First of all...

Thank you for your interest in being a presenter or "remote" presenter at an Horizons Unlimited event. Whether you've presented in the past or you're thinking about giving it a go for the first time, we're really looking forward to seeing your ideas.

We can't guarantee that you'll end up being included in the final event schedule, but we will confirm one way or the other as soon as we can. If your plans change in the meantime, please let us know.

Four Days & Five Tracks

The first presentations at most events begin on the Thursday afternoon, with a full schedule of sessions running right through until late Saturday night and sometimes Sunday morning.

The schedule will be organized in five "HUBB Tracks", or themes, as follows: Get Inspired, Get Ready, Gear Up, On The Road and Connect

Presentation Formats

We'll have 40 minute and 90 minute sessions available for presentations, workshops, Q&As and demonstrations. We're also introducing a brand new Pecha Kucha format, in which you have 20 slides each staying on screen for 20 seconds. It's a fast-paced and entertaining way to get your message across in 6 minutes and 40 seconds! (watch examples)

Presentation Facilities

The venues have varied facilities, but always separate presentation rooms for talks and outside space for practical sessions.

Each room will have a laptop running Microsoft PowerPoint and most will also have a PA system so you won't have to shout. If you use KeyNote, you'll need to bring your own Mac with you. Computer and AV equipment won't generally be available for outside sessions.

A Presentation Crew volunteer will be on hand to make sure you don't over-run and that all the electrickery works as it should. Some of the presentations may be filmed for use by Horizons Unlimited.

Remote "Web Chat" Presentations

Being able to include Skype-based presentations from travellers out on the road adds another exciting and interactive element to our events.

Assuming your journey goes according to plan, consider where you're likely to be during the event, what time zone you'll be in, and how practical it may be for you to access a reasonably good Internet connection.

Think carefully about what you'd like to talk about (and be asked about) during a 30-40 minute Skype session and whether or not you'll have photos, video or PowerPoint-style slides we'll need to display for you at the same time.

Remember that HU Events are all about
Inspiring, Informing and Connecting overland adventure travellers

Before you complete the form, please read the following:

The form is quite long, with many options, and includes space for up to several different presentation ideas.
Be prepared to provide the following BEFORE starting the form:

  • Presenter Profile: about you in no more than 50 words
  • These are the two bits of information that will appear on the event schedule if your idea is accepted:
    • Presentation Title: prepare a snappy and interesting title that's no more than 40 characters long (including spaces)
    • Presentation Summary: no more than 140 characters long (including spaces)
  • Presentation Description: as much as you think necessary to tell us about your presentation. Some of this may be used in the description of the event, but is primarily for our reference

Give yourself plenty of time to think about what (and how) you'd like to present.

Then return to this page to complete the form.

Step 1:    Presenting At The Event Or Remotely From On The Road

PLEASE submit your request at least 30 days prior to the event.

Throughout this form * indicates a required entry or selection.

Presenting At The Event Or From On The Road? *
I would like to present in person at the event  
I will be on the road and would like to give a live web chat  

Step 1 Complete  -  Click The Button Below To Continue