Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   visit hossein in iran(urmia city),very helpfully person (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/middle-east/visit-hossein-iran-urmia-city-67636)

hosseinthebiker 30 Nov 2012 19:15

visit hossein in iran(urmia city),very helpfully person
Hi folks and welcome to beautiful Iran

Just to introduce myself :
Hossein Sheykhlou knows as"Mr.Hossein"has assisted tourists for more than 3 years in his home country Iran.i'm offering my services from urmia for travelers visiting iran.i speakes,reads and writes good English and my extensive experience with travellers makes meeting with me. Please note that Mr. Hossein can still assist you at the sero/esendere border which is highly recommended to cross,however please give notice a few days in advance by e-mail before you arrive.

BTW we have a place with safe parking,ADSL internet,bed and including breakfast and lunch which is cost 25$ per a day.

Also my network throughout Iran is extensive and can be of valuable use for travellers,for example I can help yours about finding Accommodations,tyres,mechanic,touristy maps for iran in English,stickers,insurance,planing routes in iran what to do and where to go,show my city and whatever you need.....

You can contact Mr.Hossein directly:

Mobile : +989143474653

Email address : hosseinthebiker@yahoo.com

Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/hossein.sheykhlou

Please read my blog as well: http://helpingoverlanders.blogspot.com/

best regards


Helianthus 30 Nov 2012 20:04

I was in Iran in the summer with motorbike. The border is really complicated a little bit but if you are patient there shall be no problem. Of course, you are supposed to change money only at the official money-changers. At my first night I wanted to sleep in Urmia in a hotel but I didn't like it. Hossein saved me and took me to his family. They are really wonderful and helpful people and to my luck I could spend two great days at their house. :mchappy:

che040 30 Nov 2012 22:13

We met Hossein on our way out from Iran and we regret it. :)

He showed us around Urmia and made us regret that this was our last and not first day in Iran, and that we didn't have more time to stay with him.

He really IS enthusiastic and passionate, and if you are arriving by motorcycle I suggest that you meet Hossein on your FIRST day in Iran.

o_0oo 1 Dec 2012 09:25

I stayed with Hossein and his lovely family in Urmia earlier this year. I can say that he's an avid biker who is passionate and friendly. I had a truly excellent time when he hosted me.

Crossing the Turkey/Iran border can be a little daunting at first - but Hossein was there to help me out and make sure that I spoke to the correct people for stamping the carnet. It was really nice to see a friendly face smiling at me from across the border.

I hope I get the chance to visit Urmia again and see Hossein. I would encourage any bikers thinking of visiting Iran to go and see this great guy.

Jens2804 2 Dec 2012 06:59

We crossed the Border from Turkey to Iran and Hossein and his family gave us a really warm welcome to wonderful Iran. We are really glad that we could stay a few days with him and enjoy this great hospitility.


dakaralex 2 Dec 2012 21:16

Hello Folks,

here is our experience at Hosseins place and the conclusion, we draw by his behavior.

Already months before my travell started, Hossein contacted me in serveral personal msg through HU and CS to come and visit him in Iran and offered a bunch of help. Before getting to his place I've read a negative reference on CS about that he is cheating people while money exchange...

We went there because I wanted to make my own point of view. So here is our experience:

1. I was very sick with pretty high temperature when getting there and he took me to doctor, what I really appreciate (although it didn't help...)

2. He took me to money exchange office, but then told me to wait outside because of strange reasons. I have read a negative reference about this on CS before, so I have been aware, luckily) Otherwise he will change money without any receipt into a poor rate and pretends he did the best....

3. He scared me to death that I must have an insurance for the bike. If not and police stops you, they will take the bike and keep it forever, so you will never get it back, he says! He took me to insurance office and they only offered me a one year-rate for more than 110€! And again scared me very hard to buy it, if not loosing my bike and so on...

4. When we were at his place I was very sick for many days and after 2nd night, I still had more than 38° temperature he and his parents just throw us out of the house in the morning, without any warning and let us deal ourselves...

5. In the meantime they attracted my girl-friend very hard to get with his parents to bazar and buy several items for them.

After leaving his place we thought it was maybe bad luck and a unique story, he also told us many times it were his parents, who dislike foreigners and he can not host anymore people in the future. But I see that he continues inviting people to his families house in Urmia very hard with starting new threads. I replied to some of them and wrote my experience at his place, because that's what this community is for - experience exchange. I figured out that other HU-member had same bad "problems" and it looks that he tries to get his advantages out of the foreigners stay!? (money-exchange, paricipating from insurance-fee?) Once I replied to one of his new started threads and wrote what happened and the next day the entire thread was gone...???

3 days ago, a totally new member appeared on HU with the name "IranAndTravelers", who also acted the excat same way in making great offers to stay in Urmia. I added a post in mentioning that I guess it is Hossein again, just with a different name and asked why he needs to start with a new account, if he is really such a good and helpfull person??
And right afterwards, the whole thread was gone again. It dissappeared and I couldn't find it anylonger...???

Fo me all this looks very hard like a trap to get as much people as possible there and probably try to sell expensive insurances and cheat while exchanging money and so on... It also would make sense, that they throw us out after he did all these things with us and there was no more "use" for us....

I can imagine that many travellers don't notice these happenings so much and the amount of money is not very reasonable for them. I also wouldn't have becoming aware if I was not that pissed, while getting kick on the street with 38° temp. ....:thumbdown:

And now this new thread with all the positive comments from people with their very 1st post on the HUBB.

For me all this is pretty obvoius, that it's a trap!

This is just our experience and conclusion, especially while noticing how hard he is pushing to get people to his place!

All the best to all real bikers out there and take care!!!!:mchappy:

Alex and Mila

vicky250gt 3 Dec 2012 12:54

I'm with you Alex.

i got the same doubts when i saw newly joined members going ga-ga over someone supporting them, shortly after a thread was started by him. As if they signed up on HU right on time !!! just a co-incidence ??

be safe out there guys and beware scams. Do a lot of research before accepting help, which unfortunately now a days is not a straight forward affair anymore.

che040 3 Dec 2012 20:23


Originally Posted by dakaralex (Post 402669)
For me all this is pretty obvoius, that it's a trap!

He indeed contacted me and asked to write in this thread about our experience with him, but we really had a good time there. So, I'm sorry for your bad experience, but your conspiracy theory is little exaggerated. :rolleyes:


dane@ 3 Dec 2012 23:49

Hi guys,

I'm not newly joined member here, so you can count me as real person and member of the HUUB, I guess :smartass:

I traveled Iran last year, and after entering Iran from Armenia, I was passing by Urmia. There I met Hossein.

I can say that I'm shocked by this bad stories about Hossein. My experiance was totally opposite!

Hossein is real enthusiast, a person really wanting to help. He want to help even if he is not sure how, and that is this guy biggest sin. But aren't all Iranians like this?!?

On my way back, I passed Urmia one more time, and again met Hossein. All time I used his SIM card that he gave me when we met for the first time.

Obviously there are two sides of every story. This are my experiences, and I'm really glad that I met him.

hoopoe 5 Dec 2012 13:48

Once I've arrived Iran from Armenia, i get in contact with Hossein from Urmia. The gay also rides a bike and he is very interested in traveling. For the first view days in Iran, i was living with Hossein and his family in Urmia. Together we visited the countryside, lakes and his friends. I also was invited for a wedding. For me it was the chance to know quickly about life and people in this wonderful Country.

DTPMatt 5 Dec 2012 14:18

I cant comment on the chap in question but I have crossed Iran.

The Turkish/Iranian border isnt that bad, certainly not as bad as the Turkmenistan or Russian border.

I too was scared into getting insurance by my contact, 100 odd dollars for the week but I doubt I really needed it.

I was stopped a couple of times by the police and they werent interested in seeing papers, more curious about where I had come from.

All in all one of my favourite countries that Ive travelled through and I would certainly go back :thumbup1:

jeroen berghuis 8 Dec 2012 14:14

Friendly but for a price
A mate of mine stayed at Hossein's place for one night last September. An interesting experience according to him but he was a little surprised when Hossein's father requested 50 USD for the home stay (plus money for petrol and other bits and bobs) on departure.

Probably worth the experience but would have been better if known beforehand...

Not sure others have had the same request.

jeroen berghuis 12 Dec 2012 13:22

Hossein contacted me on Facebook to ask me to edit my last message because "its not good for him"... Asking my mate to pay 50 bucks for his 1 night stay was a mistake of his father apparently... Good to know but I doubt my mate will see his money back any time soon...

chris 12 Dec 2012 14:49


Originally Posted by jeroen berghuis (Post 403813)
Hossein contacted me on Facebook to ask me to edit my last message because "its not good for him"... Asking my mate to pay 50 bucks for his 1 night stay was a mistake of his father apparently... Good to know but I doubt my mate will see his money back any time soon...

I find it interesting that this banned/ex HU member is badgering people through other social media to change their comments. I will draw my own conclusions.

He'll probably be contacting me next. :censored:

NejcT 12 Dec 2012 16:08


Originally Posted by jeroen berghuis (Post 403813)
Asking my mate to pay 50 bucks for his 1 night stay was a mistake of his father apparently...

It was not a mistake!!!

He asked us for 80 usd for two days!!! We give him 60 and we really regret it!
We also had bad experience with changing the money in the bank, missing around 100 bucks at that day exchange rate. We realize it too late in Isfahan. Also, we were a taxi for his family.

You will not miss anything if you skip Urmia and Hossein

dakaralex 13 Dec 2012 19:04


Originally Posted by jeroen berghuis (Post 403813)
Hossein contacted me on Facebook to ask me to edit my last message because "its not good for him"... Asking my mate to pay 50 bucks for his 1 night stay was a mistake of his father apparently... Good to know but I doubt my mate will see his money back any time soon...

What the F***? How can you make a mistake in asking for that money? Maybe the amount was wrong.... doh

I'm so dissapointed about Hossein!!! That he is contacting people so hard shows me just that the conclusion we'd drawn has been absolutly right!!! Btw he is still contacting me after every single post here, that it isn't the truth, pretends stupid explanations and says it will hurt his "reputation" and so on....

Man, they only one who hurts your reputation are you self!!!

He is very desperately trying to care about the "business" that he is obviously loosing ...:thumbdown:


Originally Posted by NejcT (Post 403827)
It was not a mistake!!! ....
You will not miss anything if you skip Urmia and Hossein

I totally agree....
Take the east side along the lake and visit Tabriz!
That's what I'm going to do next year!:scooter:



docsherlock 13 Dec 2012 23:20

Yup, two of us now giving this guy and Urmia a miss due to the postings here. Even if he'd been up front about charges, that would have been fine - no-one minds paying for food/accommodation/help but pretty much everyone resents being duped and/or ripped off.....

haggis 14 Dec 2012 07:50

Similar experience as others
Hi Guys

Hossein has asked my to request Jereone deletes his comments.

I've just read through all this and all that Jereone says is true.

Also the insurance thing, yes around 100 Euro for a week or two is fairly expensive. I didnt think there was any alternative so didnt go looking elsewhere. This was the last insurance I bought for this trip.

My biggest concern was with the tripmeter and GPS mileage being reset on my bike when I foolishly loaned Hossein the bike for what i thought was 10 minutes. Turned out more like 5 hours! Never doing that again. for anyone.

Left me with a bad taste in my mouth but I put it down to experience, smiled and carried on.

Hossein and his family are nice, but to be perfectly frank, if I'd had known that it would cost me, I probably wouldn't have gone there in the first place.

For more on this, read my blog here.
Perth to Perth: Welcome to Iran! here's the bill.

NejcT 14 Dec 2012 11:02


Originally Posted by Docsherlock (Post 403981)
no-one minds paying for food/accommodation/help...

Just for comparison. We were staying in several hotels in Iran (Yazd, Newshahr, Rasht, Tabriz...) and not one of them were more than 25 dollars for double bed for night and breakfast. The most expensive hotel was in Tabriz with 3 stars and it was 25. And we also got all the support, help or advices we needed. Never cheated us. At Hossein we paid 60 after negotiations cause they wanted 80.

Just for thinking.

chris 14 Dec 2012 13:52

Please advise if he reappears on this site under a different alias.

dakaralex 14 Dec 2012 14:13


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404034)
Please advise if he reappears on this site under a different alias.

Hi Chris!

2 weeks ago he tried to enter the HUBB again with a new user named "iranandtravellers". But for me it was just too obvious, so I posted my conlusion, right away! And a few hours the whole thread was gone and dissapeared, because he deleted it again...

So I contacted Grant and told him about all this and he merged both clients and banned this bastard!

I hope we are rid of him and he will not find another way to cheat travellers in such unfair style so soon.... :nono:

How is you BG-preparation doing, Chris??? :freezing:

I will get back to the camp in July, I guess. Are you around there in the summer time, as well?

Ciao Alex

dakaralex 14 Dec 2012 14:19

similar experience

Originally Posted by haggis (Post 404009)
My biggest concern was with the tripmeter and GPS mileage being reset on my bike when I foolishly loaned Hossein the bike for what i thought was 10 minutes. Turned out more like 5 hours! Never doing that again. for anyone.

Have read a similar story about sbdy. else, who lent his bike to Hossein...


Originally Posted by liekmailer (Post 397084)
Rethinking of my stay at Hossein, I dont recomend it. These were my very most expansive nights and furthermore there were other situations I could still get angy about. He changed me money in a exchange office - I should not come in, because it would be more paperwork to change for a foreigner. I got no recept and a rate of 30.000 per Euro. A week later I changed alone and there was no paperwork and got 43.300 Rials per Euro!!! How could that be?
He wanted to test my bike around the corner, I expected him to be back in 5 to ten minutes. He was gone for more than two hours!


If you will ever travell yourself, Hossein, I wish you to receive all the same great "support" you gave to others before....

chris 14 Dec 2012 14:25

Hi Alex
More likely Grant deleted his other alias. Have packed the thermal underwear :palm:.

FWIW, if you have an issue with any user, click the "Report Post" button in that particular thread and a message is sent to various moderators (you can tell who they are, because their name is either red or green) who will then deal with it as appropriate. Mods rarely have much to do on the HUBB because 99.9% of the members are great people and the prats usually disappear again (are disappeared) quite quickly.

I'm riding the BG bike back to my parents' house in Germany at Easter. In summer I'm riding it's twin sister (I have 2 identical Transalps :cool4:) around Siberia (it is currently parked in Mongolia), so unfortunately won't be in BG then.

Mehmet Zeki Avar 14 Dec 2012 16:35

Yes, 99,9 great and real..

Personally very happy to meet such marvellous friends in İstanbul after some talks here...So only here personally to share the spirit of adventure travelling, give current information online for biking in Turkey,customs purposes,and if asked to recommend routes..

What is your program for İstanbul during the freezing!!! days..

New club and building is under consruction until end of february..If you have tent,sure you can put it up here inside the building and do some maintaince yourself..all tools,lifter,trye change machine etc..available...All friendly in real istanbul..Try to have a weekend with us when you are here..

All photos available here on facebook pages...

Kuzgun Adventures have chosen this part of the city because closer to black sea coastline, and forest where we have barbecue,free camping almost every weekend..
Just near the toll road from boarder to istanbul,last exit before the main toll booths on the toll road..You will take the Ispartakule,altınşehir,gümrük exits and roadsigns..Opposite of Altınşehir post office(PTT)by the lakeside..

Wish you all the best...
mehmet zeki avar

dakaralex 14 Dec 2012 20:39


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404040)
Hi Alex
I'm riding the BG bike back to my parents' house in Germany at Easter.

I will be in Germany around Easter, pretty sure! If you pass my area and I'm there, you are very welcome.... beer

Ciao Alex

chris 14 Dec 2012 21:28


Originally Posted by dakaralex (Post 404061)
I will be in Germany around Easter, pretty sure! If you pass my area and I'm there, you are very welcome.... beer

Ciao Alex

Are you still in Bitburg? My folks live near Moenchengladbach, "just up the road" from you.

Alles Gute fuer 2013 und vielleicht treffen wir uns ueber Ostern.

henryuk 16 Dec 2012 15:35

I've also had an email from Hossein asking me to comment that he is a great trustworthy guy etc. Problem is I've never met the guy.

In terms of Iran and peoples hospitality I was put up for three days in Tabriz, taken to all the local festivals and some sights, somewhere safe to lock the bike up etc. People didn't ask for a penny and I got a free shave and haircut into the deal.

I then headed to Tehran, where a bunch of people has offered to put me up but I never made it there because my engine ate it's piston rings, overheated and died leaving me stranded by the roadside. A passing trucker picked me up, took me to his family home where they looked after me very well, wouldn't let me pay for anything, took me andthe bike to the airport so I could get the bike to Delhi to have parts sent out and fix it. They realised I was fairly low on cash, negotiated 500 dollars lower freight fee for me. This I could pay but also needed a passenger ticket and girlfriend was waiting for me, and then people I have never met before had a whip-round and bought me a plane ticket. I was gobsmacked by how incrediby nice everyone was.

In short Iran is amazing, but I can't vouch for Hossein. I'd like to think everyone is a good person but you'll have to read other peoples experiences.

dakaralex 16 Dec 2012 22:57


Originally Posted by henryuk (Post 404242)
I've also had an email from Hossein asking me to comment that he is a great trustworthy guy etc. Problem is I've never met the guy.


In short Iran is amazing, but I can't vouch for Hossein. I'd like to think everyone is a good person but you'll have to read other peoples experiences.

Hi Henry!

Thanks for sharing the fair and honest statement! I also believe in that 99,9% in Iran and maybe even all around the world are great and helpfull people! I wish to have some experiences like you, although I hope my engine still stays complete for a longer while...

This thread is only according to one single guy, at whose place a lot of traveller got dissapointed and for me I don't put it in a certain relation to the country he is living in.
And now by contacting people, who even have not met him to write about their experiences...?? :confused1:
He tries to gain back some "reputation" for himself by relying on the other folks in his country...:confused1:

I don't know what else to say about all this....

chris 16 Dec 2012 23:25

Is there phrase in Farsi equivalent to "When in a hole, stop digging"? If Hossein carries on at this rate, he'll reach the centre of the earth pretty soon.:eek3:

CourtFisher 17 Dec 2012 03:58


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404283)
Is there phrase in Farsi equivalent to "When in a hole, stop digging"? If Hossein carries on at this rate, he'll reach the centre of the earth pretty soon.:eek3:


هنگامی که در یک سوراخ، توقف حفاری

(Google translate, FWIW....:rofl:)

+1 on Iranian warmth & hospitality, generally.

chris 17 Dec 2012 09:06

Hossein has written to me now too! The same sob story. Luckily my email software has a spam-filter:D

NejcT 17 Dec 2012 09:30

I'm just wondering on one sentence.

How low can you go for dollars?:dots:

chris 17 Dec 2012 11:27


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404335)
Hossein has written to me now too! The same sob story. Luckily my email software has a spam-filter:D

Now he's writing again and getting ar$y. Should I ever visit Iran, I'll definitely avoid this jerk and his town.

Donmanolo 17 Dec 2012 12:19

Look who turned up over on ADVRIDER ... :D

Accomodation, help and everything you need in Urmia city, Iran - ADVrider

What's that silly saying in english...: " from the fat to the fire.." or something like that...? :innocent:

haggis 17 Dec 2012 15:38

kindness in Iran
oh... meant to say.

I experienced a lot of kindness in Iran.

I dropped my video camera rendering it useless. I took it to an authorised repairer in Yazd after trying to buy a replacement the night before thinking it was dead. The guys fixed it in a few hours and handed it back refusing payment. I was gobsmacked and virtually threw 200 Euros at them saying I nearly bought a cheap one the night before for a lot more than that. They refused saying "this is our gift to you"

I offered what I reckon is a weeks wages and they refused!

dakaralex 17 Dec 2012 16:43


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404335)
Hossein has written to me now too! The same sob story. Luckily my email software has a spam-filter:D

Watch out! Your spam box will explode. I'm still getting mails, at least one per day...


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404352)
Now he's writing again and getting ar$y. Should I ever visit Iran, I'll definitely avoid this jerk and his town.

It looks like he didn't understand the phrase, properly? He obviously got the msg. like "When in a hole, dig faster...!!" :clap:

ilesmark 18 Dec 2012 10:32


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404352)
Now he's writing again and getting ar$y. Should I ever visit Iran, I'll definitely avoid this jerk and his town.:

This thread is entertaining. Care to post what he wrote, so we can all have a look and a laugh??

chris 18 Dec 2012 12:15


Originally Posted by ilesmark (Post 404474)
This thread is entertaining. Care to post what he wrote, so we can all have a look and a laugh??

I don't think it's appropriate to post personal emails, particularly not from someone whose first language isn't English. I don't wish to belittle the man.

The fact that he seems to have p!ssed several travellers off and is now spamming all and sundry in a (failed?) attempt to "restore" his reputation is enough for me.

Hellboy 28 Dec 2012 23:47

Hi all. This was a good thread for me to read since we´ll be going to Iran this summer. And we´ve been contacted by Hossain in Urmia. He has been very friendly this far but.... I´ll have a chat with him about this.

I don´t write here enough but this is indeed the best place on the internet for travelling bikers. Thanks all.


Mehmet Zeki Avar 29 Dec 2012 00:37

1 hour ago got a message from him requesting to be friends on facebook and talk..He has a new page on blogspot trying to advertise with a different name...Whoever I meet here at the club in İstanbul,has same different sad stories with him...

On the other hand, all people you will meet on the road in İran are really sincere,honest and friendly...Cheap,clean places to stay and nice food..mmm.
Great gardens where you will meet great and helpful local people...No need to have prebooking,etc..Been there 5 times..A member just passed through and in Lahore now..

I meet about 100 bikers at our club every year from both directions and we are good friends with all since then..Never have heard any bad stories since many years except this one, and the civil guys at the border gates trying to exchange money and sell fake insurance policy by hand...

Turkey has 3 international bordergates with Iran(north to south)
1-Dogubeyazıt-Gürbulak...most popular one..
2-Van Kapıköy..best as closer if you plan to enter iran after nemrut visit.

1 and 2 is ok but the third one is the most south one,still some safety problems in the area and many military check points there...

All questions for current and right information always welcome..

Wish you all the best.

mehmet zeki avar

dakaralex 30 Dec 2012 00:06


Originally Posted by ilesmark (Post 404474)
This thread is entertaining. Care to post what he wrote, so we can all have a look and a laugh??

I agree with Chris, that's not very polite to place his msg. here. But in other hand, how polite is this guy with all the travellers passing by....??

I will not post his orig. msg, because it's the same every time. He pretends that he has no idea what we are talking about in here and everything is totally different and that he is doing everything and absolutly just because of helping other people.... ??

In the ADV-forum he also appreciates posting a link to this HU-thread.... :confused1:
Accomodation, help and everything you need in Urmia city, Iran - ADVrider


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 405508)
1 hour ago got a message from him requesting to be friends on facebook and talk..He has a new page on blogspot trying to advertise with a different name...Whoever I meet here at the club in İstanbul,has same different sad stories with him...


Originally Posted by chris (Post 404283)
Is there phrase in Farsi equivalent to "When in a hole, stop digging"? If Hossein carries on at this rate, he'll reach the centre of the earth pretty soon.:eek3:

He is obviously still digging very hard!!!?c?

And Hellboy, I had the same intension like you - because I already heard strange stories about him before getting there and this thread wasn't even started that time - and I wanted to make my own point of view and so went there. I guess you know how it turned out by following this thread..... :(


Originally Posted by istanbul bisiklet motosiklet (Post 405508)
Turkey has 3 international bordergates with Iran(north to south)
1-Dogubeyazıt-Gürbulak...most popular one..
2-Van Kapıköy..best as closer if you plan to enter iran after nemrut visit.

1 and 2 is ok but the third one is the most south one,still some safety problems in the area and many military check points there...

All questions for current and right information always welcome..

We left Iran right away from Urmia into the boarder no. 3 and it was just a big mess. Not officially dressed people are making all the signituares and hundreds of smugglers (?) on both sides running around without any controll and obligation. 10 year old kids on both sides (the same kids!!!) running around with the soldiers. One of those kids suddenly took my passport and carnet and just dissapeared. That was the moment when my bloodpressure finally started increasing very fast...
In the end everything worked out well and we could ride into the very wonderful area of south-east Anatolia. The Kurdish people out there are amazing and offered us a great hospitality!!

Entering Iran at gate no. 1 we had to pay a bribe for nothing. So I guess every boarder has its "speciality"...

All the best to everyone and will enter Iran next summer again!! :scooter:

Ciao Alex

hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 07:14

From a real person who is already met me....
Hello Alex!
I cannot confirm your experiences. We were travelling to Iran this year (four bikers on their own KTMs - Enduristan: Salam Alaikum Iran) and Hossein was waiting for us half a day at the border. When we finally passed the turkish side he helped us with the iranian post and then he hosted us for three days at the place of his parents, which were really friendly to us. We could spend time in their backyard and rest for a while and even maintained our motorbikes there. As there were four of us, we occupied the house these days nearly completely.
I know, he is hosting a lot of people and I could understand, if his parents get "fed up" of guests every once in a while.

As I was travelling five months this year in twenty different countries, I can state, that the iranians are one of the friendliest and most hospitable people I met. Of course, Hossein is a motorbike-enthusiastic young man, and he might not comprehend all the needs of a "poor" tourist. But you should take into account, that we as tourists have to adapt to the countries we travel, not the other way around.
That means for me: I never set my expectations too high, then I don't get disappointed!

Wish you more luck next time!

Best regards from Bogotá,


original post is here :

dakaralex 30 Dec 2012 11:13

A real experinece from somebody who met him!!
Congratulations Matthias!

Maybe you are one of the only lucky dudes at his place! Or maybe he and his father were scared and didn't rip you off becuase you were four people...??

And which expectations? We had absolutly no expectations. We were and are always happy about every single soup or glas of water we got offered. But throwing sick people out on the street without any warning has nothing to do with too high expactations...

And by the way, what a strange deal is this, that his account is working again but used by sbdy. else who has to proof Hosseins great character one more time...????????????????????????????

Mehmet Zeki Avar 30 Dec 2012 12:01

have you done it to Georgia from Bulgaria by ship..If so, can you share your experiences on this more important point on a different thread..

Seems more biker friends will be in need of this solution in 2013 if Iran will be a more problem this time for bikers to enter and ride through.

Wish you all the best.

mehmet zeki avar

hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 13:26


Originally Posted by NejcT (Post 403827)
He asked us for 80 usd for two days!!! We give him 60 and we really regret it!
We also had bad experience with changing the money in the bank, missing around 100 bucks at that day exchange rate.

we told that they have to charge every day and they accept it happily
and i took him to the bank for changing money and official rate was low,thats surly is not my Fault

hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 13:40


Originally Posted by Docsherlock (Post 403981)
Even if he'd been up front about charges, that would have been fine - no-one minds paying for food/accommodation/help but pretty much everyone resents being duped and/or ripped off.....

According this post my biggest mistake was that i did not told people about charging for place to stay and everybody thoughts its free
but i need to get money for continue hosting if not i cant pay the The cost of water, electricity,etc for governments even staying here is included with breakfast and lunch

its not fair about me,is it true????:(

hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 13:53


Originally Posted by henryuk (Post 404242)
I've also had an email from Hossein asking me to comment that he is a great trustworthy guy etc. Problem is I've never met the guy.

According dear henryuk :
i just read his website on net and i saw a post there which is saying he bought insurance after the borde about 100$
so asked him to write that insurance price is about 100$ and everybody can understand that i am not trying to sell insurance expensive and the interesting is the price of insurance is not going in my pocket ,its for governments

finally just i asked henryuk to say about insurance cost not about me because we never meet eachother


hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 14:27


Originally Posted by dakaralex (Post 405662)
Congratulations Matthias!

Maybe you are one of the only lucky dudes at his place! Or maybe he and his father were scared and didn't rip you off becuase you were four people...??

And which expectations? We had absolutly no expectations. We were and are always happy about every single soup or glas of water we got offered. But throwing sick people out on the street without any warning has nothing to do with too high expactations...

And by the way, what a strange deal is this, that his account is working again but used by sbdy. else who has to proof Hosseins great character one more time...????????????????????????????

And you dakar you are still my friend
but the matthias is not only one of dudes i hosted more than 100 groups of travelers it means sometimes i host 1 person and sometimes 5 person and just 3 group had bad memory also i just asked some of travelers to write about me here although there is tens of peoples

we take care about you while you were sick and took the doctor,give you food and etc for free,and you just told that you dont have money and you will stay here and find work to working then sleeping nights in our place
because of this we afraid
and on that they when you left our place you were ok not sick

BTW my account is working because i am not that person you describe for every person

there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:
how cool is this,is it fair?

again i say if i did mistake for few of travelers which are sad about me i am sorry and excuse me
My main goal is to be helpful for riders in a strange country

Overlanders,Meeting Mr.Hossein

i wish everybody have a good start in 2013!

Hossein bier

Donmanolo 30 Dec 2012 16:15


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405685)
there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:
how cool is this,is it fair?

Sorry Hossein, I have no intention of taking part in this discussion. Quite frankly I do not care in the slightest about it. And I have never even been to Iran yet.
However I very much resent that my name has been mentioned by you here. I have not, to my memory, ever written anything on any public forum about you, nor do I intend to. I would be grateful if you would amend your post and remove my name from it.


Giacomo ( Antonio)

docsherlock 30 Dec 2012 17:14

Hi Hossein,

Yes, it is true that I mentioned we had planned to visit you but after reading the forums decided probably not.

I sent you a PM/email that did not get answered, before all this stuff came out on the forums.

OK, so can you confirm:

1. Do you charge people to stay with you? I don't think this is a problem if you do, but people like to know how much you charge and that this is the case before they arrange to stay with you.

2. Of course there are two sides to every story; you have given your side of it for the rider that says he was put out on the street even though he was sick. Only you and he will know exactly what happened there.

3. Do you take commissions on insurance and money that is changed? It would appear that some riders have had issues with this.

I think if you want to make a business out of hosting motorcycle travelers, it is not a problem but most people would prefer you to be honest about this and tell them this is the case as well as outlining any fees you charge for services before they agree to you helping them.

Please answer these points.

Thank you.



Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405685)
And you dakar you are still my friend
but the matthias is not only one of dudes i hosted more than 100 groups of travelers it means sometimes i host 1 person and sometimes 5 person and just 3 group had bad memory also i just asked some of travelers to write about me here although there is tens of peoples

we take care about you while you were sick and took the doctor,give you food and etc for free,and you just told that you dont have money and you will stay here and find work to working then sleeping nights in our place
because of this we afraid
and on that they when you left our place you were ok not sick

BTW my account is working because i am not that person you describe for every person

there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:
how cool is this,is it fair?

again i say if i did mistake for few of travelers which are sad about me i am sorry and excuse me
My main goal is to be helpful for riders in a strange country

Overlanders,Meeting Mr.Hossein

i wish everybody have a good start in 2013!

Hossein bier

hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 17:48


Originally Posted by Docsherlock (Post 405704)

can you confirm:

1. Do you charge people to stay with you? I don't think this is a problem if you do, but people like to know how much you charge and that this is the case before they arrange to stay with you.

2. Of course there are two sides to every story; you have given your side of it for the rider that says he was put out on the street even though he was sick. Only you and he will know exactly what happened there.

3. Do you take commissions on insurance and money that is changed? It would appear that some riders have had issues with this.

Hi Sean

Regarding your Queries:

1.yes,i charge people only for staying which is included with breakfast and lunch and the price is only 25$ but the hotels are a bit more
so,with this you can count on me about my supports at the borders,and etc.

2.about the rider,i dont want to speak more as you said only i and he will know exactly what happened here.

3.i dont take any commissions for insurance and exchange even i dont let riders to ride own bikes because of traffic and so on
i take them with my car or motobike and spending my fuel its not problem for me
my main goal is to be helpful for travelers nothing else

best wishes


dakaralex 30 Dec 2012 19:51


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405685)
And you dakar you are still my friend....

....we take care about you while you were sick and took the doctor,give you food and etc for free,and you just told that you dont have money and you will stay here and find work to working then sleeping nights in our place
because of this we afraid
and on that they when you left our place you were ok not sick


I felt very sick and not in the mood like riding at all, when you kicked us out and you know that! Why should we afterwards have stayed two more nights in a hotel in Urmia...?
I told you that we are travelling with very low money, but nobody ever mentioned anything about working in Iran or even about staying at your house for a longer period of time. I have no idea how you got to this point? I guess it's just your point of view to justify your families behavior (in front of yourself).

And when you kicked us out WHY haven't you mentioned what you're concerned about? Instead you told us lies about an anniversary of the death of you fathers father and leaving to Teheran so suddenly, what was really strange! And later on in an e-mail you even agreed that nobody was leaving anywhere!

It's like docsherlock said. If you play straight from the beginning, it makes it way easier and will avoid such problems and pain!

Why and what the hell for all those lies....??????

Tell me, my "friend". I've heard so many amazing stories about hospitality for travellers and strangers in Iran and this is how you treat your friends..????

I have several people, who I consider to be my friends and you are definitly not included!!!

I guess most the people around here are smart enough and gathered their own conclusion about your behavior and it doesn't look like anything changed since your back and spreading posts everywhere ...

hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 20:25

dear dakaralex

Originally Posted by dakaralex (Post 405730)
I felt very sick and not in the mood like riding at all, when you kicked us out and you know that! Why should we afterwards have stayed two more nights in a hotel in Urmia...?
I told you that we are travelling with very low money, but nobody ever mentioned anything about working in Iran or even about staying at your house for a longer period of time. I have no idea how you got to this point? I guess it's just your point of view to justify your families behavior (in front of yourself).

And when you kicked us out WHY haven't you mentioned what you're concerned about? Instead you told us lies about an anniversary of the death of you fathers father and leaving to Teheran so suddenly, what was really strange! And later on in an e-mail you even agreed that nobody was leaving anywhere!

Why and what the hell for all those lies....??????

Tell me, my "friend". I've heard so many amazing stories about hospitality for travellers and strangers in Iran and this is how you treat your friends..????

you were very better than the day you arrive here and you can ride motobike tell me why you could go out with me but not riding motobike?
and you stayed there for finding somebody else and find a sulation for your winter time and find a job

yes you told that you have low money and because of that we never asked you for money or so on....and even i bought yours everything just think about that man!
your friend told in farsi that you want stay longer find a job for winter time

the anniversary was true i just dident know we will go there,just this

you just dont know situations in iran if security services find you in a house of somebody they will take you and on that time you will get know whats happened to you.....but i'm allove to host travelers in my place officially

nobody doesnt believe you because everything is clear


my main goal is to be helpful :D

dakaralex 30 Dec 2012 21:13


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405736)
nobody doesnt believe you because everything is clear


my main goal is to be helpful :D


I'm not suprised at all, that you again have an explanation and excuse for everything. I didn't expect anything different...

I'm very tired of all this sh*** and the great and helpfull Hossein!

And you are right, for me it is totally clear!!! and I guess for several more users, as well and I'm sure most of them are also getting tired of it...

And stop writting me e-mails every single day!!! It will not change my experience at your place, at all!


hosseinthebiker 30 Dec 2012 21:32


Originally Posted by dakaralex (Post 405738)

I'm not suprised at all, that you again have an explanation and excuse for everything. I didn't expect anything different...

I'm very tired of all this sh*** and the great and helpfull Hossein!

And you are right, for me it is totally clear!!! and I guess for several more users, as well and I'm sure most of them are also getting tired of it...

And stop writting me e-mails every single day!!! It will not change my experience at your place, at all!

Dear dakaralex

I also tired of your thoughts as Matthias said Of course, Hossein is a motorbike-enthusiastic young man, and he might not comprehend all the needs of a "poor" tourist. But you should take into account, that we as tourists have to adapt to the countries we travel, not the other way around.
That means for me: I never set my expectations too high, then I don't get disappointed!

Pay attention for this

Also everything is clear for my friends as well and just 3 peoples between houndreds of peoples i hosted what means this?

And i dont send you every day an email why do you tell this?i just sent you a message to say meery christmas and happy new year,thats my polite

Overlanders,Meeting Mr.Hossein



hosseinthebiker 31 Dec 2012 10:11

A friend of mine......
Hi folks
this is about me as well and posted on 2010

Hi all. During my Iran leg trip Anabasis Motorbike I met a very good guy in Urmia who loves to help any biker travelling north Iran. His name is Hossein Sheakhloo and his contact details are hosseinthebiker (ad) yahoo.com

phone number is:+989143474653

He is a biker also, but as big engines are forbidden there, he rides a small one.

He has hosted some long distance travellers in their ways to Pakistan and he would love to help any of you. Iran people are so nice and he is even more than average because his love for bikes.

Here it is (wearing glasses) with an american guy he hosted.

These are two friends of me who have been hosted by him and this is their blog (in Spanish as they are argentinians)TragandoTierra

Enjoy Iran

Original post is here:


NejcT 31 Dec 2012 10:52


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405707)
the price is only 25$ but the hotels are a bit more
so,with this you can count on me about my supports at the borders,and etc.

:nono:Not true at all! Hotels around are (for example Salmas) 10 dollars for a bed and breakfast. With bed!


and i took him to the bank for changing money and official rate was low,thats surly is not my Fault
Why do I have informations from the Isfahan, that the money rate at that day was not so bad at all?
And in my calculations missing just around 100 dollars?

Overall, I'm off from this conversation. You don't need to apologize cause it is not worth.

People can read this thread and they will choose if they will come or not.

My only suggestion to the people who will changing the money with him, go with him to the exchange office (not the bank) and change it there, but stay next to him. Don't let that he is going alone with excuse that you are a foreigner and there is a lot of paperwork. There are no complications at all for the foreign people.


hosseinthebiker 31 Dec 2012 11:31

did you accept for charging place or not?

Originally Posted by NejcT (Post 405843)
:nono:Not true at all! Hotels around are (for example Salmas) 10 dollars for a bed and breakfast. With bed!

Why do I have informations from the Isfahan, that the money rate at that day was not so bad at all?

People can read this thread and they will choose if they will come or not.

My only suggestion to the people who will changing the money with him, go with him to the exchange office (not the bank) and change it there, but stay next to him. Don't let that he is going alone with excuse that you are a foreigner and there is a lot of paperwork.

Hi dear friend
hope you doing well

first of all the price of hotels are different in each city and salmas is a small city so prices are lower but in urmia hotels are 3,4,5 stars so thats expensive!and tell me the truth we said that you should charge so,did you accept it happily or not???be honest please

And never in isfahan can not know that hows rate in urmia because sometimes rates are not good and offices just stops buying and selling that day even websites is closing as well

And i offer people to stay in our place and then report about me,if somebody report i am that person you saying i will stop hosting and meeting travelers forever PAY ATTENTION FOREVER I PROMISE THIS

And the travelers can stay next to me on exchange office(not bank)not problem at all



NejcT 31 Dec 2012 12:19


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405847)
and tell me the truth we said that you should charge so,did you accept it happily or not???be honest please

If I'm honest, at 22.30 on the clock when your father said the price, what should I say? Did we have any choice to go in the middle of the night in unknown city without any information? If this happens to me today, I know I would leave, so I regret that we didn't.

You should mention it before. You send me 3 emails and couple of sms and also a call. You said that we are invited that you will host us. In my country that means no charge. In other parts of Iran also.

I don't want to discuss it anymore. This is all from me. I hope, people will be more careful in this kind of situations all over the world.

Regards and best wishes!


dakaralex 31 Dec 2012 16:10


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405847)
Hi dear friend
hope you doing well

It's the same and the same again! Is this your scheme? Try to pretend to be so polite till the end, that it should look like the most honest and helpfull person on earth...???

And for every criticism you have an excuse and want to have the last word! For what? If you are that inoccent and great why do have to push soooo damm hard? Accept that some people just felt cheated very much while beeing with you!

And btw. why do you hide your CouchSurfing-profile?? I know! Because other people, who are no bikers at all (just backpackers) have had the excat same bad experience at your place and reported it!And now your are afraid to gain more of such references....

I'm sure you'll have another great excuse why and because and bla bla bla ....

JustMe 31 Dec 2012 16:54

Whatever this is about, it´s becoming increasingly personal, and that´s not good. So can you give the chap a break please. bier

He´s not running for cover but trying to defend his reputation, and that´s more than can be said about a number of folks I met during overland travel.
Safe travels and godspeed everyone.

hosseinthebiker 31 Dec 2012 17:01

Not anymore.....
Hi folks

i just want to stop writing about you dakaralex,because getting tired of wasting time on this.also this furum is about traveling not personal with your TOO MANY posts, too much protesting,i just saying if i did sth wrong for a few travelers i am so sorry and please excuse me,you can be happy my friend

btw as i said after all this i offer people to stay in our place and then report about me,if somebody report i am that person you saying i will stop hosting and meeting travelers forever PAY ATTENTION FOREVER I PROMISE THIS

This is my last message about all this

Have safe ride and good start into 2013 for all!

Hossein bier

chris 3 Jan 2013 17:01


Originally Posted by hosseinthebiker (Post 405685)
there is peoples i even dont know them but they are judge me and writing about me,this persons are:

A real rogues gallery... :helpsmilie: Time to put a face to a name. I'll start. This is me:


dakaralex 4 Jan 2013 21:33


Originally Posted by Keks (Post 405896)
Whatever this is about, it´s becoming increasingly personal, and that´s not good. So can you give the chap a break please

I'm sure you would not be much happier, if you have received the same treatment that we did... (and I have no idea how to not take it personal!!?)

I'm trying to forget about it, but by reading all his promises and stories, which are not equal to the reality, it just drives me crazy... :(

I think I'll try to follow your suggestion and beer

Hellboy 5 Jan 2013 01:14

Let it go now, lads. I´m with Keks on this one. This has gotten too personal. I´ve had contact with Hossein too and friends has stayed at his parents place and it has worked out rather fine according to them. It seems that he is trying to learn from mistakes made and he has said his excuses. Leave him be now and lets see what happens further down the road. We can all make mistakes. Ok?


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