Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   Central America and Mexico (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/)
-   -   Mexico/Guatemala via Texas May-Jun 2013 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/mexico-guatemala-via-texas-may-69343)

Astockjoc 12 Mar 2013 02:22

Mexico/Guatemala via Texas May-Jun 2013
Heading to Mexico and Guatemala in the May/June 2013 time frame. Exact date to be determined. Currently live on the Florida panhandle. Plan to move through Mexico fairly quickly. I will spend more time in Guatemala to learn some Spanish. And, then further south to Costa Rica. Glad to have company if anyone is planning a ride south at that time. This is my first time on a motorcycle trip of this nature so any suggestions would be appreciated. Have read that a good entry point into Guatemala is La Mesilla. Any route suggestions from Texas would also be helpful.

MikeMike 12 Mar 2013 14:20

If you are coming through Veracruz, let me know and I will send you a ride guide in PDF.
Your first mistake is the idea of going through Mexico quickly. If you do the infamous "green blur" type of ride you are going to miss a lot of interesting things. If you cross at Matamoros, you can come down via the Sierra Madre Oriental and then ride the Teziutlan massif zone from Teziutlan all the way down to Tehuacan and then do Oaxaca and Chiapas and cross into Guatemala. Try to contact Guaterider on this forum for info, as well. If you do the rout outlined above you will need a week or so if you are moving point to point on a daily basis and do some limited sightseeing. If your budget is tight, get Sjoerd's guide books. Even if your budget isn't tight you should get them as there is a huge amount of solid useful information for you. Do the aforementioned and you'll be happy for sure.

Astockjoc 12 Mar 2013 17:06

Thanks MikeMike. I don't want to slight Mexico because i know it is a beautiful country with much to see. My main reason for moving quickly to Guatemala is to learn Spanish. I plan to have an extended stay in Central America, however, i know very little Spanish and Guatemala seems to offer some of the best schools in the region. Having said that, i can easily spend a week in Mexico, enter at Matamoros and swing toward Veracruz. Best route from Matamoros to Veracruz and beyond would be appreciated since i know nothing about the Mexican roads. The budget is ok for that. I will buy Sjoerd's book as well. Thanks, again.

guaterider 13 Mar 2013 14:43

I agree 100% with MikeMike, speeding through Mexico is a big mistake ! Too much you would miss, even without speaking the language .
Let me know what you're interested in , and I can give you some ideas for Guatemala.

Astockjoc 13 Mar 2013 17:01

Thanks for the advise. I'll slow down a bit through Mexico. And, i plan to spend at least a month in Guatemala and maybe more if i continue to make progress with the Spanish. I will contact u for some ideas of things to do and see in Guatemala when i know the arrival dates. If there is a way i can contact you directly, please let me know. Thanks, again Guaterider.

gnosis89 13 Mar 2013 21:06

I´m in souther méxico right now and planning on doing various, if not just one big ¨trip¨ through much of méxico then perhaps heading to central america. Maybe we could meet up at some point....the only thing is I´ll be having a 125c...the honda tool to be exact.

Astockjoc 14 Mar 2013 23:05

Hey gnosis89,

Thanks for the response. I'll let you know on this thread what dates i will be leaving the states on my journey.

bubbalouiex 15 Mar 2013 05:19

Actually I agree with your point about moving thru Mexico quickly. If you don't know much Spanish, how are you going to communicate there?
Much better to go to Antigua, pay someone $5/hr and get the basics.
Mexico will be there on your way home.

MikeMike 15 Mar 2013 16:46


Originally Posted by bubbalouiex (Post 415484)
If you don't know much Spanish, how are you going to communicate there?

About 50% or more of the travelers that come through here, know little or no Spanish. You pick it up along the way. A little here and a little there. I maintain that rushing through Mexico to get to Guatemala is a waste. There is a pace to travel in Mexico that you acquire and go with you get in sync with it, setting long days in the saddle with a green blur going by, invites problems. Plus, even though tolls are half price, the only way to rush through Mexico is to take the cuotas all the way or at least 3/4's of the time. That'll get pricey even at half the cost, after awhile.
Do the green blur if you want, but you'll be leaving too much to see on your way back.

Astockjoc 15 Mar 2013 18:45

Well, after thinking about it, you're right Mike. I can at least ask for" el bano", order a" Cervesa", order a "Taco" and complement the "Bonita Chica's". That's about all i need to know right?

John Hubbard 16 Mar 2013 16:22

I live in Fairhope, AL and plan to leave for Latin America before May 1st '13. This will be my third such trip on Adv. Moto in two years. Spent last summer in Alaska....did Prudhoe Bay and Inuvik....the trip was just under 16,000 miles total. Now my goal is Ushaua in Terra Del Fuego through as many countries as I can manage.

Like you I speak no useful Spanish and plan to do probably two immersion courses....one in Mex. and one in Guatemala.....at least that is my plan at the moment. I plan to take four months in Mex. and Guatemala to learn the ropes...so to speak.

Astockjoc 16 Mar 2013 19:34

Hey John...We are virtually neighbors. I live in the Destin, Fl area about 2 hours from you. If you have any interest, i'd be glad to ride over your way in the next couple of weeks. I'd love to pick your brain since you have done this for awhile. Let me know and give you my personal info via an instant message. Thanks, Gale

motomundo antigua 27 Mar 2013 22:09

looking forward to see you guys in Antigua



ratbikemike 28 Mar 2013 19:25

returning... Centeral America to Alabama
Just after the holidays I will be returning home ( Birmingham, Al) after 7 months and 10,000 miles. I have been in Mexico and Central America. I had no spanish, no internet skills, no gps, had never done wifi before. etc etc. It was wonderful. Do slow down for the wonders of Mexico. These people brought me to the brink of tears repeatedly with their kindness. I would sometimes point and oink to indicate pork taco. But it is hard to do it wrong. I mean it was a great trip for me and I could have done a lot of things different. No regrets. The next trip I will have a gps, already lots more comfortable at the keyboard and know some spanish, will pack lighter etc etc. But for the first trip, it was a good as travel gets. I was surprised at how different the culture is in each country and north vs southern Mexico For a full report see 'ratbikemike in Mexico" on ride taleshttp://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/...a/IMG_3424.jpg

Astockjoc 29 Mar 2013 01:57

Hey Motomundo...Thanks for your response. It's nice to know i'll have some friends i Guatemala.

Astockjoc 29 Mar 2013 13:45

Thanks for your comments ratbikemike. It's nice to know others have done this by the seat of their pants. I get a little intimidated when I read on here and ADV about those skilled enough to tear down and rebulid their bike while on the road in a foreign country. About all i know how to do well is fill the gas tank. However, this site is a great resource for building knowledge for the journey.

MikeMike 29 Mar 2013 17:30


Originally Posted by Astockjoc (Post 417113)
I get a little intimidated when I read on here and ADV about those skilled enough to tear down and rebulid their bike while on the road in a foreign country. About all i know how to do well is fill the gas tank.

That's the easy part. Dealing with customs and brokers for parts is what will try to wear you down!
Seriously, you'll probably find enough garage space, tools, know how, etc...from people networking for forums such as this to always have you back on the road in style.

ratbikemike 29 Mar 2013 18:36

We all have our own long suits and our own characteristics that can be a problem. I do the language poorly. Much of the time I try, but others adapt quicker. And I often connect poorly with those that might enjoy being an asset. I learned from a friend, that travels very light indeed, that on his first trip he was overloaded, just like me and most others. Said ' I brought all that stuff because I was afraid'. Personally, I learned to swim, altho poorly, and brought a life jacket with me. I use it for a pillow while camping. It has been great.... Let me know if I can be any help.

Williamteichroeb 22 May 2013 22:38

south into belize and then Guatemala
Hey guys! I will be leaving Playa Del Carmen on May 29th and start heading south into Belize....From there I plan on crossing into Guatemala 4 days later. I want to spend at least 2 weeks in Guatemala hopefully seeing the beautiful countryside and hiking, camping some nice mountains. Then el Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and finally costa rica......I have never done any trip on a bike before and am super pumped.....if anyone wants to meet up. Let me know! Also I am rocking a little 125 enduro so even if I were planning on going quickly I couldnt!! haha

guaterider 23 May 2013 01:13

Let me know when you are coming to Antigua (a must in Guatemala) , bier is on me !
Small world, I had a good time last year in Chilliwack

Astockjoc 23 May 2013 04:41

Hey guaterider,

I plan to spend at least a month in Guatemala this summer to learn some Spanish. Maybe longer if my little brain can handle it. I'll probably enter at the La Mesilla border town. Thinking of Quetzaltenango or Antigua. Some have said not to ride around the Lake Atitlan area. Any suggestions where would be the best place to settle for a month or two.

kalaharigeorge 23 May 2013 10:00

As an Australian I had fek all exposure to Spanglish before my trip. I had no itinerary and no set plan. Only an arrival and vague return date.

I tried an online course in Spanish and learnt very little. I carried electronic translators, and 2 Spanish language books. Both were a waste of space. Like others have written you'll pickup the essential words very quickly.

Do spend some time in Mexico. It's a wonderful, and surprising, country.

I used the La Mesilla border, as you've proposed, into Guatemala. No problems whatsoever.

Antigua is a must. Go to the Ocelot bar, adjacent to the centre of town. Alot of bikers there, good food and good conversation.

If you have time, consider going north to Belize, via Tikal. I did Antigua to Tikal in a day. Belize moves to a completely different rhythm.

Have a great trip mate.


Originally Posted by Astockjoc (Post 415540)
Well, after thinking about it, you're right Mike. I can at least ask for" el bano", order a" Cervesa", order a "Taco" and complement the "Bonita Chica's". That's about all i need to know right?

guaterider 23 May 2013 13:59


Originally Posted by Astockjoc (Post 423306)
Hey guaterider,

I plan to spend at least a month in Guatemala this summer to learn some Spanish. Maybe longer if my little brain can handle it. I'll probably enter at the La Mesilla border town. Thinking of Quetzaltenango or Antigua. Some have said not to ride around the Lake Atitlan area. Any suggestions where would be the best place to settle for a month or two.

La Mesilla is the best place to cross into Guatemala, very easy border and your bike is always at your sight. After the border you ride for 60 km through a beautiful canyon.

Atitlan : I would not miss it and I would ride around the lake . There have been some security issues on the only unpaved stretch (3km) between Santiago and San Pedro . You can ask for a FREE police escort for this short stretch , but the rest of the ride will more then compensate you for this little inconvenience.

Antigua or Quetzaltenago : Difficult to answer, it depends a lot of what you are looking for . Quetzaltenango is cheaper , colder . Nice dayrides in the surrounding area, the city itself is not beautiful at all.

Antigua : Very interesting colonial town , nice dayrides in the surrounding area, much more tourists so will probably speak more english once out of school,the highend schools are the best in the country, more expensive

Hope this helps

guaterider 23 May 2013 14:01


Originally Posted by kalaharigeorge (Post 423333)

Do spend some time in Mexico. It's a wonderful, and surprising, country.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap:

Astockjoc 23 May 2013 16:16

Thanks guaterider,

I appreciate your advise. I will likely spend some time in each area. Hopefully, i will meet you this summer if you're around.

garrydymond 23 May 2013 18:41

If you want a place to stay in Mex City just tell me.


Astockjoc 23 May 2013 20:00

Thanks Garry,

I will get in touch with you when I'm ready to leave the US and see if you are going to be around. Looks like i will be in your area by early July.

Williamteichroeb 24 May 2013 19:47

Hey!!!! Sweet ill definitely stop by Antigua and send you a message .... Eta approx 2-3 weeks :) hablamos pronto!

coors 11 Jun 2013 06:14

Hey guaterider, bring him at motocafe for a beer bier



motomundo antigua 12 Jun 2013 01:20

cheers mate

Astockjoc 12 Jun 2013 02:51

I will be leaving Florida on June 30th. Plan to be in Guatemala about mid July and will spend at least a month there unless my little brain gets too fried by trying to learn a little Espanol. Look forward to seeing some of you guys along the way if you're going to be around.

John Hubbard 12 Jun 2013 14:33

Hola From Mejico

Originally Posted by Astockjoc (Post 425598)
I will be leaving Florida on June 30th. Plan to be in Guatemala about mid July and will spend at least a month there unless my little brain gets too fried by trying to learn a little Espanol. Look forward to seeing some of you guys along the way if you're going to be around.

Hola Astockjoc,

I have been Mexijo since Mayo 1st....speak little spanish....and like RattlesnakeMike says it works out wonderfully. Finding a hotel has never been a problem. I plan to be in Mexico until maybe August....soooo much to see and the people have been great to me. They are very proud of their country and are grateful that you are spending time here. I am in Puebla now....third day here...next I plan to head to Veracruz. For me Mexico is a good place to get acclimated to Latin America....not that all Latin America is like Mexico, but Mexico has been forgiving, because there has been a learning curve in getting adjusted. If I had one peace of advice it would be do not move to fast....take your time.

Let us keep in touch and see if our schedules work out where we can meet again and compair notes.

Ride Safe,


Astockjoc 12 Jun 2013 18:53

Hey Johnny,

Good to hear from you. I have been following your travel blog. Good stuff. I'll send you an email when i arrive in Mexico. Looks like you're having a good time. Hope we can meet up along the way.


BMWGlenn 24 Jul 2013 04:53

Antigua- beautiful colonial town with a great market and wonderful schools. Quetzaltenango (Xela) - bigger, busier town with some world class sites - hot springs etc nearby. Both places have some of the best Spanish schools / teachers in Latin America. Be sure to opt for the "homestay" with a family, you'll get to practice much more. One of the most important things to do is to not speak, think, or read English for the month or two that you're there. ... Easier said than done, but it can be done. And it can be done much, much more easily in Xela than in Antigua.

Se aprende hablar hablando.

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