Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Flying from Mexico to Cuba while keeping the bike (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/flying-mexico-cuba-while-keeping-83022)

nivspektor 6 Aug 2015 04:47

Flying from Mexico to Cuba while keeping the bike
So I'm planning on crossing with my motorcycle from San Diego to Tijuana and stop there for 2 weeks, fly to Cuba to meet a friend there and come back.
The question is - will I have problems leaving the country for 2 weeks without my motorcycle?
If you know to answer for that than maybe you also have good recommendation where to leave my motorcycle at that time? I thought of paying to a motel or find a good storage place like there are in the states.

markharf 6 Aug 2015 07:29

Mexico doesn't care what you do. Once they've got your deposit you're free to leave the country as often as you want. Of course, if you stay away too long or fail to cancel your TIP in time they confiscate your deposit. Heads they win, tails you lose.

Ask here on the HUBB or on ADVrider for any locals willing to store your bike for a few weeks. Offer to pay in the currency of the realm, i.e., beer. Otherwise, pay to park at a hotel with secure parking, or at an established moto repair shop or dealership. I've asked at whatever hotel I stay at before leaving, and usually moto storage is free with a guarantee that I'll rent a room for a night or two when I return. It's not difficult. Make friendly with (and tip liberally) the lowly security guy who's actually responsible for keeping your bike safe.

Hope that's helpful.


nivspektor 6 Aug 2015 08:06

Very helpful.
Thank you Mark

VicMitch 6 Aug 2015 18:19

Since Tijuana is in Baja, no TIP or deposit required. Chances are you will enter Mexico without even coming to a complete stop. Leave your bike as long as you want.

Peter Bodtke 12 Sep 2015 21:46

VicMitch is correct, you don't need TVIP paper while in Baja. Cross over to mainland Mexico (mostl commonly by ferry...) and you have to get the importation paperwork. So, you can leave a bike in the Baja for a long time without worry about losing a deposit, because you haven't imported the bike...

Try this HUBB feature to find a local person.
Contact a Community | Horizons Unlimited

Do something nice for them, like bring back a bottle of Havana Club Ron or some cigars to show you care. I left my bike with a guy in Bolivia when I travel home for three weeks. I got in touch with him via the Contact a Community feature. You can use it for country specific advice, like where to get good tires in Mexico, DF.

PS: Take lots of Euros to Cuba. If you have US credt cards or ATM cards, they won't work in Cuba. You'll get charge a 10% 'commission' for exchanging US dollars. So take a stack of Euros and you'll get the best exchange rate. Do your research before going, because the Internet sucks big time in Cuba. Slow as beans and expensive. Have fun!

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