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jamieT 24 Jul 2006 18:30

Malaria test and treatment
Heh All,
My doc in Cairo advised me to get a malaria self test kit and emergency treatment if I was days from civilisation. The treatment was something like ARTHINAM, 6 pills in one go and 2 a day for 4 days.

Chemists and docs in UK go blank when I ask them, so I thought I'd turn to you guys.

Does anybody know about this stuff, and specifically, how can I get it in the UK?


Matt Roach 25 Jul 2006 01:18

Gday james,

How are you mate?

I suspect you doc was referring to Artemether, which is based on a chinese medical compound. I can personally testify that it does the trick and have used it successfully on two occasions. It should be readily available in local chemists en route in Africa (at least it was on the east coast) for significantly cheaper than you will pay in the UK.


PanEuropean 25 Jul 2006 22:31

There is also another fairly new (and very effective) medication available, it is called Malarone and it is suitable for use either as a prophylaxis or as emergency treatment. This is the medication that is normally prescribed by travel clinics in Switzerland.

I have taken it as a prophylaxis and tolerated it well - no side effects. It is kind of expensive, though.

Atwoke 26 Jul 2006 14:09

Arthenam (sp?, Tradename!) is a great cure for Malaria especially if you use it in combination with Fansidar (for mopping up the leftovers). No side effects for me or any of my colleagues and very quick in getting you back together. Also available for injecting (only in very severe cases!).

I think it is not licensed in the UK or in the US. However, if you visit a good pharmacy or a good clinic you will find it in most African countries.

Also agree with the cost side. It will be much cheaper in Africa than in Europe (apart from probably not getting it in Europe anyway)...


fatboyfraser 5 Aug 2006 02:30

There are few places in Africa where you can't get a cheap and accurate malaria test done (on the grounds that they see it much more than the UK). The other alternative is, if you're really off the beaten track, to have treatment available and if you get symptoms, particularly a cyclical fever, just take the pills without the test.

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