China for 20 minutes on a Harley-Davidson

By Peter & Kay Forwood

China on a Harley (22/4/97)
Distance 8 km

This is part of the second section of our around the world trip.
Complete Trip Overview & Map

Coming from  Pakistan

22/4/97 We were at the top of the Karakoram highway at the Khunjerab Pass, altitude 4700 metres (15300 ft). The border didn't officially open till 1st of May and the Chinese officials were at their winter post some five kilometres into China. So naturally I rode into China for four kilometres and returned to the border whereupon the Pakistan official, who had arrived by jeep, proceeded to threaten me with arrest and insisted I leave immediately as I would surely have started an international incident.

He then left, with my wife and I standing alone to face the all terrain vehicle rolling up the hill towards us from the Chinese border position. Not wishing trouble I rolled the motorcycle to the Pakistan side of the border and prepared for the worst. Five minutes later the Chinese border guards arrived but instead of toting guns they were toting handshakes and cameras. After posing with the motorbike at the border, we were invited to the checkpoint for tea which we declined due to the Pakistan official's previous reactions.Highest border crossing in the world, 4700m, Pakistan and China

Whilst an incredibly short encounter with China it was very memorable and as soon as they remove the ridiculous requirements to ride your own vehicle in their country I hope to have a much longer encounter.

Move with us to Pakistan




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Story and photos copyright Peter and Kay Forwood, 1996-
All Rights Reserved.

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