Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Just Crossed Libia! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/north-africa/just-crossed-libia-63965)

hlcarneiro 27 Apr 2012 15:32

Just Crossed Libia!

I write from Túnis 2 days after crossing all Libya starting from Egypt. It was amazing, people super friendly and warm. The militias control the countrie we sleeped in a small town (camping), Bengazi (hotel), Sirte (camping with the militias) and tripoli (hotel)

Visa - it took us 16 days, and 10 times going to the embassie in Cairo. You have to go and go and insist. They gave us 7 days transit visa and we heard now it s officialy open and should be easier. There are lot s of egiptians there, go early and be the first in the queue!

The border between Egypt and Libia was super calm - 2 weeks before there where some killings and protests. In the Libian side they stamp passport and carnet without looking or registring!

Lots of check points, but when they sow us in the Renault 4L they just smiled and make "V" with their hands. Honestly we felt no danger at all. Bengazi looks safe, Tripoli we heard it s more dangerous. We went to the Kadaki compund that is abandoned and in ruins, and people say there s a lost tiger there! We went with some locals living near, its very isolated so better not to go alone.

After 26 countries in Africa it was the most warm coutrie we where - people just cheer the arriving of tourism, and invite you for everything. Soon we ll put all the photos and story in our site

Not 2 late trip

Niva Say Never 27 Apr 2012 17:04

Thanks Carlos, that's great
I've just bookmarked your site, I'll have a proper look later

Happy travels

Travelbug 5 May 2012 09:16

Great report Carlos! Thanks.

We only made it from Cairo until Benghazi, exactly one year ago. No visa needed at the time. Blitz Trip to Benghazi (Arabian Spring 2011) - Gentleman Adventurer

Happy to hear about the generally positive spirit (except for the poor tiger).

Roger Bruton 5 May 2012 09:57

Congratulations!!! REALLY interesting!

estebangc 5 May 2012 18:31

What can I say??? I love your trip (round Africa!), the team (father and son), the style (on the cheap side) and your car! Go, go, go!:thumbup1::thumbup1::thumbup1:

I've travelled on Renault 4 van and Renault 5, they can take you anywhere (just pack light) and are so simple/modest that they kind of remove the barrier of wealth.

Congrats for the trip and the Lybian crossing. Thanks for sharing the info.


kimandmatt 6 May 2012 03:29

This is excellent news, Libya is still top of our list in terms of the reception we received, we also crossed on the elusive transit visa, before the troubles erupted. So pleased that it is possible once again!

Matt & Kim

Doubledown 9 May 2012 08:24

This is great news!

How was it getting your Tunisia visa? I was told you had to get the visa from your home country?

How much did the Libya visa cost you?


hlcarneiro 9 May 2012 18:36


The visa was super cheap - 100 egp pounds (like 12€ i think). It was transit visa only. A local agency, after they start giving transit visa send us an emailcharging us 200€, but we were already in Túnis!

For europeans (like us) we don t need visa for Tunisia.



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