Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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TheWarden 20 May 2020 12:51

58 places left on the ferry (I think that's about half capacity). People registered with embassy not contacted etc. They were posting at midnight last night trying to find more people to fill the ferry. Its great news for those with tickets but a fiasco organisation wise.

Tim Cullis 20 May 2020 18:18

With over 120 bookings, it's two-thirds full, but the Embassy's inability to manage communications seems to be a repeated theme both during the coordination of air travellers and now with vehicle owners.

Many vehicle owners have felt unable to engage with this ferry crossing due to uncertainty as to whether it will take place plus an inability to get travel permissions. Tony and Jan in Zagora only received travel permission an hour or so back. If they had booked they would have lost their money.

The Embassy seems to have just woken up to the fact there's many dozens of non-vehicle owners still in the country yet people have been reporting this in responses to twitter feeds for weeks.

TheWarden 20 May 2020 19:13

I heard that the ferry only takes either 120 or 150 campervans.

Communication has been shocking, inconsistent and contradictory In the last 2 weeks they told people to book with GNV, then told people they shouldn't have booked with GNV but the embassy has arranged full refunds and the email tonigh they state that refunds are nothing to do with them. All this came from 1 person in the embassy.

When I was contacted about this ferry last week I was told to go to Agadir immediately to get permission to travel and they would email details. So off we went, spent the day they running around, sending messages about getting the permission and got repeatedly told that they would email details.

3 days later they admitted they didn't know where we had to go and we only found out through other people here the location or the correct office.

1 lady with young children was in Dakhla waiting for permission yesterday morning with a 24 hour drive ahead of them to get to the ferry on time. Not sure they'll make it.

WhatsApp group members also reported inconsistent pricing on the ferry but I suspect they got confused between pounds and euros.

Other rumours are a Campervan club have begun legal action against the Spanish Authorities for only allowing Spanish nationals on the next 3 ferries to Malaga, and the plight of the French nationals was discussed on French national TV today. Reportedly over 5000 French campervans still in Morocco.

Tim Cullis 21 May 2020 14:02

I've been chatting to a couple of contacts in the diplomatic service trying to get them interested in the idea of setting up a proper computer system that can better handle situations like this in the future, anywhere around the world.

I've not managed to get any interest so far but I've been pointed at a mailbox for people who have used consular services and would like to give feedback. Apparently they are processing replies, so it's actively monitored, the address is feedback.consular.services@fco.gov.uk

If you feel sufficiently motivated, I'd suggest you compose a blow-by-blow account of your experiences in dealing with the Embassy, and give it a few days before you submit it so you have chance to add in things you think of later.

You could usefully pass this email address on to others who are similarly affected.

TheWarden 21 May 2020 14:44

Its almost like the Embassy has no crisis management system.

We all know that entries into and out of the country is logged into a computer system so any Embassy should be able to obtain a list of who is in the country at the start of any even and then its just a case of crossing people of as they are repatriated. With this situation people have had to register several times, details have been lost and people registered not contacted. Massive room for improvement.

Ferry has boarded and should be departing soon. Now we will see what happens with those still left. The next scheduled departure from our campsite is Wednesday heading for a ferry on the 1st June

Tim Cullis 21 May 2020 15:33

>>"Its almost like the Embassy has no crisis management system."
That's my whole point. It seems to be scraping info from incoming emails and sticking into a spreadsheet or something equally basic.

Travellers from 20 countries are now boarding today's ferry from Tanger Med to Málaga (capacity 180 vehicles).

There's a ferry for British nationals to Gibraltar tomorrow, tweet from the Ambassador, @TSAReilly, "We are organising a ferry from Tangier to Gibraltar tomorrow for British nationals. There are four places left. You will need to book overnight accommodation on Friday & Saturday night in Gibraltar and book into the BA flight to London on Sunday."

There's a 'La Méridionale' ferry open to both vehicle owners and foot passengers leaving Tanger Med on 27 May heading for Marseille. Application form is at https://framaforms.org/meridionale-d...mai-1589903490

TheWarden 22 May 2020 13:35

I think even a spreadsheet is a advanced concept for the way they are operating, I think its limited to looking at what emails are in the top of their Inbox and no further processing than that.

A while back I contacted my MP, who has been fantastic so far (and I didn't even vote for him)

Yesterday he forwarded an email from the FCO stating I have a ticket for the 26th, well that's news to me. Either they've done something and not told me or the 5 times I've informed them I have a ticket for the 13th June hasn't been registered anywhere.

Tim Cullis 10 Jun 2020 00:08

The State of Emergency will be extended until 10 July. The government says it hopes to gradually ease the lockdown restrictions and some more details may be provided tomorrow.

The annual influx of ex-pat Moroccans returning overland for the summer holidays normally starts around 15 July and many will be hoping they will be able to visit as usual this year.

There seems to be a spike in the number of new infections. After a week of daily figures ranging from 33 to 81 new cases per day, the government announced 135 new cases of infection for the last 24 hours which is the highest figure for 28 days.

Tim Cullis 10 Jun 2020 10:10

1 Attachment(s)
From 11 June some restrictions are being released nationwide with resumption of economic activities in industries, shops, local activities and trades and souqs. Not included in this are cafes, on-site restaurants, hammams, cinemas, theatres.

Morocco is being divided into two zones that have differing amounts of restrictions. In zone 2 people still need authorisation to travel and shops will close at 8pm. Public transport will reopen with a capacity of 50%. As you can see from the map below this zone includes most of the Atlantic coast from Tanger to El Jadida, plus Marrakech, Fez and El Hajeb (NW of Azrou).

In the least infected zone 1 travel within the province no longer requires an exceptional authorisation, ditto local circulation. Public gardens will reopen, walking and cycling is permitted.

PanEuropean 13 Jun 2020 20:09

Tim, do you know if "The Warden" ever made it out of Morocco, or is he still stuck there?


Tim Cullis 14 Jun 2020 22:52

I don't know. He writes above that he had a ticket for yesterday which I think was to Algeciras or Málaga.

I have friends in Essaouira with a Defender who are looking to cross to Spain in a week or so.

Another couple made it back to the UK several days ago, taking Brittany Ferries boat from northern Spain to the UK. They were one of only four non-freight vehicles on the boat—bars and food outlets closed, but food brought to the cabin if needed.

PanEuropean 15 Jun 2020 03:07

Thanks Tim.


markharf 15 Jun 2020 07:28

Michael, are you back in Toronto, or still stuck in Tunisia? I've been feeling guilty for months now about downplaying your concerns, then added a portion of survivor's guilt when I baled on my own trip and narrowly escaped getting stuck myself.


TheWarden 16 Jun 2020 00:02


Originally Posted by PanEuropean (Post 612116)
Tim, do you know if "The Warden" ever made it out of Morocco, or is he still stuck there?


I'm still here

Been having a bit of a nightmare week

Ferry got cancelled, no refund voucher only :nono:

Got a travel permit, not quite as smooth as should have been but its in hand

Embassy still shockingly incompetant

GNV Ferry tomorrow to Sete, I have a voucher for that route, can't use it, can't get a place on the ferry

Balearia sail to Malaga Wednesday and Thursday, can't get a place

Left the coast to head north as the embassy said they could get me on the GNV or Balearia Ferry

Met a very shouty angry gendarme, who made us go to a hotel in Khenifra, no hotels open doh

Met nice police to gave us permission to camp anywhere in the city. Carrefour carpark was great, and we could buy beer in the morning

Great day in the middle atlas (avoiding coastal Zone 2)

Arrived in Chefchaouen, told city closed despite being Zone 1 and having a permit, told campsite was closed and full, got angry with the police, allowed in, campsite deserted except 2 French yoghurt pots

Police on campsite gates, and driving around with megaphones, seems Chefchaouen didn't get the memo about Zone 1 :oops2:

Embassy sent a link to register for Baleria ferries, 36 hours after registration closed doh

Embassy don't respond to emails or messages, no news on ferries 600 miles driven looks to be wasted :(

But friends drove to the port last week, no ticket or permit, bought a ticket and got on the next ferry so I'm trying that tomorrow and Wednesday, if it doesn't work I'll head south again and join up with some friends

Jay_Benson 16 Jun 2020 13:37


Originally Posted by markharf (Post 612144)
Michael, are you back in Toronto, or still stuck in Tunisia? I've been feeling guilty for months now about downplaying your concerns, then added a portion of survivor's guilt when I baled on my own trip and narrowly escaped getting stuck myself.


I was in contact with Michael the other day and he is back home.

As you said you were feeling guilty I was sorely tempted to say that he was still there and he just been thrown in gaol and having to do hard labour but I am a good person. Sometimes.

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