Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   Central America and Mexico (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/)
-   -   Lost Driver License in Mexico (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/lost-driver-license-in-mexico-97003)

Sjoerd Bakker 15 Sep 2020 16:11

No shame in that Jamie , I get caught by that detail now and then too. Things are kind of slow on this forum these days because of the scarcity of travel in covid 19 times.

But you do bring up an interesting feature that happens too often here when some person with a pressing question pops up on HU , asks for help , gets a few replies and then is never heard from again :
—No later response to give us some detail on what was eventually accomplished or how the problem was resolved, or not.
—No thank-you and no expanded information that might help other travellers in future to avoid making the same mistakes or give aid if faced with the same problem.

Maybe they do that out of plain forgetfulness or maybe they are ashamed for having to admit that they made silly, dumb choices that led to the problem they had . Or maybe they are resentful because they did not get the answer they wanted for instant resolution of their issue.

If one posted a question ,whether unique or common, it would be considerate to at least give a final summation of how the HU answers helped or proved useless and how one eventually resolved the problem , or dealt with the consequences. Let others learn from your errors or possibly from ours in any off the mark advice we might have given but with good intention .

Grant Johnson 2 Nov 2020 19:46

It's also up to ALL OF US regulars here to be very welcoming, help the newbies out, make them WANT to come back, and when responding say something like

"please let us know what happened or how it worked out in the end to help other travellers like yourself in similar situations"

thanks for all the caring and helping you all do!

Peter Bodtke 19 Nov 2020 02:23

I have a routine before each trip, scan my passport (first and last pages), motorcycle title, credit cards, registration, license, and email them to myself or post to Google Drive. I also save the scans to a USB drive. In the event the originals are lost, I have something to show to officials. I haven't needed to use the scans but sleep better knowing I have them.

kevin.kingma44 5 Mar 2021 00:29

the late reply!
Sorry for the late reply. Its been 2 years and your all probably worried sick thinking ive got murdered!

Im safe and back home... as for an update on the I.D. that was stolen, I contacted service Ontario and they sent another copy. This unfortunately took 4 weeks, as my first application for a new I.D. was completed incorrectly (i found this out after waiting for 2 weeks) so I had to wait another 2 weeks and they sent the drivers license to my Ontario address and then my family had to mail it down to Mexico. I was also issued a new Debit card from my bank... I received this after 1 week.

The funny thing about these mishaps is the new experiences you make because of this. For example I had a tinder date I kept in touch with in CDMX, after this happened she took me in, I lived with her for those 4 weeks, we made some crazzy memories and went on some amazing adventures. Spending those 4 weeks with her was a major highlight of the trip, if i didnt get robbed by thugs I never would have made those memories..

Funny how life works sometimes!

P.S. I made it as far as El Salvador and had to turn around,, maybe next year Argentina..

P.P.S. sorry to keep everyone waiting for this, I will be more accessible in the future... I usually get reminders of messages on my phone but that was stolen aswell lol

Grant Johnson 5 Mar 2021 00:35

Kevin, glad to hear it all worked out -and welcome back to HU!

Sometimes a little detour is a good thing, or at least an experience :)

teevee 6 Mar 2021 02:04

very glad it finally worked out...and to know that tinder worked as well!beer

kevin.kingma44 7 Mar 2021 02:44

I forgot to mention if this happens to anyone else. My 2 options were to request a new I.D. which can take anywhere from 3-5 weeks or fly home and get a new one on the spot. I heard of this happening to another traveller, however he had a friend back home who looked very similar to him... his friend went to service Ontario pretending to be him, got the license on the spot and mailed it to him the next day.... I wouldn't advise this route but its still an option :)

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