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cjdad76 24 Mar 2010 12:52

Another boring question on insurance in Ceuta
I know there are loads of posts on bike insurance for Morocco, but most of what I have read is from some time ago and I was hoping someone could update me. We are ferrying from Algeciras to Ceuta early next week!

I am intending to get border insurance when we get there, can anyone update me on the below:

1) Can I get insurance in Algeciras, avoiding the worry of doing it in Morocco?

2) If sorting in Morocco, does anyone have GPS co-ord's or address for the nearest offices

Thanks - and sorry if everybody is fed up of hearing about this stuff!!

Dazzerrtw 24 Mar 2010 13:25

I hear that they have stopped selling insurance at the boarded in Ceuta.

So this year I have taken out insurance here through carol nash .the cover is with Groupama and they have sent me a green card for Morocco.

Have fun


cjdad76 24 Mar 2010 13:30

Thanks Dazzer,
CN wouldn't touch me for a single trip, but I already have cover here in the UK and pay a lot less than what they wanted for a years insurance.

I've heard that insurance offices in Ceuta are closed too.

bholinath 27 Mar 2010 00:39

I recently came through that way in dec 2009 heading into Morocco. You will be lucky if you get through without a green card, although I was lucky but 5 euros down -
here's an excerpt from my blog on the topic;


Guys clutching documents, telling us we needed to fill them in, then insisting that they fill them in for us. Of course they were going to ask for a small fee to 'help' us. So me being me, I wanted to do this myself.
Meanwhile Kev had a few guys helping him fill in his details. After getting a laser to the head from the medic (checking for flu we think) I handed in all the necessary documents to the official. I had no insurance for Morocco (no green card) and the official threw the papers back at me,
"No Insurance".
Damn. What to do? I was told by my insurers that I would have to buy insurance on the border. After asking a few people at the border I was told that this was no longer possible.
What to do?

read how I got on here...

A Long Lay Down: Honda C90...Bulletproof? My arse )

I would sort it out before you get to the border, as at first I was refused. I cannnot remember looking for or seeing insurance offices in Ceuta but there maybe some - worth checking. A tout told me insurance was no longer possible on the border - but he was a tout. I certainly never saw anywhere on the border itself where you could get it.

I later stayed at nearby Teteuoan and found out insurance is available for;
1month = approx. £100
3months= approx. £190
this is for third party insurance only, not fire or theft.

I'm not sure where you're staying but nearly all towns have 24hr manned, secure parking in towns and I felt comfortable leaving my vintage Vespa there. Expect to pay around 1Euro (10 Dirham) a night. (negotiable)

Co-op insurance also issues green cards to their customers.

Have fun. Its a wicked place.

guzzibob 30 Mar 2010 22:45

3 of us went through Ceuta on bikes just over 3 weeks ago. There is nowhere to buy insurance, neither was there when I passed through 2 years ago. This time we had done our custom forms on line here in the UK so just presented passports at the first office (2 of the 3 with CIN numbers from previous trips), then presented customs forms and V5s at the next office. No problems what so ever, and no one asked to see insurance at all. No touts but it was early in the season, early in the day, p*ssing with rain, and we looked like we knew what we were doing...(ho ho).
We intended to get some insurance 'later' when we saw an Axa office, but there aren't many on the pistes....now home, and we got away with it. No one asked for any docs at all in over 2 weeks. On balance, and having paid for a Carole Nash Green Card last time, I personally wouldn't bother next time either.

eightpot 30 Mar 2010 23:58

you can't buy insurance on the door anymore, but you can get it from an insurance agents called Wafa - they have branches in most of the main towns and if you ask about people will direct you to them. We picked some up about 100km out of ceuta, forget which town, maybe Rabbat.
It isn't any cheaper (think it was about 80 quid), and covers for a month. Noone ever asked us for it or wanted to see it - if I go again I may not bother, but sods law would no doubt kick in.

Niva Say Never 31 Mar 2010 08:12

Just so everyone is aware, if stopped by the Police, they WILL demand to see your insurance. In the 5 weeks i was there this year i had to produce my valid green card 3 times. Once, for example, was for apparently running a red light - what red light, we went back and checked, there was no light. So even being carefull and not commiting any offences may not be enough to get away with it.
I don't know exactly what would have happened if i couldn't have produced it, but it's certainly going to spoil your day.

Enjoy Morocco, but i'd do it by the book

pera 31 Mar 2010 17:32

A few years ago it was possible buying an insurance at the border, now it´s not possible. When you are registering your bike custum police will ask you for a green card, and you will not pass wihout it, so take it from home.

Niva, you are veru lucky! I´ve been more than 70 times in Morocco and have been stopped by the police many many times and I never have shown my green card. Anyway I would never drive my bike in Spain, Morocco nor anywhere without an insurance...

Enjoy Morocco and take care with speeding, mostly near towns, there are more radars there than in Europe

Koho 1 Apr 2010 09:02


Originally Posted by Dazzerrtw (Post 282209)
I hear that they have stopped selling insurance at the boarded in Ceuta.

So this year I have taken out insurance here through carol nash .the cover is with Groupama and they have sent me a green card for Morocco.

Have fun


I did the same this winter!!

motoreiter 1 Apr 2010 09:28

i'm going to morocco in may and have been assured by several people that I can get insurance coverage at the border; my green card does not cover morocco.

what about the border post in Tangiers, is insurance available?

Knight of the Holy Graal 1 Apr 2010 12:40


Originally Posted by pera (Post 283249)
Anyway I would never drive my bike in Spain, Morocco nor anywhere without an insurance...

Enjoy Morocco and take care with speeding, mostly near towns, there are more radars there than in Europe

I agree with you what say about insurance, I always prefer to be well covered regardless of the Country I'm in.

And thanks for your warning about the speed traps, I'll ride Morocco next August, so I'll keep my eyes open!

Chris Scott 1 Apr 2010 13:08

i'm going to morocco in may and have been assured by several people that I can get insurance coverage at the border.

Well not Ceuta/Fnideq it seems, but in an earlier thread on this subject someone gave a wpt for a place in the first/next town on the way to Chef.

what about the border post in Tangiers, is insurance available?
Must be, someone will know for sure.

Ar Beni Ezzane (Nador) there is a WAFA in town - the AXA near the port I identify in the book does not do it, or so I was told last week.

Better to try get it in northern towns anyway - not so easy down south in my experience (try Er Rachidia). I too have not bothered/given up trying on occasions, but one time I decided to buy in Agadir I was checked in Tan Tan next day.

Bottom line is if you leave Fnideq and are pulled, just say you could not buy and are heading directly for the AXA or WAFA in the next town. Not having insurance in MK is not yet the same deal it has become in the EU - a small bribe will get you out of it, if such a thing is implied.

Good to see that green cards are becoming available again for UK people.

The radars are especially common on the N1 west coast road north of Guelmim, IME. Never seen one in the desert.


WAFA agencies map but cant guarantee all will offer frontier insurance.

Quintin 1 Apr 2010 17:45

I can confirm that the WAFA Agency in Guercif does (or at least did in 2007/8) do Frontier Insurance. I travelled over to Nador in my big truck, got in without insurance and stopped there the next day and got insurance for significantly less than the (closed-it was a sunday) agencies were offering at the port.

I can confirm also that if you say to the Police that you couldn't get insurance on entry and that you're heading to get it now you should be OK. I was told this by a policeman who just happened to be in the WAFA office at the time. They know full well about the difficulties for some European travellers in getting insurance.

I must say though that I think it is wholly irresponsible, not to say immoral and worse, to deliberately chose to travel in any country without insurance however hopeless the policy cover may turn out to be.


Peter Girling 2 Apr 2010 16:38

Morocco insurance
Hi all,

there is an insurance office at Tangiers, just outside the port. (I was there again last week) There's no insurance office at Ceuta as far as I know (I'll be through there next month and will post an update.

I've got through Ceuta several timezs without insurance no problem. I just told them I'd get it en route and they were fine. There are several insuruance offices in Fnideq AXA, Cotassure, etc.

Don't travel in Morocco without insurance. Some posters have said it's not worth the paper it's written on. OK, you might not get a payout if you're bikec/car's stolen, but run over a kid in a big city and you're on your own...

Happy trails,


Huskynose 5 Apr 2010 13:18

My quarter......
And dare I pose the question : what's wrong with obeying the law of a country where you're a guest ??c?

pera 5 Apr 2010 14:49

[quote=Chris Scott;283368]

The radars are especially common on the N1 west coast road north of Guelmim, IME. Never seen one in the desert.


I´ve been catch by a radar between El Aiún and Bojador a couple of years ago...

Chris Scott 5 Apr 2010 14:52

You're right pera, I recall seeing one leaving Layounne one time, just after a bend when you're about to open up. They know all the tricks!


Chris Scott 5 Apr 2010 15:31

what's wrong with obeying the law of a country where you're a guest ?

Sounds like a great idea and one that, judging by Niva Say Never's post, might be adopted by some locals too (outside the Rif of course).
To be fair, NSN's experience sounds like an exceptional example of extortion for Morocco - less so further south as some know.

For some EU nationals, it's not possible to get a Green Card and so they need to buy at a local port. This has not been possible at the popular Fnideq crossing this last year or two, but ought to be available at the next big town which means driving uninsured.

If you don't like the idea or ethics of this (or they stop you leaving as, within the letter of the law, you'd fully expect) do what I was told back in 1981 on arriving at Figuig from Algeria. Leave your machine at the border and take a bus to Oujda, buy insurance and get a bus back: 2-3 days travel, all up.
They seem more lenient these days and since then, on occasion I've not been able to buy at the port and tried in town after town until, due my route, I've found myself close to the Mauritanian border.
Now it seems similarly-priced green card extensions are not so hard to get in the UK again, maybe because it took them a while to realise Morocco does not = Iraq.

It's also worth recognising that in Morocco (certainly for rentals) insurance may not be valid on unsealed roads, even though this these tracks can be considered part of the national road system connecting what one imagines are tax-paying settlements. It's where we like to go but what happens when you run someone over here?

It's an interesting debate. Me, I believe it's worthwhile being realistic rather than sanctimonious about travel in places like Africa. Morocco is for better or worse less like the 'real Africa' which explains it's popularity among travellers who'd never dream of going further south.
I recall reading that many local drivers have an insh allah attitude towards motor insurance and driving licenses - not so good when they run you over, although Morocco is trying to move towards EU standards on this, as with many other things.
A local will get away with it with a bribe and a promise to buy insurance asap - so may you. That is the way of the world outside the EU/West.

Just don't assume that insurance gives you immunity from considerate driving. I believe the antics of some Iberian 4x4 tour groups are far more damaging than driving from Fnideq to Chefchaouen uninsured. We have read about the justified results that their actions have brought about.

In the worst case scenario of running someone over, from what I've heard it can be a traumatic experience for a tourist, even with insurance. It is often settled quickly and informally out of court, rather than through the protracted claims procedure we have in Europe.

Get insurance as soon as you can - all the info is now here so it's getting easier and it's only a pound or two a day.

But better to always drive or ride in MK as if you're uninsured because the consequences in an accident are not the same as being back home.


PS: This is how the Brits react!

Niva Say Never 5 Apr 2010 16:17


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 283903)
To be fair, NSN's experience sounds like an exceptional example of extortion for Morocco - less so further south as some know.

Agreed, it didn't tally with any of my other experiences in Morocco, before or since. It was a pretty half arsed attempt on his part, he got bored and gave up far sooner than i expected. I was glad not to give him any ammo though, i'm guessing finding i had no insurance would have made his day!

FYI, anyone insured in the UK through Sainsburys (underwritten by Esure i believe), they'll give you a green card for third party fire and theft in Morocco, no problem

Ride/drive safe

twenty4seven 5 Apr 2010 16:48

Well worth asking the question at insurance renewal time and find a company that will issue green cards for Morocco, mine does but I have to pay around a pound per day for the card but it is fully comp, even in Morocco (4x4)

Niva Say Never 5 Apr 2010 18:35

I've just re-read my post.....

To save any confusion, instead of 'give', i really should have said 'sell'!
It is pretty reasonable though, from memory about £40 for 5 weeks in a 4x4 i think

pera 5 Apr 2010 20:24


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 283903)

It's also worth recognising that in Morocco (certainly for rentals) insurance may not be valid on unsealed roads, even though this these tracks can be considered part of the national road system connecting what one imagines are tax-paying settlements. It's where we like to go but what happens when you run someone over here?

I don´t know any insurance that covers you out the sealed roads. In Spain al insurances excludes towing you out of sealed roads. I agree with you when you said that Morocco is not "real Africa" but if you go out of the civilized sealed roads you must be able to solve your problems: knowing basic mecanics, carrying water and fuel reserves, having an contact to phone for asking for towing (a hotel or the police)...

Sadly I must agree when you say that spanish 4x4 drivers are more dangerous than moroccan, even more in "Africa". I exclude portuguese, they are dangerous too, but they are a little bit more polite than spanish driving. Moroccan drivers are more predictable and they don´t speed very much. Better not to have any driving incident in Morocco, It can be hell.

Sorry but I don´t write english since school...many years ago.

Niva Say Never 5 Apr 2010 21:58

Pera, your english looks fine to me:thumbup1:

I did ask weather the insurance was valid while driving on pistes and off road generally, they confirmed it was ok.
But, you are right, they certainly wont be coming to help anyone who breaks down

pera 6 Apr 2010 19:47

Thanks Niva but I can´t say everything that I want to, I must practice a little bit my english.

You are lucky, as I said here in spain nor the best insurances cover out the asphalt but, on the other side, our green cards usually cover more countries including all aside the Mediterranean that is a good deal

Detourer 7 Apr 2010 10:23

I am just a bit shocked that anyone would think it "clever" or whatever to enter Morocco without insurance.......

All legal aspects aside.....you will crap yourself if involved in an accident that involves personal injury of another.......

Without going into detail.......In my Unimog I ran over a young child, no fault implied as the kid ran out of a shop and into the road without looking and went under the BACK of my vehicle.

For awhile.......under shock and being harrased by locals and parents, I could not find my paperwork........Long story but I and vehicle was taken from Ain-Aicha to Fes, under close escort, where I spent 9 hours sorting it out.....7 hours even AFTER I found paperwork. As it looked like I was maybe hiding something or the note may have been forged they were checked with calls to the UK [NFU] etc etc. I was treated Ok by the cops but not a great day!

If I did not have insurance I dread to think and anyway I hope the lad, who was seriously injured, eventually got a big payout!

Anyway......off again to Morocco in a few hours......

Ray [DesertDetours]


Peter Girling 9 Apr 2010 19:18

Insurance at Tanger
Just an update on buying insurance at Tanger.

5days, 10days or one month cover. A month is 950 dhirams. The latest try-on is calling them demanding you pay 2750 dhirams as they claim your land Rover is a fougonette or a camionette - a commercial vehicle. We persuaded them otherwise by showing our UK insurance certificates.

Happy trails,


moggy 1968 12 Apr 2010 21:40

surely as cuetta is a spanish enclave you are covered by european insurance. with regards to morocco NFU also include it on your green card

Betty Swollocks 13 Apr 2010 00:31

I was in Morocco 2/3 weeks ago.... if you knew me, I am the world's biggest worrier and everything has to be 100% sorted before I go.

After taking advise from a regular traveller to Morocco (7 years organising tours and never asked to show insurance) I decided to take their advice and not get insurance.

Saw loads more Police than in Europe...... had I have had an accident, I don't think insurance would have made a difference.......

I arrived via Tangiers..... (didn't see insurance agent)..... but if I did, I still wouldn't have bought any.

Any other Continent in the world....... yeah!.... I prob would buy insurance

drop me a PM if you are still in doubt...... I am probably Europe's most law abiding citizen..... but wouldn't advise wasting your money on Morocco insurance!

Chris Scott 13 Apr 2010 08:31

BS, I hope you're just trolling...


casperghst42 14 Apr 2010 13:04

We got into Morocco via Melilla on 31 or March, and they do not let people if they do not have insurance. There is shop just across the border which sells the insurances, but in our case they did not have the correct papers, which meant a 3 hour wait.


pera 14 Apr 2010 14:11


Originally Posted by Chris Scott (Post 284913)
BS, I hope you're just trolling...


I too..

A friend drove on a boy near Tata two months ago. He got insurance and he get his passport retained for a week. If he wouldn´t have an insurance I don´t want to known what would became of him.

I think going without insurance foolish

Peter Girling 14 Apr 2010 15:30

Hi All,

"surely as cuetta is a spanish enclave you are covered by european insurance. with regards to morocco NFU also include it on your green card"

Quite right but you're still not covered for Morocco without a Green Card. NFU only issue Green Cards on a discretionary basis so not all can get cover. Same with Aviva (used to be Norwich Union) CIS will, but only if you've held a policy with them for a year or more.

"After taking advise from a regular traveller to Morocco (7 years organising tours and never asked to show insurance) I decided to take their advice and not get insurance."

That's not a reason for not carrying it. What were you planning to say to the police if you'd run over a kid?

Don't understand why folk are so reluctant to fork out a few quid for insurance when the whole trip's probably cost a couple of thousand all in.

Happy trails,


Cambelt 23 Feb 2011 17:00


Originally Posted by casperghst42 (Post 285140)
We got into Morocco via Melilla on 31 or March, and they do not let people if they do not have insurance. There is shop just across the border which sells the insurances, but in our case they did not have the correct papers, which meant a 3 hour wait.


How did you get the insurance if the shop was across the border but they wouldn't let you in? I only ask as I'm doing this route in a couple of weeks time and I'll need to get insurance on arrival.

pera 23 Feb 2011 17:13

It´s easy. The first thing you must do is get your passport stamped. Then you can cross the border on foot and buy the insurance, it´s only a few meters.

Richard Washington 23 Feb 2011 17:14


Originally Posted by Cambelt (Post 325470)
How did you get the insurance if the shop was across the border but they wouldn't let you in? I only ask as I'm doing this route in a couple of weeks time and I'll need to get insurance on arrival.

When you cross into Morocco you enter the resitriced frontier zone with booms/fence on the sides and buildings in the middle. You do immigration. customs and insurance formalities in this area. The gate/boom which separates this area from the rest of Morocco can only be crossed if they are happy with all the paper work. So, to answer your question, you do the paperwork in an area which is separated from the rest of the country. Most borders in Africa work like this.

pera 23 Feb 2011 17:16


Originally Posted by JoJo1 (Post 285176)
Hi All,

"surely as cuetta is a spanish enclave you are covered by european insurance. with regards to morocco NFU also include it on your green card"

Quite right but you're still not covered for Morocco without a Green Card. NFU only issue Green Cards on a discretionary basis so not all can get cover. Same with Aviva (used to be Norwich Union) CIS will, but only if you've held a policy with them for a year or more.

Wrong. Spanish insurance companies can´t sell insurance for vehicles not registered in Spain.

Richard Washington 23 Feb 2011 17:38


Originally Posted by pera (Post 325475)
Wrong. Spanish insurance companies can´t sell insurance for vehicles not registered in Spain.

That might be the case, but the reference to NFU, AVIVA etc was a reference to UK based insurance companies and some do give cover for the rest of Europe. In some cases this may extend to Morocco, but it is not automatic. It has to be explicitly agreed with the company concerned.

pera 23 Feb 2011 17:48


Originally Posted by Richard Washington (Post 325481)
That might be the case, but the reference to NFU, AVIVA etc was a reference to UK based insurance companies and some do give cover for the rest of Europe. In some cases this may extend to Morocco, but it is not automatic. It has to be explicitly agreed with the company concerned.

Sorry, I´ve not read properly... In Spain we get automaticly a green card valid for all the mediterranean countries but in our neighbour Portugal you must pay an extra for the extend to Morocco too.

Peter Girling 23 Feb 2011 19:25

Insurance at Tangiers
There's no requirement for insurance to pass through Tanger Ville Port. We've regularly passed through the customs area without and been sent on our way. The insurance office is outside the gated area on the right just before the banks and ATMs.

As I've said before, don't travel without insurance!


pera 24 Feb 2011 15:55


Originally Posted by JoJo1 (Post 325494)
There's no requirement for insurance to pass through Tanger Ville Port. We've regularly passed through the customs area without and been sent on our way. The insurance office is outside the gated area on the right just before the banks and ATMs.

As I've said before, don't travel without insurance!


Yes, ten years ago it was compulsory to show the green card at the customs, but since then they don´t control it at customs. Last october at Ceuta I tried to give the green card joint the grey card to the customs officer and he refused it.

Cambelt 24 Feb 2011 21:56


Originally Posted by Richard Washington (Post 325473)
When you cross into Morocco you enter the resitriced frontier zone with booms/fence on the sides and buildings in the middle. You do immigration. customs and insurance formalities in this area. The gate/boom which separates this area from the rest of Morocco can only be crossed if they are happy with all the paper work. So, to answer your question, you do the paperwork in an area which is separated from the rest of the country. Most borders in Africa work like this.

That's useful to know as I'm new to all this. Thanks.

svetlana71 15 Mar 2011 15:39

car insorance
You can enter cross the border without insorance in Ceuta, and you can continue to drive without insorance, on your own risk!! It is not >atleast on Ceuta border< required insorance for entering the county. I arrived in the night, continued to drive... and in the morning, in Tetouan, i bought insorance - 950 dirhams, valid for one month. On the way out of the country, you must show insorance papers, so, it is not posibile to drive Morocco without insorance.
Cheers, Lana

sabrina 5 Apr 2011 14:42

Does anyone know if we can buy insurance from Ceuta for Morocco?

Afrikiya 5 Apr 2011 23:44

Since our first time in Morcco in early 90's, we've been ALWAYS asked for to show both, the grey and the green card, always; so I'm very surpirsed when you Pera say you were not asked for it and even refused !!! :confused1:
We always enter Morocco through Ceuta.

priffe 6 Apr 2011 14:19

In my trips to Morocco I have never, ever been asked to show insurance or Green Card.
That is, until last trip when I passed Dahkla Junction - but that was a young officer for some reason looking to stir up trouble for me. Could be because there was a recent Swedish documentary made about fishing and West Sahara, with very negative views of Morocco? Parts of it were from Dahkla, using a hidden camera.
In that other Green card country Tunisia, I have been asked to show insurance a few times.
BTW with a Swedish registered car all I have to do for a Green Card is call my insurance company. It is free. 30 days.

Afrikiya 6 Apr 2011 16:17

I meant we are always asked for the green card at the customs offices, in Ceuta border; never inside the country

Peter Girling 8 Apr 2011 16:30

Insurance in Ceuta
Hi all,

No, you can't buy insurance in Ceuta for UK vehicles going into Morocco.

We entered through Tanger Med last week. Only took 40 minutes and we weren't asked for green cards. The bank and insurance offices are directly after customs. One month insurance for 4x4 is 950 dhirams.

Happy trails,

32 degrees in downtown Erfoud today!

guzzibob 11 Apr 2011 16:02

UK Green Card
I just renewed my UK insurance with classic bike broker Carole Nash and got them to supply a 21 day Green Card for Morocco on my XT600Z for an extra £20 on my premium. Last year, and in 2008 when I enquired they weren't doing them at all. It'll be good to be legal, and with a European supplier, so it might even work if I need it to!

'Like Websters Dictionary, we're Morocco bound!'

wearthefoxhat 27 Apr 2011 13:54

We are planning to be in Morocco mid May and to stay for 4-6 weeks.

Currently plan is to get insurance on entry at the border but it sounds like it can only be bought for 1 week or 4 weeks.

If we're there longer than 4 weeks, does anyone know if the insurance can be bought for longer at the border or renewed outside the north of Morocco(we will be spending most of our time in the high Atlas / Anti Atlas / far south east desert areas)?

Also, any opinions whether best to arrive in Tanger Med, Tangier or Cueta?

tweetyduck 27 Apr 2011 14:39

Go to MED. Get the insurnace from the little white booths in the middle of the tarmac expanse just after the customs booths. Once you've cleared just drive up and park in the middle next to them. Their is a change place and the insurance next door. They did fixed days as we got 10. They certainly did longer durations. Do you need it?? We didn't even get asked. Personal pref. If you have and accident you will need it though.

uknomad 9 May 2011 06:44

Hello all,

We went through Ceuta/Morocco border early April and as above, couldn't get nor find anywhere to get insurance. And wasn't asked for it at the border.

Got through the border just before 21:00, again couldn't find anything outside that was open, made Chefchaouen to camp, went into town in the morning, no luck. Drove to Fez, guided tour around souks etc and to get insurance, the local guide had trouble finding an insurance office that did it. So reluctantly we drove without it, we weren't asked for it at any checkpoints, all of which just waved us through and when we left to go back into Ceuta, we weren't asked for it.


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