Travel Through Luxembourg on a Harley-Davidson

By Peter & Kay Forwood

Luxembourg on a Harley (1/4/98 - 4/4/98)
Distance 214 km (94362 km to 94576 km)

This is part of the third section of our around the world trip.
Complete Trip Overview & Map

Coming from  France

2/4/98 Perched on top of a rocky outcrop at a sharp bend in the river, Luxembourg City has existed since 963 and although fought over many times its increasingly strong fortifications and tunnel network protected it till the 15th century. We toured the tunnels and strolled around the towns older buildings. The cheapest hotel in town was $US 40 so it was a stay in the youth hostel, a 20 bed dorm, full and with a squeaky door, bodies arriving leaving and toileting all night, but breakfast was included and there were plenty of people to meet and discuss travel stories over a beer.

3/4/98 A tour round Luxembourg, the country, drizzling rain all day not making being outside much fun. We did manage to see the Mozelle River, (yes where that sweet favourite cheap wine of the seventies, popular with the "in" crowd, and responsible for many of my early hangovers, was made) and a couple of rebuilt or restored castles in other towns to the North. Europe in Spring has that look of one enormous manicured garden, the grass bright green, the trees planted in rows or neatly cleared of dead wood and branches. The rivers have been tamed thorough dams, weirs and locks, the cars on unblemished clean shouldered roads and the people on cobblestone footpaths directed by lights and zebra crossings.Just some magnificent buildings, even in the rain All the wild has been tamed or made extinct. Wild animals gone, wild rivers gone, wild vegetation clipped and pruned, wild people????

Move with us to  Belgium or go to our next visit to Luxembourg





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Story and photos copyright Peter and Kay Forwood, 1996-
All Rights Reserved.

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