Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Northern and Central Asia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/)
-   -   78 year old does what most people can't. Drive through China (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/northern-and-central-asia/78-year-old-does-what-89127)

bigdamo 29 Sep 2016 23:56

78 year old does what most people can't. Drive through China
This 78 year old woman has done what most can't. Drive through China solo. But and hats off to her after driving all the way through Russia and on through Mongolia she got stopped at the border of China and refused visa. So she turned around drove back to Kyrgyzstan and passed through the border there. No mean feat those mountains up that way are well over 3000mtrs.Plus the legal driving age limit in China for the Chinese is 70 years old.This woman wins the nothing is going to stop me driving through China award.

德国78岁的老奶奶开着老爷车环游世界 ,结果来到中国后…

mika 30 Sep 2016 01:58

Heidi Hetzer
Currently driving around the world in a 1930 Hudson

Heidi Hetzer is a 78-year-old former automobile dealer, rally car driver, classic car collector and popular celebrity in Berlin, Germany. She is currently circumnavigating the globe in a vintage car. She started in July 2014 in Berlin, driving a 1930 Hudson. Initially accompanied by a male co-pilot, the team split up in September 2014. Heidi continues alone, more or less following in the tracks of a notable german lady, Clärenore Stinnes, who made a similar journey from 1927 to 1929, enduring hardship along the way.
Heidi’s travels have taken her through Eastern Europe, Central Asia, China, South Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The voyage continued through the USA and Canada, where Heidi lost a finger in an accident while working under the car. In Miami in December 2015, Heidi visited a doctor’s office to have a “wart” looked at, which turned out to be cancer. Luckily treatment was pretty quick and Heidi was able to continue (on a ship through the Panama Canal) from Lima, Peru in Febuary of this year. She continued through Bolivia to Argentina and Chile (where vintage car enthusiasts helped get Hudo running again after his breakdown), then to Buenos Aires to ship Hudo to Cape Town for a tour around Southern Africa beginning in August 2016. Heidi expects to return to Berlin in Spring of 2017 by way of Suez Canal, Spain and France.


mika 30 Sep 2016 02:00

Heidi Hetzer
Link English


Link German



mika 30 Sep 2016 02:05

Heidi Hetzer

This woman wins the nothing is going to stop me driving through China award.


Having ridden through China solo myself in 2015, there is no doubt that Heidi Hetzer would get the award ... but she did not travel solo, she had a Chinese guide. But she took fantastic pictures.

A pity I missed her, when she crossed Bolivia.

Greetings from Bolivia

bigdamo 30 Sep 2016 02:41


Originally Posted by mika (Post 548275)


Having ridden through China solo myself in 2015, there is no doubt that Heidi Hetzer would get the award ... but she did not travel solo, she had Chinese guide for the China part of her journey.

A pity I missed her, when she crossed Bolivia.

Greetings from Bolivia

Looks like she raced motorcycles in her younger days. Ahh I thought she got a guide but was told no she did it herself. Reading the road signs in Xinjiang they're in Simplified Chinese and Uryghur and using a GPS brought from outside China which has an offset on it is incredibly hard plus hardly anyone speaks English ,German or what ever Russian yes.

mika 30 Sep 2016 02:50


Looks like she raced motorcycles in her younger days.
Yes, Wikipedia says she raced a Lambretta scooter in 1953 :scooter:

doogle 12 Dec 2016 04:03

Hail Heidi. If she did it,why shouldn't I try. The China part anyway.

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