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motomark121 17 Jun 2015 11:08

Anyone crazy enough to sell up and live life on the road
After a 3 month trip around Europe in the dead of winter, I came to realise there is so much more to life than the hollow existence that most people live in their day to day live's. I have been home now 4 months and I'm finding it hard, work has been slow, near to non, working only to pay bill's and just existing.

I didn't miss any of the so called home comforts while I was away, a permanent roof, tv, bed, heating, etc. Life on the road felt real, my enjoyment from meeting new people and the scenery made my life seem fuller than it had ever been. It was cold and hard some day's, but I felt alive. Like I had a propose. (Sorry if I'm rambling)

In short I feel and think life as a nomad, shall we say suits me. Is there anyone else who feels similar and would like to take the big step and leave it all behind, and live life on the road (off-road) Find casual work to just pay for food and fuel, maybe just fuel as living off the land is not as hard as it seem's with the right skills.

Am I just living in a fantasy world?? Have I lost my grip on so called reality??

All comments welcome no matter how harsh or invasive.


ta-rider 17 Jun 2015 14:40

Im living like this scince 2002 in more then 80 countrys. Riding were my mind goes, working as a tourguide now and then but mostly enjoying life: Adventure experience - motorcycle trip riding across Africa

grumpy geezer 17 Jun 2015 15:28

For me, it depended on how long my money lasted. When I ran out of funds I got a job teaching English at a business school in Lima.I stayed for 1 year. It might have lasted longer except for my work ethic - I have none. If I did, I might still be there. All travel depends on how much time and money-all the time and no money, or all the money and no time, you go nowhere. You make your own plans.

davidmarcus 17 Jun 2015 15:57

Not fantasy and you haven't lost your grip.

I've been doing that since 2006, but go "home" and stay with family for a few months to save and work for the next stage:


This time I'm hoping to keep it going.

I am a digital nomad transcriber and make money while on the road.

Last year I made enough in Bishkek over a month to replace my gearbox.

This year I've done the same in Almaty to pay for a new cylinder head and radiator...

I'm heading to Japan, and no idea where to after - maybe Canada, maybe South America...

Blommetje 17 Jun 2015 17:56

I'm on the road now for 8 months and the thought of going back makes me cry in my sleep! But I'm low on money and need to arrange stuff. Sell my furniture basically.

But after that... yeah, I want to live like that. Motorbikes, sports and woman I barely know.

So you not alone!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Beatnik Bedouin 18 Jun 2015 00:22

Not crazy at all. However, most people leave things at the 'fantasy' stage and then go back to their routines.

If you think you can handle the perceived financial insecurity - go for it. In these times, I don't think anyone has a secure career (but then, I have been saying that for the last 25 years and reinventing myself to meet the changes).

Ask yourself, "What's the worst that could happen?" You might be surprised at the answer...

Speaking for myself, I have a need to have a 'home base' (nothing posh, mind you), but have also been able to leave it for however long I want, taking contracts overseas - the previous comment about teaching English (or an native language one speaks) is a good one. I did that in the Czech Republic eleven years ago and got paid to look around Central Europe at weekends and other days off.

Hope that helps. :mchappy:

Lonerider 18 Jun 2015 08:12

Can't fault you to be honest. I quit work in Nov to do a trip in northern Thailand and Laos, I have just sold my house, have a small amount of personnel possessions in storage and I am contemplating what to do. I have the added bonus of been on a military pension. I am just enjoying life at the moment and chilling in BKK for a bit before I make my decision. No rush for me just yet
Oh yeah and Arrunya is being serviced ready for the MOT at the end of June.

Go for it


davebetty 18 Jun 2015 10:04

coming back is hard! you re always going to have some sort of dispair moment when you look around at the hum drum of life around you back home.

I am in that place at the moment after coming back from a trip, Everything is rubbish!

Nomad living does sound just about as free as you can be, but make the decision with a clear head, being fed up with something is not the best way to start a trip!

go easy, Dave

motomark121 18 Jun 2015 10:09

Thank you
Thank's guy's, you have put my mind at rest :-)
I'm financially insecure at the moment anyway, so that wouldn't be a change.
I don't have any IT skills to speak of, to be able to work like that :-( All my skills are manual labour type skills, farming, construction, ground maintenance, plumbing etc. I am interested to know how grumpy geezer got a job teaching English? Have you a teaching qualification? Or was it you stumbled onto?

grumpy geezer 18 Jun 2015 17:39

Sheer good luck. The second day I was back in Lima I went to the embassy and asked about working there. They grinned and said that was done back in the US. They referred me to the local international school, who informed me that no teaching degree along with no legal visa to work was an issue(day 3). They did refer me to a business school that taught how to work in international businesses in Spanish and English. They were okay with hiring an illegal alien, so I got a job teaching high school graduates how to improve their English accents(Day 4). The best job I have ever had!!!! Based on your description, be flexible and interview well - you never know you what you might find.

anonymous1 19 Jun 2015 22:45

How about, Anyone adventurous enough to sell up and live life on the road?

In answer, Hell yes :-)

BirdJayWanderlustist 21 Jun 2015 16:04

It seems I have found myself asking the same question. Im trying to decide if I should sell my house and start my journey or rent it out, and what to do with my dog. If not for the dog I would already be wandering. I'm 43, single, no children, and no life savings other than the house being paid for. I can't imagine I was put on this earth to work to pay bills and die. I have been very cautious about taking jobs with too much responsibility because I like to take off when ever I feel the need to wander. I feel like the positive energy thinkers, the "yes you can" people have evaded me and I'm surrounded by people that say you have to have a career, and a home, and a TV(haven't had since '94). I have lots of hobbies and interests and my extra income always goes to those. Living abroad on a motorcycle would lessen my "project" load, simplifying my life.

Keith1954 21 Jun 2015 17:18


Originally Posted by BirdJayWanderlustist (Post 508498)
It seems I have found myself asking the same question. Im trying to decide if I should sell my house and start my journey or rent it out, and what to do with my dog. If not for the dog I would already be wandering. I'm 43, single, no children, and no life savings other than the house being paid for. I can't imagine I was put on this earth to work to pay bills and die. I have been very cautious about taking jobs with too much responsibility because I like to take off when ever I feel the need to wander. I feel like the positive energy thinkers, the "yes you can" people have evaded me and I'm surrounded by people that say you have to have a career, and a home, and a TV(haven't had since '94). I have lots of hobbies and interests and my extra income always goes to those. Living abroad on a motorcycle would lessen my "project" load, simplifying my life.

I wouldn't go the whole hog and sell-up everything, including my home. No way.

Remember, you have to come back one day and return to 'something' .. always assuming you don't end-up settling somewhere on your travels that's paradise for you.

Paradise for me is my home; where I live right now. Best place in the world (for me).

As you own your property outright - lucky you - then why not initially compromise: Rent your property out. You're going to need some sort of income no matter what.

If you need a little capital too, then trade down a bit in the property market; release some equity and bung it in the bank. Make sure what you buy is highly rent-able .. and you could live-in yourself when[if] you've got the wanderlust out of your system.

Finally, don't forget, a life 'on the road' isn't a care-free life. Completely changing your lifestyle is just a case of exchanging one set of problems .. for another set of problems!



PS: Find your dog a loving home - or if you really can't leave him/her behind, then you're going to have to wait a while; or why not take him/her with you? (it's been done before .. see below.)


I met Tas the dog, and his owner, in Kununurra, Australia. They had been on the road together, circumnavigating Oz, for the best part of a year!

*Touring Ted* 21 Jun 2015 18:50


I think everyone feels that way when they come home from a good trip. I know I certainly do.

I think about it all the time.. But I'm not sure how realistic it really is in the modern world. There is barely any wilderness left and you can get Wifi up Everest.

One day though... One day.. :D

g6snl 21 Jun 2015 23:18


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 508513)
There is barely any wilderness left and you can get Wifi up Everest.


Edit: I just had a look at Mr google ............you really can get wifi up Everest.

anonymous1 23 Jun 2015 01:14

Plenty of mid life or past it, with assets, trying to decide what next, how best to go about it. There's also plenty of posts on how much one needs to live comfortably and it varies greatly on what, where and how you ride live and eat, insurance, maintenance ect ect, it all boils down to personal choices. Renting the house didn't work for me, being screwed royally once was enough thanks! Selling up and throwing caution to the wind is risqué also. Finding a happy medium, passive income to afford the "lifestyle" is the key. Once said key is found (give me a shout will ya) is coming back home really a must? For me not, well not for the foreseeable future anyway! Again a very personal choice. As far as the dog goes, now that's a tough one, a decision only you can make, try ask the dog, but I guess we all know the answer to that one :-)

docsherlock 23 Jun 2015 03:40

Mate, you might find this kind of life gets old.....what you are really talking about is being a motorcycle tramp.

OK when you are at a certain point in life, either young or retired, but it gets to be very hard work after a certain point.

Also, one has to do something; being a permanent tourist, living a peripatetic life, not for me. But that's just me. I like to do a finite trip and come back. I really thought of liquidating everything and just going, but I don't think that is for me at this point in time. Maybe in a year or two I will think differently....


Originally Posted by motomark121 (Post 508217)
After a 3 month trip around Europe in the dead of winter, I came to realise there is so much more to life than the hollow existence that most people live in their day to day live's. I have been home now 4 months and I'm finding it hard, work has been slow, near to non, working only to pay bill's and just existing.

I didn't miss any of the so called home comforts while I was away, a permanent roof, tv, bed, heating, etc. Life on the road felt real, my enjoyment from meeting new people and the scenery made my life seem fuller than it had ever been. It was cold and hard some day's, but I felt alive. Like I had a propose. (Sorry if I'm rambling)

In short I feel and think life as a nomad, shall we say suits me. Is there anyone else who feels similar and would like to take the big step and leave it all behind, and live life on the road (off-road) Find casual work to just pay for food and fuel, maybe just fuel as living off the land is not as hard as it seem's with the right skills.

Am I just living in a fantasy world?? Have I lost my grip on so called reality??

All comments welcome no matter how harsh or invasive.


*Touring Ted* 23 Jun 2015 08:43


Originally Posted by g6snl (Post 508528)

Edit: I just had a look at Mr google ............you really can get wifi up Everest.

Probably :innocent:


Originally Posted by docsherlock (Post 508636)
Mate, you might find this kind of life gets old.....what you are really talking about is being a motorcycle tramp.

OK when you are at a certain point in life, either young or retired, but it gets to be very hard work after a certain point.

Also, one has to do something; being a permanent tourist, living a peripatetic life, not for me. But that's just me. I like to do a finite trip and come back. I really thought of liquidating everything and just going, but I don't think that is for me at this point in time. Maybe in a year or two I will think differently....

Motorcycle Tramp..... I like that haha.

I think we all dream of escaping reality and living a care free life. But the reality is quite different once you're out there doing it. Once the novelty wears off, it gets quite annoying living out of a leaky tent, getting showers in rest stops, never having clean clothes and never really having friends because you're always moving. It can get a bit pointless unless you have a destination or a real motivation. Drifting is just drifting.

I get home sick after about 5-6 months. Travelling can be quite a cliche these days. What I really miss is familiarity and being able to turn off my brain and feel comfortable in my own place. That's hard to do when you're always moving and in new strange places.

What also gets really tiring for me whilst away is going through the routine and meeting new people EVERYDAY.

"Hi, what's your name, where do you come from, where did you come from and where are you going"

As much as I love meeting people from different walks of life, you know that you will say goodbye a day or two later and probably never see them again. It's shallow and not good for the soul It becomes draining. I think that's why I like travelling with people that I know I already like instead of being forced to be polite even if I'm tired and in a shitty mood etc.

However, it doesn't have to be that way... I suppose if I was going to live a hobo life on the road then I would seek out communties and communes. Work or volunteer on long projects etc. HelpX is something I still want to do. Maybe I will...

lorraine 22 Jul 2015 00:38

With your set of skills, manual labour, farming, construction, ground maintenance, plumbing, I think you could find accommodation/food forever by using Workaway.info the site for free work exchange. Gap year volunteer for food and accommodation whilst travelling abroad.. Honest.

I now have a cabin in Chile. I'm trying the six months on, six months off gig for a few years. Pluses and minuses. The big minus is the 'flow' is missing. You always have to return to take care of stuff. Traditional nomads do a circular route, just like American/English snow-birds, heading different places at different times of the year. You can't keep doing new, new, new all the time, too exhausting.

I lived on the road (in a van with two dogs) for about six years-happiest years of my life! If you want info on traveling with your dog, join the fb group I set up called Animal Travelers. Free books, lots of free advice. Over 200 members.

Redwineracing 23 Jul 2015 02:25

Yup I did
Quit my job this year sold my bike collection and the kitchen sink put a few bits in storage and set off to the USA with my partner for 6 months, we are getting ready to go back to the UK to wait for my bike te return and then I will head off around Europe on my own for as long as it takes, not sure where after that trying to go to as many places as possible. Want to go back to usa again and also hope to do South America Canada and Alaska.

MEZ 27 May 2020 03:34


Originally Posted by BirdJayWanderlustist (Post 508498)
It seems I have found myself asking the same question. Im trying to decide if I should sell my house and start my journey or rent it out.

Don't SELL up just RENT it out my friend. Been there and regretted it big time..!!! Not sure if the rental money would fully fund your travels but it would certainly sustain you for the majority....

Hold on, wait a minute..... This thread is 5 years old, WTF...????

grumpy geezer 27 May 2020 15:52


Originally Posted by MEZ (Post 611779)
Don't SELL up just RENT it out my friend. Been there and regretted it big time..!!! Not sure if the rental money would fully fund your travels but it would certainly sustain you for the majority....

Hold on, wait a minute..... This thread is 5 years old, WTF...????

Some questions never end.

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