R60/6 water crossings - how?
Greetings all,
I'm sitting at the Oasis in UB now with my 1975 R60/6. Hadn't originally planned on it, but have been offered the opportunity to join some folks for a trip west along the southern route to the Russian border. My only real concern is being able to button the bike up tight enough for several river crossings through which the bike would need to be walked; one reportedly 60cm deep. Just wondering if anyone out there might have any advice and tips as to how to waterproof the drive train so as to not get water in the wrong places. Up to about 25cm is rideable, anything over that and it will need to be bundled up. Thanks, |
I think gaffer tape could come to the rescue here, the most likely places for water to get in are the speedo cable, gearbox breather which if you don;t know is the bolt holding the earth strap onto the gearbox and the bevel box filler/breather. If you can get it to stick some tape over all of these for the crossing should do the job although I have had my G/S drive train underwater a few times and never had water get in. If you are concerned it might have done drain a little oil after your trip and check it hasn't gone milky with water contamination.
Thanks Mark,
I didn't think about that, but you're right about the speedo cable as a leak there would provide direct access to the timing chain case and from there, the crankcase. The other place I'm particularly concerned about is the final drive as it has that open top vent. Maybe a cap of some sort, filled with grease and secured there would slow things down. The airbox with the paper filter would also need to be protected (or better yet, the filter removed) and the carb air intakes plugged up. I have the newer spring-loaded crankcase breather valve so I doubt much would get into the crankcase via the crankcase breather tube. The only thing I'm not too concerned about are the points as they will flood for sure but it's easy enough to take the front cover off and blow them out. I just need to keep water out of all the oil systems. I'm beginning to realize now just how much futzing around it could be at every significant crossing. With paved roads now past Moron to Lake Khuvsgul in the north and paved roads south well into the Gobi, there are lots of easier places to explore. I'm beginning to think that a polite "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks" may be in order. |
2 Lilos and float it across with a helper on either side. Or if you are lazy and cant be bothered unpacking, make that four lilos.
Can you still buy lilos? |
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