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-   -   Can I sell a bike from Chile in Peru? Or other country... (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/south-america/can-i-sell-bike-chile-67153)

kendo 5 Nov 2012 01:55

Can I sell a bike from Chile in Peru? Or other country...
Hola, need some advice please...

I bought my Chilean bike in Chile and have travelled around South America.
Crossing borders I get temporary import certificates from the Aduana/Customs folks with a limited time period.
Can I sell this bike in another South American country without problems when I leave the country? I am in Peru so would consider selling here or in brazil or Colombia.
I am just worried that if I do sell in another country except Chile I will have problems with customs when exiting without the bike.

Any experience out there?


muitomaluco 11 Oct 2014 00:22

Have you found out if its possible to sell the Chilean bike in Peru?

I´m planning to do the same: Buy a bike in Chile and sell it after 6months in Peru. Have you found out how/if it works? How much was/is the import tax in Peru a Peruano has to pay? Would anyone buy? Any problems with the Rut from Chile if you export the bike? (I´ve read that you´re only allowed to bring a chilen bike out of the country for 6 months... So: would that mean trouble if I come back to Chile in maybe 2 years and want to buy another bike?

Thanks for all answers!

ridetheworld 11 Oct 2014 14:49

Hi all,

I bought in Chile and would like to sell in Colombia - again, any people out there bought a Chilean plated vehicle, rode it back to Chile and managed to sell it without the previous owner present?

If so... was it just a case of going to a notoria? If anyone could shed some light on this, it would be really useful for all those who buy in Chile but do not necessarily wish to return, and for those buying Chilean plated bikes with the intent to return to Chile...

My plan was to return to Chile and sell there, but plans change so would rather ride up to Colombia but don't have the time to ride back... Any advice would be great.


PatAdventure 15 Oct 2014 16:59

It is my understanding that Chilean registered bikes are not allowed to be sold in Peru. There is a law there.

Selling in Colombia?, as far I know only new bikes tare allowed to be nationalized , unless you know a very good lawyer and do things under the table. Which I am not supporting.

Bolivia, Paraguay is possible

ridetheworld 18 Oct 2014 03:25

Can I sell a bike from Chile in Peru? Or other country...
Pat do you know if one could theoretically sell to another traveller outside of Chile after which they could then sell legally once they arrive back in the country?


ta-rider 18 Oct 2014 05:59

The only legal way to transfere ownership of a chilean bike is in chile in front of a notaria. You can sell bikes between boarders and change the name n the papers but then the new owner cant ride to chile and the old owber might get problems if his biike stays out of the countey more then 6 months. I learned the hard way :-(

ridetheworld 20 Oct 2014 01:27

Why, what happened?

Groschi 21 Oct 2014 01:46

If buyer and seller don't go together to the notaria in Chile the bike can never again be sold legally in Chile, and most likely not even make it over the border into Chile.
Try and come back to Chile to sell your bike here.

Valparaíso, Chile

Two Moto Kiwis 14 Nov 2014 17:02

A slight deviation on the Ops question and hope you don't mind, can a US plated bike be sold in Chile?

Cheers Andi

ktmclaire 23 Dec 2014 17:38

Hi - do ou mind explaining the 6 months reference? id like to purchase a bike in Chile and take it out of the country. But do i have to return after 6 months? Thanks


ridetheworld 26 Dec 2014 20:57


I actually have the paper so will look at it later. I just assumed it gives me six months as that is what other people seem to get. As far as I know you could just cross the boarder and leave again with another six months but yes as I understand it you do need to return with the vehicle within that timeframe. Not doing so apparently results in fines. Likewise if you sold it to another foreigner they could be liable when they tried to re-enter Chile and besides it would seem they would then be unable to sell the vehicle and would presumably not legally be the owner because of the apparent need to have the previous owner physically present when transferring the title of the bike in Chile. If you had no intention of ever returning to Chile I suppose you can sell the bike Illegally 'sin papeles' but maybe you would get less than its market value (or maybe more in certain countries!?). Hope this helps.

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