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Kurvenfieber 5 Mar 2015 09:33

from Germany to Japan and back
Hi @ all,

I´m planning a solo Tour from Germany to Japan, via Turkey and Iran.
From Iran on I´m not sure which way to take.
I´ve got penty of time as I have to be in Japan on the 1st of aug. and leaving mid April.

Which way you would advice for me as a solo rider?
I´m not so much into mud and deep sand riding...my skills aren´t up to that :helpsmilie:
But I want to visit Mongolia !
Any advice is welcome!
THX in advance for any support!

kawazoki 6 Mar 2015 07:18

Last year on July 20 I started my trip from Cacak ,Serbia to Tokyo on Suzuki DR650 ...went throe Bulgaria,Turkey...to Georgia it took about 7 days then Azerbaijan,Baky 3 days transit with ferry over Caspian sea to Actay Kazahstan....rode throe desert for 7 days to Astana with stops here and dere....then down South to Almaty in 4 days....continued to Kirghistan and on and on....come back to Kazahstan up North to Altai mountain in Russia then to Mongolia...as I was alone i took Southern rout, it is easier but lots of dust and arrived to Ulan Batar on August 29.
Then continued to Vladivostok then S.Korea and finely arrived in Tokyo after 24.000km and 3 mts. in a seat.
Hope this helps Zoki

Kurvenfieber 7 Mar 2015 07:19

Hi Zoki,

thanks a lot...it sure helps. You were doing quite some "sightseeing" .
What bike you were on?
Was there a reason for not taking the direct route?

Oh just saw it was a DR650...

kawazoki 8 Mar 2015 10:49

Wanted to ride Pamir ...but visa issue did not permitted me.....

klaus 9 Mar 2015 07:55

Auf nach Japan - Lets go to Japan
Just a reminder!

Getting your bike cleared for touring Japan won't be that easy.

Maybe you want to check Heidi and Bernd Kleine's website, especially this page: welt-tour.com - Japan.

I strongly assume lots of useful information.

In case of questions Chris (the mod) is the most valuable (re-)source!

Also, for Japan, check the gaijin riders website - lots of very helpful people.

Well, just this much for now,

bis dann,

Gruesse aus dem "Land-der-nicht-immer-aufgehenden-Sonne" :rofl:

Kurvenfieber 9 Mar 2015 08:47

Hi Klaus

I try to enter via Sacchalin-Hokkaido.
I´ve heard about the issues for german bikes entering Japan.
thx a lot for the links.
I´ll have a look. :clap:

FS 9 Mar 2015 23:16

If ur in Iran going towards Mongolia. First decision I guess would be if you want to consider Pakistan (heard it could be nice, but maybe safety issues). If not Pakistan (or Afghanistan) you have to go through Turkemnistan. I havent been there but I have been in the countries after.

Some points from my perspective. I was in the region about 6 months ago. I obviously didnt see everything. You can probably imagine my route based on the lists below.

Uzbekistan (problem finding fuel outside of big cities)
  • Xiva - Culturally really nice. maybe not worth a long de-tour
  • Buchara - I didnt really appreciate it but I was a bit ill and think I could have seen more. Probably worth reading up
  • Smarqand - Not magical, but I definately wouldnt want to miss it. Quite a few very nice cultural hot spots in the city
  • Tashkent - Good for visas, not amazing.
  • Khujand - City is ok but I liked surrounding nature. The tranformation from more desert like (Uzbekistan) to more mountains is a nice and slow progress
  • Dushanbe - Quite nice city but no amazing sights as far as I can remember. However, the nature around is really nice.
  • Pamir highway - If you like nature, dont miss this. Worth fighting/waiting for visas etc. Permit is easy to get in Dushanbe
After Pamir, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan get a little pale if you ask me. Kyrg is really nice with good roads etc though. Definately not boring by any means. Just a little less amazing.

I heard good things about the lake "Issyk kul" and some places around. Youd need to find out more about that if relevant for you route.

Cant help you beyond that. My notes are based on my own perspective and I like a little adventure and nature. I just got my license before I went on my trip, so no previous experience is required (be prepared for real bad roads though).

Kurvenfieber 12 Mar 2015 15:19

Thanks a lot, for the info.
Very helpful.
I wont got to Pakistan or Afghanistan but will most likely visit the other Stans.
I´ll ride a heavy BMW R100 GS from 89, but modifided and refurbished for my needs.
I´ll test it in may/june in Marokko again. See if she does it ,-)

Thx again, i appreciate your information!!

FS 12 Mar 2015 22:59


Originally Posted by Kurvenfieber (Post 498291)
Thanks a lot, for the info.
Very helpful.
I wont got to Pakistan or Afghanistan but will most likely visit the other Stans.
I´ll ride a heavy BMW R100 GS from 89, but modifided and refurbished for my needs.
I´ll test it in may/june in Marokko again. See if she does it ,-)

Thx again, i appreciate your information!!

Almost any bike could do it. A scooter would probably not be so fun, but even though the roads sometimes are bad, a motorcycle is still a motorcycle. Maybe if your bike is heavy you should try to ride with company on the parts where there is little civilization (in case you drop the bike and cant get it back up).

Kurvenfieber 17 Mar 2015 10:40

I think too that it won´t be any problem riding my old Beemer to Japan and back.
I´ll definetely try to find compagnions for remote areas, but not for getting the bike up, this shouldn´t be a problem for me, although it´s not so exhausting if you get a hand ;-)
As plans change quick, I now plan to see the wakhan valley too :D

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