problems travelling between Kosova and Serbia (which we not doing).

Any help or advice much appreciated.

Travelled through most Eastern countries, Estonia, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Moldova, Transnistria and lived in Serbia for 5 years.
Had a small glitch coming out of Moldova once, 2 pages missing out of passport, no idea when it happened, but border guard spotted it, held for 2 hours while they decided what to do, eventually let me go saying i wouldn't be able to return with the same passport. Riding and driving into Bosnia, kosovo, Montenegro and Macedonia.

Can't remember ever having my passport stamped.

Serbia has recently become a little stricter over white paper. i.e. small scrap of paper you need to get filed in by police or hotel where you're staying, sometimes they'll ask for it when you leave Serbia sometimes not.

Ive been stopped for traffic offences, mostly speeding. Im in the wrong, I'll pay the fine..But its amazing what they'll forgive if you treat the various authorities you come across with a bit of respect and understand they may have dealt with more than the odd foreign arsehole in their time. The only place I've found this doesn't work is in the UK tick box society... and the only place I've ever had an issue with border guards is when entering the UK.

I never act like the arrogant foreigner. always smile, and don't try to bring your home countries culture with you.

If you need any advice re Serbia please ask, its a beautiful country with very friendly people, its worth a visit if you have the time. The old part of Belgrade is fabulous...

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