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nrgizr 29 Jan 2016 21:27

Passport and Registration are from different countries
I intend to travel East on my motorcycle from the EU, thorough the Stans and then Iran, India and maybe further still.

The issue is that I want to ride my UK registered bike whilst using an Italian passport.

Has anyone any experience of this? if so have there been major headaches at borders, buying insurance and so on and so forth?

Any input very welcome. :thumbup1:

mark manley 29 Jan 2016 22:42

I doubt anyone will notice as long as the name on both is the same, in fact it will be easier for them to read a UK document as they are more likely to speak English than Italian.

Tony LEE 30 Jan 2016 01:23

German registered motorhome plus Australian passport all over Europe as far as Morocco and Turkey without problems.
USA registered RVs with Australian passport from Alaska to Ushuaia with no problems.

All documents must have same name OR have official document to explain the difference

PanEuropean 30 Jan 2016 10:52

I cannot imagine why there would be any problem. Both countries (Italy and the UK) are part of the EC - I suspect as an Italian citizen, you have 'right of abode' in any of the EC countries - what would be unusual or problematic about you residing in the UK and owning a vehicle there?

oldbmw 30 Jan 2016 11:26

I was once stopped in Spain. riding a French registered bike on a UK passport with a UK licence and French insurance. Cop seemed happy enough. Asked me why was the bike French. I said it is because I live in France

Chris of Japan 30 Jan 2016 12:19

Russia, Mongolia, the Stans on a Japanese registered bike with a US passport.
Nobody ever gave me problems about it.

nrgizr 30 Jan 2016 14:57

Cheers to you all. Sounds very reassuring.

Of course why there might be a problem is not for me to decide but for some official wearing a uniform..... in Iran for example.

Anyway, good to know most of you seasoned travelers haven't come across him/her.......:mchappy:

Tony LEE 30 Jan 2016 15:40

That's the main problem. The person at the gate has absolute power so you will get stories of travellers getting away with shonky paperwork for border after border while another with immaculate paperwork will strike a heap of trouble.

Places like Iran pose special problems such as guide requirement for certain nationalities and carnets.
Whether to carry an International Driving Permit is something else you have to decide.

Guess you know about rule changes for visiting the US after visiting certain middle east countries.

nrgizr 30 Jan 2016 18:16

Is so bad that if you've been to Iran then :nono: entry to the US for 5 years?

Probably too early to know. Wonder who knows.

Kayjay 31 Jan 2016 03:43

Nrgizr if you coming to India have a pit stop at my place. Am a rider to staying in Gujarat near Mumbai.

Sent from my MotoG3 using Tapatalk

Tony LEE 31 Jan 2016 13:30

Won't stop you going to the US, just you will have to attend an embassy for an interview instead of using the visa waver program. It is already in place and I imagine it will stay in place.

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