Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Nigerian Visas (help desperately needed!) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/sub-saharan-africa/nigerian-visas-help-desperately-needed-23755)

deebee 20 Oct 2006 22:46

Nigerian Visas (help desperately needed!)
We are a couple of chancers on XT600s currently Mauritania in need of Nigerian Visas for later on in the trip - Does anyone KNOW for definate where we can pick one up other than Accra in Ghana?

Please please, as these things seem to be hard to get at the moment.

Dave and Dan.

pierresas 21 Oct 2006 02:48

We got our visas in Niamey, Niger. The Nigeria embassy only delivers visas to the residents but we first went to our embassy (France) to get a "Letter of Recommendation", basically a letterhead paper with a nice stamp saying that we were "honorably known from the embassy" and that the consul "would appreciate all efforts in supporting us" - and we got our visa.

I remember the Nigeria embassy only delivers visas twice a week (Tuesday / Thursday?). God knows what they do the rest of the time. Merritt wrote about about their busy schedule on the days they're actually open. Hilarious!

Pierre (& Merritt too)

Moodoo 24 Oct 2006 14:41


We got Nigerian visas from the Gambia, near Serekunda, a bit south of Banjul, it was available the next day with no problems. We had to write a letter of introduction confirming we are tourists, it was 60 Euro, BUT only valid for 1 month from issue, not so good . . .

Good luck!

Cheers, Andrew

adamiko 27 Oct 2006 22:54


The Mauritanian-Nigerian contacts are bad at the moment. This is the result of some 10,000 Nigerians imegrant been diported from Mauritania not so long ago.
So, your better bet will be Mali, Burkina, Ghana, and Togo. If you are nice enoth, they should give you the STR (tourist) visa with a smile(and 3 dollars).
We live and work in Ibadan, Nigeria. If you pass by, you are very wellcome here.
Let me know if you need some help.

Good travels!

slobo 3 Nov 2006 12:41

Nigerian Visa in Accra
Hi there -

We are in Nigeria right now - getting ready to leave Calabar tomorrow to cross into Cameroon to get good and muddy!

No problem getting the visas in Ghana- just need a lot of photocopying for the guy named PJ who issues the visas. He can be a real PITA!
Here is the scoop...

Price US & UK Citizens = $100 (BUT Regardless of where u r from tho u MUST pay in US$!)

MUST request a TRANSIT visa! Tourist visa is next to impossible to get!

Must complete 2 apps, provide 2 pics, 2 copies of Ghanian visa, 2 copies of motor insurance, 2 copies of carnet (EVERY page!), etc. etc. There is a photo copy place around the corner from the embassy they will direct you to, once PJ decides what he wants u to give him!

You can ONLY collect your visas on Wednesday or Friday, so best to drop off on Tuesday or Thursday no later then 2pm.

The Embassy is located on Lumumba Road in the Airport Residential Area

Hope this helps!

Safe Travels

2cvfred 5 Nov 2006 09:36

We crossed Nigeria about a month ago now. There is some info on our website. Direct link: http://www.radiobaobab.be/index.php?id=260

We applied for our visa in Cotonou, Benin. A pain in the ass, but it worked out in the end, just be insistent.

Getting out of Nigeria into Cameroon via Calabar/Ekok is ehrm... interesting (pics: http://radiobaobab.be/index.php?id=240). Rainy season is over by now, so it should improve.

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