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-   -   SOAT and other polices for bikes in South America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/soat-other-polices-bikes-south-96045)

Endixt 26 Sep 2018 19:08

SOAT and other polices for bikes in South America
Hi guys,

I'm planning my trip to South America at the moment.
I'm going to fly to colombia first, where I'll buy a bike. Afterwards I'll start my trip through ecuador, peru and bolivia to chile.

I've read on the web that there are so called 'SOAT's, which function as polices for the bikes, and that you have to pay them mostly at the boarder.

As i tried to figure out, how high the insurance sum in total in case of an material or personal accident is, I couldn't find anything about that on the net.

Another question is: Is it easy to get a police with an insurance sum of around 1.000.000 - 3.000.000 $?

It would be nice if you could help me out and show me, where I could find more information about these things...

Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Endixt

Snakeboy 27 Sep 2018 02:06

For Colombia I bought a months insurance for 70 000 col pesos when coming from Ecuador. Not at the border, but at the first major town (Mocoa)

For Ecuador foreigners on foreign vehicles - insurance are not mandatory, but I think I read somewhere that is about to change.

For the other countries in SA I found policies that covered several countries for a low cost. The last I had I bought in Tarija - Bolivia. It costed 50 USD for 6 months coverage and it covered 5-6 different countries. I also had a similar multi-country insurance that I bought in southern Chile (Puerto Varas).

I very seldom have seen possibilities to buy insurances at bordercrossings in SA - so in my opinion its better to get a multi-country insurance. And they are cheaper too and more conveniant. One purchase versus 6 purchases can save you a lot of time, hassles and energy!
Also - if you buy for one country only you might need to buy for a much longer period than your planned stay in the country. Maybe you plan to stay 6 weeks in a country - but you will have to buy insurance for 3 months. So another reason to get a multi-country insurance.

After approx 55 k kms in SA I have luckily never been in any situation it has been neccesary to show proof of insurance, neither accidents or police checkpoints. That said - I recommend you to have one.

Many more details on iOverlander...

GenXrider 28 Sep 2018 03:08

Never heard anything good about multi-country SOATS.
My friends SURA (Colombia) multi country policy got the "you might have issues with this in Peru" from Eduanas (Customs).
Best to buy for each individual country in my opinion.

Peru: Yes needed. $33-35 for 30 days. Usually available at majors borders.
Ecuador: Not needed as of today.
Colombia: Yes, needed. Usually available at majors borders.
Bolivia: Required within 30 days of entry.

I live in Colombia and have just ridden through Ecuador and right now in Peru.

Snakeboy 29 Sep 2018 06:12

I havent heard anything good about any insurances in South-America.

But by all means - try to get one for each country and spend hours if not days to find a place that sells insurance for a foreign vehicle and purchase it. You will get a much less flexible insurance, maybe you chose a one month cover for a country you actually would like to spend 6-7 weeks in, or you buy an insurance for 3 months in another country but you want to leave the country after 3-4 weeks.

And of course - pay many times as much. But everyones choiche of course....

GenXrider 30 Sep 2018 03:09


Originally Posted by Snakeboy (Post 590087)
I havent heard anything good about any insurances in South-America.

But by all means - try to get one for each country and spend hours if not days to find a place that sells insurance for a foreign vehicle and purchase it. You will get a much less flexible insurance, maybe you chose a one month cover for a country you actually would like to spend 6-7 weeks in, or you buy an insurance for 3 months in another country but you want to leave the country after 3-4 weeks.

And of course - pay many times as much. But everyones choiche of course....

That has not been my experience traveling through South America on my KTM 1190.

I have been able to buy the duration of SOAT I have needed.
It's easy to buy at the borders in Peru, Colombia etc.

DLyttle 30 Sep 2018 04:15

I dont know about Colombia but I noticed sales boths just over the Chile border near Tacna in Peru. But you wont see these in Chile or Argentina. As for the multi country SOATs the only ones I have seen apply to Mercosur countries only and for a foreign bike I have only been able to buy in Argentina not in Peru, Bolivia or Chile

Snakeboy 30 Sep 2018 06:01


Originally Posted by robdr1 (Post 590123)
That has not been my experience traveling through South America on my KTM 1190.

I have been able to buy the duration of SOAT I have needed.
It's easy to buy at the borders in Peru, Colombia etc.

Im not sure what you are referring to but if it is the possibility to buy insurance for a foreign vehicle at different bordercrossings throughout south-America I can mention my experiences. And I have travelled SA for more than 1,5 years, 55 k kms and visited all countries except Venezuela and the Guianas.

I have crossed over between Argentina and Chile 6 if not 7 times and no places, neither the Argentinian or the chilean side have I observed any places to buy insurance at any of those 6 bordercrossings. I have also entered Argentina from Bolivia at Aguas Blancas and no insurance to be purchased there.

I have entered Bolivia two different places, at La Quiaca and at Puerto Quijarro - and no insurances to be purchased at the borders - as I could see.

I have entered Brasil two times, at Foz de Iguazu and at Chui. At the first mentioned I couldnt see any insurance boots. At Chui there were several boots selling insurances - but not for foreign vehicles (european) only for Uruguayan and maybe other south-American vehicles?

I have entered Uruguay once, at Jaguara/Rio Branco - but no insurance available there afaik.

I have entered Paraguay once, at Puero Sucre and there it was absolutely no insurance for sale, 110 % sure! Lol

I have entered Peru at the Arica - Tacna and I saw several places selling insurances there - on the Peruvian side. But if the insurances were available for foreign vehicles like european or north-American I dont know.

Ecuador - you still dont need insurance as a foreigner but that is about to be changed I read somewhere...

I have crossed into Colombia once at San Miguel bc and there were no insurance available there. I found one in Mocoa, 175 kms further north.

If somebody on foreign plated vehicles still thinks they can buy insurances as they cross borders in south-America - I recommend strongly to think twice! Yes it is possible at a very few bordercrossings but in general - No!

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