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SpitfireTriple 31 Mar 2009 07:45

A few years ago, I used to have Spanish lodgers in my house (my gf at the time was Spanish). Once we'd picked them up from the airport and they were settled into their bedroom, they'd all ask if I could take them to the police station so that they could register their prescence. Some of them took quite some convincing of the fact that this is not (currently) necessary in Britain. And that they didn't need to carry around an identity card at all times. They had all grown up with these aspects of a police state so didn't question them.


Originally Posted by Stretcher Monkey (Post 235764)
It's no biggy.

Where I live, I wouldn't even go down the shops without my ID.

Unless like Linzi you are being ironic, then I put it to you that you have acquiesced to the police state. Without even realising it.

Chris1200 31 Mar 2009 13:12

Dammit, I've been rumbled!!!:eek3: lol
Seriously though folks, it really isn't a big deal, is it?
Annoying? Irritating? Typical of Government officials who haven't anything better to do? Yes to all of these, but think about it.....when you board a flight to go anywhere in the world how many times do you already have to dig out your boarding card?....and in addition you even have to take your bloody shoes and belt off!!! lol It is crazy indeed. You get the card at check in, you show it at security, you show it when you get on the plane, and one one occasion I was even asked for it when I got off!!


Stretcher Monkey 31 Mar 2009 14:22


Originally Posted by SpitfireTriple (Post 235770)
A few years ago, I used to have Spanish lodgers in my house (my gf at the time was Spanish). Once we'd picked them up from the airport and they were settled into their bedroom, they'd all ask if I could take them to the police station so that they could register their prescence. Some of them took quite some convincing of the fact that this is not (currently) necessary in Britain. And that they didn't need to carry around an identity card at all times. They had all grown up with these aspects of a police state so didn't question them.

Unless like Linzi you are being ironic, then I put it to you that you have acquiesced to the police state. Without even realising it.

Well...the thing is...I live in a "police state"; Colombia, although some people would have you believe it isn't.

The fact is, most countries operate this way. Everyone needs to carry ID everywhere in Latin America, and if you don't have your ID, you stand a good chance of being locked up.

Fastship 31 Mar 2009 16:32

It’s interesting to me, conditioned by generations of living in a free country and someone who will never accept living in a police state that in the last two posts we have a Colombian, conditioned by generations of living in a military/police state to accept it as normal and a guy from Northern Ireland who wonders if it is really such a big deal. Is this the evolution between the two in action?

Perhaps you can explain to us when it would become such a big deal for you? Perhaps you deserve to live in such a state.

How was the 30 years of war you have just lived through. Was that such a big deal? Nip this thing in the bud and avoid that over here I say. It will come to that otherwise.

Linzi 31 Mar 2009 18:05

This is not about ID cards as are in use in many countries at present or have been in the past. This is also not about a police state. It is so:
The use of insecure computer hard drives to hold ALL information on UK residents. That includes every possible detail that can be thought of or collected. The responsibility to keep this up to date and accurate is the "user's". A fine will be imposed for deliberate or accidental lack of accuracy. The system cannot be 100% secure--fraud, theft, malice, foreign governments. If the country were ever overrun by a foreign power the data base would be really rather useful. Heading for the hills wouldn't help. Once this stuff is on the computers it can't come off. I don't think any regime has boldly gone where the Brutish, I mean British governtment wants to go. To say that the UK's administration systems are too incompetent to make it work is probably true. But that doesn't mean we are OK with the proposed data banks. No, it will be a field day for organized criminals, courts and prisons and tax men. Then there is the guilty untill you've proven yourself innocent now common in UK. If their database days such and such then tough mate-off to prison. I think it is going to be a tough ride. Linzi.

Jake 31 Mar 2009 18:56

I am sure before they get this proposed system into action - years of computer programmes and paperwork to prepare the current government will be long gone, the country will along with most of Europe be struggling to stay solvent or may even end up in a civil or European war - as the circumstances for such things are really ripening up and I am sure all the Far left or Right wing activists, Radicals or Liberators are stirring up for the final push to overthrow someone or other so dont worry about it I am sure it will possibly come this way then we can all Live like communists, Fascists or whatever the circumstances bring along - if it all gets too bad go off on a trip somewhere nice and come back when its all blown over after all there will be no reason to stay here - Russia is nice in Late May and once your in is a reasonably free country these days -well compared to here anyway. :mchappy:

Linzi 31 Mar 2009 19:22

I agree Jake but I fear that first the whole lot of data will be put online and can't then be removed. Later will come the excitement and opportunities for action and some to take advantage during the next round of shuffling. Musn't grumble. Linzi.

Jake 31 Mar 2009 19:44

Oh Grumble you must, tis the lot of the Englishman - the scots have a saying - An Englishman is never so content but when he is Grumbling cant let the side down now can we.

Also remember - Englishmen never will be slaves: they are free to do whatever the government and public opinion allow them to do.

TheEnglishman 31 Mar 2009 19:53


Originally Posted by adventure950 (Post 235848)
Oh Grumble you must, tis the lot of the Englishman - the scots have a saying - An Englishman is never so content but when he is Grumbling cant let the side down now can we.

Also remember - Englishmen never will be slaves: they are free to do whatever the government and public opinion allow them to do.

Oi! I resemble that comment :cool4:

Linzi 31 Mar 2009 20:05

Ah but
But I AM Scots! Well not really anymore. Linzi.

Jake 31 Mar 2009 20:21

Oooh ! Bugger !!

What do you mean not now really ?

Linzi 31 Mar 2009 21:08

Well to be Scots it's really necessary to be either a heavy drinker of lager and whisky or T-total. I take lager every so often. I only recently learned that Ibrox football ground isn't in London. I am usually mistaken for a Canadion due to my accent. I don't get really dangerously aggressive if called English. I haven't been back in the incredibly beautiful land for a looooong time. I hate stewed veggies. I don't drink Barr's Irn Bru, eat salt, fish and chips or anything fried. And I can't stand bloody bagpipes and kilts, highland dancing and all that Victorian shit. I'd probably be disbarred if I claimed to be Scots! Oh and never been to a Burns Supper. Linzi.

Jake 31 Mar 2009 22:25

Linzi I think you have blown it now - there will be a hoot squad on the way If you here the faint sound of pipes in the wind and see Brief flashes of tartan in the crouded streets of Brighton out the corner of the eye - you know there onto you.

Linzi 31 Mar 2009 22:41

Well the one good thing of all that tartan thing is the sexy mini kilt on girls with the right figure-lovely. No sporran of course as there's nothing to hold down. I'd hate to see what would happen to a guy in a kilt here! That would lead to some misunderstanding I fear. I'll stick to skin tight leather myself. Linzi.

ilesmark 1 Apr 2009 10:33

Just seen this thread. Are readers aware that from next January, air passengers to the US from Europe will be required to provide DNA samples at check-in?

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